



经典?首首都经典啊,但论歌词,还是i need a doctor 经典

Dr. Dre – I Need A Doctor (feat. Eminem Liz Rodrigues)


I’m about to lose my mind


You’ve been gone for so long


I’m running out of time


I need a doctor


Call me a doctor


I need a doctor, doctor


To bring me back to life



I told the World one day I would pay it back


Say it on tape, and lay it, record it

我要对着录音带说 把话录下来

So that one day I could play it back


But I don’t even know if I would leave it when I’m saying that

当我这么说的时候 我却不知道我是否会去这样做

Ya’ll start to creep in, everyday its so grey and black

自从他们进入了我的生活 日子是如此灰暗

Hope I just need a ray of that


Cause no one see’s my vision when I play it for em


They just say its wack

他们只说这歌好差劲 (wack 差劲 烂的意思)

Thye don’t know what dope is

他们根本不懂欣赏 (dope 酷 好的意思)

And I don’t know if I was awake or asleep


When I wrote this,


All I know is you came to me when I was at my lowest

脑中只想到在我人生最低谷时 你来到了我身边

You picked me up, breeding life in me

你把我拉出低谷 让我焕发了新生

I owe my life to you


Before the life of me, I dont see why you dont see like I do

在你到来之配塌前 我不知道为什么他们不能明白我的看法

But it just dawned on me you lost a son


See this light in you, it’s dark. let me turn on the lights and brighten me and lighten you

你被黑暗笼罩着 让我打开光芒重新点亮我俩

I dont think you realise what you mean to me


Not the slightest clue


Cause me and you were like a crew


I was like your sidekick


You gon either wanna fight me when I get off this f-cking mic

如果我放弃唱歌 你一定会冲动地想打我

Or you gon hug me


But I’m not an option, theres nothing else I can do cause…

可我没别的选择 我只会干这个 因为

I’m about to lose my mind


You’ve been gone for so long


I’m running out of time


I need a doctor


Call me a doctor


I need a doctor, doctor


To bring me back to life



It hurts when I see you struggle


You come to me with ideas


You say there pieces so I’m puzzled

你说 (there pieces不知道什么意思) 我迷惑了

Cause the shit I hear is crazy


But your either getting lazy or you don’t believe in you no more

你变得无所事事 不再相信自己

See***ike your own opinions, not one you can form


Cant make a decision keep questioning yourself

做不了决定 不断怀疑自己

Second guessing and its almost like your begging for my help

你只会打马后炮 几乎事事都要我来帮忙

Like I’m your leader


Your susposed to be my f-cking mentor


I can endure no more,


I demand you remember who you are


It was YOU, who believed in me


When everyone was telling you dont sign me


Everyone at the f-cking label


lets tell the truth,You risked your career for me

说真的 你为了我 把自己事业全赌了下去

I know it as well as you


Nobody wanted to f-ck with the white boy


Thats why I’m crying in this booth


You saved my life, now maybe its my time to save yours

你拯救了我的一生 也许现在轮到我来拯救你了

But I can never repay you what you did for me is way more


But I aint giving up faith and you aint giving up on me

但我不会放弃信仰 你也不会放弃我

Get up Dre, I’m dying I need you, for f-cks sake

振作吧 dre,我很痛苦 我需要你振作, 我cao ta niang de


[Dr Dre]

It literally feels like a lifetime ago


But I still remember the shit like it was yesterday though


You walked in, yellow jump suit

你走了进来 一身黄色的连衣裤

Whole room, cracked jokes

整个房间 (cracked jokes不知意思)

Once you got inside the booth, told you, like *** oke

有次你进录音室 我对你说 (like *** oke我不知意思)

Went through friends, some of them I put on


But they just left, they said was riding to a death

但他们却走了 说是开车去灭亡(不知意思)

But where the f-ck are they now


Now that I need them I dont see none of them


All I see is Slim

我只看到sli***im shady)

F-ck all you fair-weather friends

我 *** 们这帮假义气的朋友

All I need is him


F-cking backstabbers

*** 们这帮背后小人

When the chips were down you just laughed at us

当我们出事的时候 你们却在嘲笑我们

Now you bout to feel the wrath of aftermath, faggots

现在你们这些鸟人将要受到结果(双关:dr dre自己的唱片业品牌)的狂怒 (faggot是骂人 *** 的意思)

You gon see us in our lab jackets and ask us where the f-ck we been?

