



2、“和谐相处”英语可以说:in harmony with...,例如“与自然和谐相处”就可以说:in harmony with nature。

3、to get along with ...to hang out with ...前一个就是跟人相处,后一个更有一起玩的意思。

4、There are many good ways to get along with your parents. You can tell your parents what you think and share your worries with them.与父母相处有许多好办法,可以把自己心里想的事说给父母听,与父母一起分忧。

5、相处得好 get along well(1) get along “相处融洽”英语解释为if two or more people get along, they have a friendly relationship。


与某人相处得好的英文: get along well with ; getting along ; get on well with *** 示例:I found it important to get along well with friends.我认为和朋友友好的相处是在非常重要的。

与某人相处融洽译为Get on well with somebody或是get along well with somebody。

get on with living接着活下去 get on well with相处融洽;与;与…相处融洽;相处融恰 get on with *** 与某人相处 get on the with与 get on with sth某事进展如何 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。

get on with ... ( 与相处),中的on是副词,with 是介词,去掉with ,副词后是不能接His sister 的,只有加了介词with,His sister 才可以作其逻辑宾语。

krs] 。释义:从一边到另一边。语法:across用作副词时基本意思是“在〔到〕对面”。与静态动词连用多表示位置“在对面”,与动态动词连用多表示位置“向对面”“从这一边到另一边”。


和平地:peacefully灭亡:perish如释负重:as if relieved of a heavy load另外:In addition实话实说:tell truth期望:expectations与。。

hand的短语与搭配 at hand(1) 在手边,在近处。如:He lives close at hand. 他就住在附近。I always keep a dictionary (ready) at hand. 我经常把字典放在手边。(2) 即将到来。


我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 中英语知识总结--短语、词组和重点句型归纳短语、词组归纳 由动词开头构成的短语、词组很多。

资料拓展 参考百度翻译、牛津词典等,以上英文单词或词组的具体释义如下:agree with 与某人[观点]一致, 同意[赞同]某人的意见;与…相符, 与…一致;(气候、食物等)适合于;相合。


1、to get along with ...to hang out with ...前一个就是跟人相处,后一个更有一起玩的意思。

2、相处的英语是 get along with each other 或 get on with eachother。

3、get along well with、 get on well with、live in harmony with...这些词组都是这个意思。希望可以帮到你,望采纳,谢谢。


与某人相处融洽译为Get on well with somebody或是get along well with somebody。

There are many good ways to get along with your parents. You can tell your parents what you think and share your worries with them.与父母相处有许多好办法,可以把自己心里想的事说给父母听,与父母一起分忧。

“和谐相处”英语可以说:in harmony with...,例如“与自然和谐相处”就可以说:in harmony with nature。

与某人相处得好的英文: get along well with ; getting along ; get on well with *** 示例:I found it important to get along well with friends.我认为和朋友友好的相处是在非常重要的。

和某人和解 When the new ruler came to power, he made peace with all his former enemies.新统治者上台执政后, 他与一切宿敌都和解了。