

原标题:来华旅游签证现在开放了吗?外国人来华旅游需要如何办理签证? 作为拥有五千多年历史的文明古国,中国拥有着众多吸引人的优秀文化,值得品鉴的美食以及许多非常值得游玩的景点,充满着十足魅力的中国令许多外国人心驰神往,尤其是近几年想要来中国生活和发展的外国人越来越多。


As an ancient civilization with a history of more than 5,000 years, China has many attractive excellent cultures, delicious food and many scenic spots worth visiting. China, full of charm, has fascinated many foreigners, especially in recent years, more and more foreigners want to live and develop in China. 但因为新冠疫情的影响导致大家来华的脚步一直被阻碍,来华旅游更是一直暂停导致许多外籍小伙伴无法实现来华旅游计划。


但眼看着天气转暖,现在正是游玩的好天气,如果现在大家想要来华旅游可以申请旅游签证吗?现在来华旅游签证已经开放了吗?针对于大家的疑问,今天北士顿BEISTON就来和大家详细的聊一聊 However, due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, everyones pace of coming to China has been hindered, and travel to China has been suspended, which has caused many foreign partners to fail to realize their travel plans to China. But seeing the weather getting warmer, its a good day to play. Can you apply for a tourist visa if you want to travel to China now? Has the tourist visa for China been opened now? In response to your questions, BEISTON, Beiston, will come to talk to you in detail today. 为了进一步便利中外人员往来,自3月15日起我国将外国人来华签证及入境政策进行如下调整: In order to further facilitate the exchange of Chinese and foreign personnel, since March 15th, China has adjusted the visa and entry policies for foreigners in China as follows: 1、恢复2020年3月28日前签发且仍在有效期内的签证入境功能 Restore the entry function of visas issued before March 28th, 2020 and still within the validity period. 2、驻外签证机关恢复审发外国人各类赴华签证,具体要求详见办证须知 The visa authorities abroad will resume the examination and issuance of various visas for foreigners to China. For specific requirements, please refer to the application instructions. 3、口岸签证机关恢复审发符合法定事由的各类口岸签 The port visa authority resumes the examination and issuance of all kinds of port visas that meet the legal reasons. 4、恢复海南入境免签、上海邮轮免签,港澳地区外国人组团入境广东免签、东盟旅游团入境广西桂林免签政策 Restore the visa-free entry policies for Hainan and Shanghai cruise ships, visa-free entry for foreigners from Hong Kong and Macao to Guangdong and visa-free entry for ASEAN tour groups to Guilin, Guangxi. 此政策的第二条明确说明了中国现如今已恢复审发各类赴华签证,这其中就包括来华旅游签证,也就是说暂停了近3年之久的旅游签证在大家的期盼中已经如愿恢复啦!许多有来华旅游需求的小伙伴迫不及待的开始制定来华旅游计划,纷纷准备着来华旅游签证的办理。


Article 2 of this policy clearly states that China has now resumed the examination and issuance of various visas to China, including tourist visas to China, which means that tourist visas that have been suspended for nearly three years have been resumed as expected! Many *** all partners who need to travel to China cant wait to start making travel plans to China, and they are preparing to apply for tourist visas to China. 那么外国人来华旅游签证到底要如何办理呢?专注于来华项目多年的北士顿BEISTON为您整理出来华旅游签证的申办材料清单供您参考: So how do foreigners apply for a tourist visa to China? BEISTON, who has been focusing on projects in China for many years, has compiled a list of application materials for tourist visas in China for your reference: 1、有效期半年以上的护照(有空白签证页的护照原件及护照照片资料页复印件1份) Passport valid for more than half a year (original passport with blank visa page and 1 copy of passport photo page) 2、中华人民共和国签证申请表 Peoples Republic of China (PRC) visa application form 3、1张粘贴在申请表上的近期拍摄的证明,彩色,免冠护照照片 One recent photo, color and bareheaded passport photo affixed to the application form. 4、往返机票预订单和酒店订单等行程材料,或中国境内单位或个人出具的邀请函件,该邀请函件需要包含以下内容: Travel materials such as round-trip air ticket reservation and hotel order, or an invitation letter issued by a unit or individual in China, which needs to include the following contents: (1)被邀请人的个人信息:姓名,行呗,出生日期等 Personal information of the invitee: name, address and date of birth, etc. (2)被邀请人的行程安排信息:抵离日期,旅游地点等 The itinerary information of the invitee: arrival and departure date, tourist location, etc. (3)被邀请单位或邀请人的信息:邀请单位或邀请人的名字,联系电话,地址,单位印章,由法定代表或邀请人签字等 Information of the invited unit or inviter: name, telephone number, address, seal of the unit, signed by the legal representative or inviter, etc. 5、邀请人的中国居民身份证复印件或外国人护照及中国合法居留证件复印件 A copy of the inviters Chinese identity card or a copy of the foreigners passport and Chinas legal residence certificate. 6、如果申请人不在国籍国申请签证,那么需要提供合法停留或居留证件 If the applicant does not apply for a visa in the country of nationality, he needs to provide a legal stay or residence certificate. 7、其他支持性文件按需提供即可 Other supporting documents can be provided as required. 需注意来华旅游签证的办理需要您保证入境目的的真实性,并有足够的理由和证明材料证明您的入境目的是旅游,不得持有旅游签证在华工作或学习等。


It should be noted that the processing of tourist visas in China requires you to ensure the authenticity of the purpose of entry, and have sufficient reasons and supporting materials to prove that your purpose of entry is touri *** , and you are not allowed to work or study in China with a tourist visa. 因为申请材料对于签证的办理来说至关重要,因此大家最好在申请签证之前做好充足准备,保证所提供的材料均都是符合要求的,真实的,完整的材料,以免造成拒签的结果。


Because the application materials are very important for visa processing, it is best for everyone to make adequate preparations before applying for a visa to ensure that all the materials provided are in line with the requirements, true and complete, so as to avoid the result of visa refusal. 最后北士顿BEISTON想要提醒大家,来华签证的办理需要一定的专业能力,许多申请人由于并不了解来华签证的办理因此会选择通过第三方平台协助办理,但市面上的代办中介鱼龙混杂,许多看似专业的中介其实并没有相关的办理资质,如果大家不慎选择这种不良中介,那么很容易造成您的损失,因此为了大家利益考虑最好谨慎选择委托中介,谨防上当受骗! Finally, BEISTON in Beiston would like to remind everyone that visa processing in China requires a certain professional ability. Many applicants will choose to assist in visa processing through a third-party platform because they dont know much about it. However, there are a lot of agents in the market, and many seemingly professional agents actually dont have the relevant qualifications. If you accidentally choose this bad agent, it will easily cause your losses. Therefore, for everyones benefit, youd better choose the entrusted agent carefully and beware of being cheated! 以上就是北士顿BEISTON为您准备的全部内容啦,希望对您有所帮助,那关于来华旅游签证您还有哪些疑问呢?欢迎您随时和北士顿BEISTON取得联系,专注于来华项目15年的北士顿BEISTON拥有非常丰富的来华签证办理经验,可以随时为您提供专业指导,协助您顺 *** 华~ Thats all that BEISTON has prepared for you. I hope it will help you. What questions do you have about the tourist visa to China? You are *** to get in touch with BEISTON at any time. BEISTON, who has been focusing on projects in China for 15 years, has very rich experience in visa processing in China and can provide you with professional guidance at any time to help you come to China *** oothly ~返回搜狐,查看更多 责任编辑: 。