你们会看到我们重新回到录音室 然后问我们之前干什么去了

You can kiss my indecisive ass crack maggots and the crackers ass

你可以来拍马屁 亲我优柔寡断的 *** (ass crack maggot是很恶心的东西 这里省略了)也拍eminem的马屁(cracker白人的意思)

Little crack a jack beat making wack math,

来点(crack a jack不知意思)节奏 (wack math我也不知道什么意思)

Backwards producers, Im back bastards

回到后幕做制作人 杂种们我回来了

One more CD and then I’m packing up my bags and as I’m leaving again

再出一张cd我就金盆洗手 离开这里

I’ll guarantee they scream Dre don’t leave us like that man cause…

我保证他们会叫道:dre不要像那个人一样离开我 因为。。。




歌帆轿曲名称:Say Goodbye Hollywood

歌手: Eminem 专让轿嫌辑:The Eminem Show

作词: 作曲:



Say goodbye say goodbye to Hollywood

Say goodbye say goodbye to Hollywood

Say goodbye say goodbye to Hollywood

Say goodbye say goodbye to Hollywood

Say goodbye say goodbye to Hollywood

Say goodbye say goodbye to Hollywood

Say goodbye say goodbye to Hollywood

Say goodbye say goodbye to Hollywood

B/W Chorus:


I Feel This Way

Verse #1:

I thought I had it all figured out I did

I thought I was tough enuff to stick it out with kim

But I wasnt tough enuff to juggle two things at once

I found myself planted on my knees in cuffs

Which shoulda been a reason enuff for me to get my stuff and just leave

How come I couldnt just see this shit myself its me

Nobody coulda seen this shit I felt

Knowin' damn well she wasn't gonna be there when I fell

To catch me the minute she was seen she just bailed

Im standin and swingin on like 30 people by myself

I couldnt even see the millimeter when it fell

Turned around saw Gary stashin' a heater in his belt

Saw the bouncers rush him and beat him to the ground

I just sold 2 million records I dont need to go to jail

Im not about to lose my freedom over no female

I need to slow down, tryna get my feet on solid ground

So for now


Verse #2:

Bury my face in comic books, cuz I dont wanna look

And nothing in this world is too much

I swallowed all I could

If I could swallow a bottle of tylonol I would

And hit it for good and say good bye to Hollywood

I prolly should cuz these problems are piled all at once

Cuz everything that bothers me I got all bottled up

I think im bottoming out but im not about to give up

I gotta get up, thank god I got a little girl

Now im a responsible father so not alotta good

I'坦手d be to my daughter layin in the bottom of the mud

Must be in my blood cuz I dont know how to do it

All I know is I dont wanna follow in the footsteps

Of my dad cuz I hate him so bad

Worst feeling I had was growing up to be like his *** in ass

Man if you could understand why I am the way that I am

What do I say to my fans when I tell em


Verse #3:

I dont wanna quit

This shit, it feels like this is it

For me to have this much I feel like this is it

This is not a game this fame the real life is as sick

Publicity my ass, consume my *** in dick

Fuck the guns, im done ill never look at gats

If I scrap, ima scrap it like I never wooped some ass

I love my fans but no one ever puts a grasp on the fact

That I sacrificed everything I had

I never dreamt i'd get to the level that im at

This is wack, this is more then I ever coulda asked

Everywhere I go I had a sweater, hood or mask

What about math? how come I wasnt never good at that

Its like the boy in a bubble who never could adapt I'm trapped

If I could go back, I never woulda rapped

I sold my soul to the devil, ill never get it back

I just wanna leave this game with level head intact

Imagine going from bein' no one and seein everything blow up

And all you did was grow up mceein'

Its *** in crazy, all I wanted was to give Hailey the life I never had

I've forced us to live alienated, so i'm sayin:



*Faint Talking In Background*


Goodbye Hollywood

Please dont cry for me

When im gone for good

So, goodbye

Goodbye Hollywood

Please dont cry for me

When I'm gone for good

歌曲名称:White America

歌手: Eminem 专辑:The Eminem Show

作词: 作曲:





We love you

How many people are proud to be citizens of this beautiful country of ours?

The stripes and the stars for the rights of men who have died for the protect?

The women and men who have broke their necks for the freedem of speech the United States Government has sworn to uphold

Yo, I want everyone to listen to the words of this song

Or so we're told...

Verse #1

I never woulda dreamed in a million years id see

so many mutha *** in people who feel like me

Who share the same views

And the same exact beliefs

Its like a *** in army marchin in back of me

So many lives I touched

So much anger aimed at no perticular direction

Just sprays and sprays

Straight through your radio wavs

It plays and plays

Till it stays stuck in your head

For days and days

who woulda thought standin in this mirror

Bleachin my hair wit some Peroxide

Reachin for a T shirt to wear

That I would catipult to the fore-front of rap like this

How can I predict my words

And have an impact like this

I musta struck a chord wit somebody up in the office

Cuz congress keeps tellin me

I aint causin nuttin but problems

And now they sayin im in trouble wit the government

Im lovin it

I shovelled shit all my life

And now im dumpin it on



I could be one of ur kids


Little erik looks just like this


Erica loves my shit

I go to TRL

Look how many hugs I get

Verse #2

Look at these eyes baby blue baby just like urself

If they were brown

Shady lose shady sits on the shelf

But Shadys cute

Shady knew Shady's dimples would help

Make ladies swoon baby

(ooo baby)

Look at myself!

