

原标题:外国人来华工作怎么办理签证?仅持有中国工作签能在华合法就业吗 众所周知,想要出国那就需要办理目的国的签证,外国人来华也同样,如果外籍友人想要来华那么就需要按照具体的来华事由办理相对应的来华签证。


As we all know, if you want to go abroad, you need to apply for a visa to the destination country, and so do foreigners coming to China. If foreign friends want to come to China, they need to apply for a corresponding visa to China according to specific reasons. 因为来华签证种类较多,细分也非常明确,因此选择适合自己的来华签证并不困难,随着中国“乙类乙管”总体方案的正式实施,来华的外国人越来越多,尤其是来华工作的外国人更是持续占据榜首。


Because there are many kinds of visas in China, and the subdivision is very clear, it is not difficult to choose the visa that suits you. With the formal implementation of the overall plan of "Class B and Management" in China, more and more foreigners come to China, especially those who work in China continue to occupy the top spot. 因此中国工作签证的办理成为了大家十分关心的问题,许多申请人觉得只要持有中国工作签证那么就可以在华合法就业,这种想法其实是错误的,想要在华工作并不是仅持有中国工作签证就可以的,为了让大家更加了解来华工作证件的办理,今天北士顿为您详细讲解一下中国工作签证。


Therefore, the handling of Chinas work visa has become a matter of great concern to everyone. Many applicants think that they can legally work in China as long as they hold a Chinas work visa. This idea is actually wrong. If you want to work in China, you dont just need to hold a Chinas work visa. In order to let everyone know more about the handling of work certificates in China, Beiston will explain Chinas work visa in detail today. 首先您需要了解在华合法工作的流程都有哪些,首先您需要获得中国工作许可通知,然后办理中国工作签证(Z字签证),最后申领中国工作许可证和工作类居留许可。


First of all, you need to know what are the procedures for legal work in China. First, you need to get a work permit notice from China, then apply for a work visa (Z visa) in China, and finally apply for a work permit and a work residence permit in China. 根据《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》第四十一条规定:外国人在中国境内工作,应当按照规定取得工作许可和工作类居留证件,任何单位和个人不得聘用未取得工作许可和工作类居留证件的外国人。


According to Article 41 of the Exit and Entry Administration Law of Peoples Republic of China (PRC), foreigners working in China shall obtain work permits and work-related residence certificates in accordance with regulations, and no unit or individual may employ foreigners who have not obtained work permits and work-related residence certificates. 也就是说严格来讲此工作签证非彼工作签证,您所持有工作签证入境中国后还需要申领工作许可及工作类居留许可才可以在华合法就业,否则将被视为非法就业。


That is to say, strictly speaking, this work visa is not another work visa. After you enter China, you need to apply for a work permit and a work residence permit before you can legally work in China, otherwise it will be regarded as illegal employment. 那么在办理工作签证准备入境中国的时候,您可以参考以下申请材料清单进行准备: Then when you apply for a work visa to enter China, you can refer to the following list of application materials for preparation: 1、有效期半年以上的护照(有空白签证页的护照原件及1分护照照片资料页复印件) Passport valid for more than half a year (original passport with blank visa page and 1 copy of passport photo page) 2、1份《中华人民共和国签证申请表》(需要根据您真实情况填写完整并签字) One Peoples Republic of China (PRC) Visa Application Form (complete and signed according to your actual situation). 3、近期拍摄的正面,免冠,彩色护照照片(粘贴在申请表上面) A recent photo of the front, bareheaded and color passport (pasted on the application form). 4、如您不在国籍国申请签证,那么需要提供所在国合法停留,居留,工作,学习的有效证明或有效签证原件和复印件 If you do not apply for a visa in your country of nationality, you need to provide a valid certificate of legal stay, residence, work and study in your country or the original and photocopy of a valid visa. 5、以下材料之一: One of the following materials: (1)人力资源和社会保障部门签发的《外国人就业许可证书》以及《被授权单位邀请函》或《邀请确认函》 Employment Permit for Foreigners issued by the human resources and social security department, and Invitation Letter or Invitation Confirmation Letter from the Authorized Unit. (2)外国专家局签发的《外国专家来华工作许可证》以及《被授权单位邀请函》或《邀请确认函》 The Permit for Foreign Experts to Work in China and the Invitation Letter or Invitation Confirmation Letter from the Authorized Unit issued by the Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs. (3)文化行政主管部门签发的商业性文艺演出批件(只适用于来华进行商业演出的申请人)和有关省(区,市)人民 *** 外办签发的《被授权单位邀请函》或《邀请确认函》 The approval document for commercial cultural performances issued by the administrative department of culture (only applicable to applicants who come to China for commercial performances) and the Invitation Letter or Invitation Confirmation Letter issued by the Foreign Affairs Office of the peoples government of the relevant province (autonomous region or municipality). (4)工商行政管理部门签发的外国(地区)企业《常驻代表机构登记证明》以及《被授权单位邀请函》或《邀请确认函》 Registration Certificate of Resident Representative Office of foreign (regional) enterprises and Invitation Letter or Invitation Confirmation Letter of Authorized Unit issued by the administrative department for industry and commerce. (5)中国海洋石油总公司签发的《外国人在中华人民共和国从事海上石油作业邀请信》 Invitation Letter for Foreigners to Engage in Offshore Oil Operations in Peoples Republic of China (PRC) issued by China Offshore Oil Corporation. 在您持有中国工作签证入境后,需要及时申领工作许可证,您还需要准备以下申请材料: After you enter China with a work visa, you need to apply for a work permit in time. You also need to prepare the following application materials: 1、申请人所持签证(Z字或R字)或有效居留许可 Visa (Z or R) or valid residence permit held by the applicant. 护照(或国际旅行证件)签证页,入境签章页或居留许可信息页 Passport (or international travel document) visa page, entry signature page or residence permit information page. 2、体检证明 Physical examination certificate 合同应当包括工作地点,内容,薪酬,来华工作时间,职位,盖章页(签字) The contract shall include the place of work, content, salary, working time in China, position and seal page (signature). 3、聘用合同 Employment contract 中国检验检疫机构出具的境外人员体格检查记录验证证明或健康检查证明书,签发时间在6个月内 The verification certificate or health examination certificate of overseas personnels physical examination records issued by China inspection and quarantine institution shall be issued within 6 months. 如果您需要委托专业平台为您提供签证指导,那么一定要擦亮眼睛,毕竟市面上所谓的专业平台也并非都具有专业性,如果大家没有了解清楚就盲目签约,那么一旦遇到黑中介,那么很容易造成大家的损失,因此为了大家的利益着想,在选择中介的时候一定要谨慎。


If you need to entrust a professional platform to provide you with visa guidance, you must keep your eyes open. After all, not all the so-called professional platforms in the market are professional. If you blindly sign a contract without knowing clearly, it will easily cause you losses once you encounter a black intermediary. Therefore, for the sake of everyones interests, you must be cautious when choosing an intermediary. 以上就是北士顿为您分享的全部内容啦,希望对您有所帮助,那关于中国工作签证您还有哪些疑问呢?欢迎您随时和北士顿取得联系,专注于来华项目15年的北士顿将为您提供一对一专业指导,协助您如愿来华工作~ Thats all that Beiston shared for you. I hope it will help you. What questions do you have about Chinas work visa? You are *** to get in touch with Beishidun at any time. Beishidun, who has been focusing on projects in China for 15 years, will provide you with one-on-one professional guidance to help you work in China as you wish ~返回搜狐,查看更多 责任编辑: 。