

简单的日常英语对话短文 *** ?

简单的日常英语对话短文篇1 Steven es to China for travelling. Now he wantsto change his travellers cheque into RMB.史蒂文到中国来旅行。现在他想把他的旅行支票兑换成人民币。

简单英语对话短文带翻译篇一 A:It seems to me that you fall for good-looking guys.A:好像你挺喜欢帅小伙的。B:Yeah.B:是的。

两人简单英语对话短文1 A:What happened?发生了什么事?B:I dont know.我不知道。A:Lets stop and have a look.我们停下来去看看吧。B:Dont waste time.别浪费时间了。

两人简单的英语对话短文1 A:Im starving to death. What about you?我饿死了。你呢?B:Yeah, Im starving too! Where do you want to have dinner?我也是,我快饿死了。


1、日常英语口语对话范文一: Clerk:Good morning. Wilson Association。Brown:This is Mr. Brown speaking. Id like to speak to Mr. Thomas。

2、关于最简单的英语对话篇一 Clerk:Can I help you?Susan:Id like the Double Cheese Burger Meal, please。Clerk:What kind of drink would you like with that?Susan:Just a Coke will be fine。


4、日常简单实用英语口语 I appreciate Johns helping in time.我感谢约翰的及时帮助。 I bought it the day it was released.它发行的当天我就买了。


简单的日常英语对话短文一 In the office, Steven and Jack are talking about the recent election.办公室里,史蒂文和杰克讨论着近来的竞选。

日常生活英语对话一 A:Have you finished your work?A:你的活干完了吗?B:Not because Im keeping an eye on the baby.B:没有,因为我一直在照顾那个小婴儿。

A: Can you help me set up my voicemail message? I just got this service and I am not really sure what I am supposed to say.你能帮我设置一下语音信箱留言吗?我刚开通这个服务,我不确定我该说什么。

丈夫: Let’s go to the new restaurant near the park.我们去公园边上新开的餐馆吃吧。妻子: OK, anyway,we don’t want to cook.好,反正我们都不想煮。

简单的日常英语对话短文篇1 Steven es to China for travelling. Now he wantsto change his travellers cheque into RMB.史蒂文到中国来旅行。现在他想把他的旅行支票兑换成人民币。

日常简单实用英语口语 I appreciate Johns helping in time.我感谢约翰的及时帮助。 I bought it the day it was released.它发行的当天我就买了。