Lets do the math

If I was black I woulda sold half

I aint have to graduate

From Lincoln High School to know that

But I can rap so *** school

Im too cool to go back

Gimme the mic

Show me where the *** in studio's at

When I was underground

No one gave a *** I was white

No lables wanted to sign me

Almost gave up, I was like "Fuck it"

Until I met Dre

The only one who looked past

Gave me a chance

And I lit a fire up under his ass

Helped him get back to the top

Every fan black that I got

Was probly his

In exchange for every white fan that he's got

Like damn we just swapped

Sittin back look at this shit wow

Im like "My skin, is it startin to work to my benifit now?"


Verse #3

See the problem is I speak to suberban kids

Who otherwise

Woulda never knew these words exist

These moms probly woulda never gave 2 squirts of piss

Till I created so much mutha *** in turbulence

Straight out the tube right into ya livin rooms I came

And kids Flipped

When they knew I was produced by Dre

Thats all it took

And they were instantly hooked right in

And they connected wit me too cuz I looked like them

Thats why they put my lyrics up under this microscope

Searchin wit a fine toothed comb

Its like this rope waitin to choke

Tightenin around my throat

Watchin me while I write this like "I dont like this, NO!"

All I hear is

Lyrics lyrics constant controversy

Sponsors workin round the clock

To try to stop my concerts early

Surely hip hop is never a problem

In Harlem only In Boston

After it bothered ya fathers

of daughters startin to blossom

Now im catchin the flack from these activists

When they raggin

Actin like im the 1st rapper to *** ack a bitch and say faggot


Just look at me like im ya closest pal

A poster child

the mutha *** in spoke *** an now!



So to the parents of America

I am the damager aimed at little Erica

To attack her character

The ring leader of the circus of worthless pawns

Sent to lead the march right up to the steps of Congress

And piss on the lawns of the whitehouse

To burn the casket and replace it with a parental advisory sticker

To spit liquor in the faces of this democracy of hipocracy

Fuck you Ms Cheeney

Fuck you Tipper Gore

Fuck you with the freeness of speech this divided states of embarra *** ent will allow me to have

Fuck You

hahaha! im just playin america, you know I love you

歌曲名称:The Way I Am

歌手: Eminem 专辑:The Marshall Mathers LP

作词: 作曲:




Dre, just let it run

Aiyyo turn the beat up a little bit

Aiyyo.. this song is for anyone.. *** it

Just shut up and listen, aiyyo..

I sit back with this pack of Zig Zags and this bag

of this weed it gives me the shit needed to be

the most meanest MC on this -- on this Earth

And since birth I've been cursed with this curse to just curse

And just blurt this berserk and bizarre shit that works

And it sells and it helps in itself to relieve

all this tension dispensin these sentences

Gettin this stress that's been eatin me recently off of this chest

and I rest again peacefully (peacefully)..

but at least have the decency in you

to leave me alone, when you freaks see me out

in the streets when I'm eatin or feedin my daughter

to not come and speak to me (speak to me)..

I don't know you and no,

I don't owe you a mo-ther *** -in thing

I'm not Mr. N'Sync, I'm not what your friends think

I'm not Mr. Friendly, I can be a prick

if you tempt me my tank is on empty (is on empty)..

No patience is in me and if you offend me

I'm liftin you 10 feet (liftin you 10 feet).. in the air

I don't care who is there and who saw me destroy you

Go call you a lawyer, file you a lawsuit

I'll *** ile in the courtroom and buy you a wardrobe

I'm tired of all you (of all you)..

I don't mean to be mean but that's all I can be is just me

Chorus: Eminem

And I am, whatever you say I am

If I wasn't, then why would I say I am?

In the paper, the news everyday I am

Radio won't even play my jam

Cause I am, whatever you say I am

If I wasn't, then why would I say I am?

In the paper, the news everyday I am

I don't know it's just the way I am


Sometimes I just feel like my father, I hate to be bothered

with all of this nonsense it's constant

And, "Oh, it's his lyrical content -

- the song 'Guilty Conscience' has gotten such rotten responses"

And all of this controversy circles me

and it seems like the media immediately

points a finger at me (finger at me)..

So I point one back at 'em, but not the index or pinkie

or the ring or the thumb, it's the one you put up

when you don't give a *** , when you won't just put up

with the bullshit they pull, cause they full of shit too

When a dude's gettin bullied and shoots up his school

and they blame it on Marilyn (on Marilyn).. and the ***

Where were the parents at? And look where it's at

Middle America, now it's a tragedy

Now it's so sad to see, an upper class ci-ty

havin this happenin (this happenin)..

then attack Eminem cause I rap this way (rap this way)..

But I'm glad cause they feed me the fuel that I need for the fire

to burn and it's burnin and I have returned



I'm so sick and tired of bein admired

that I wish that I would just die or get fired

and dropped from my label and stop with the fables

I'm not gonna be able to top on "My Name is.."

And pigeon-holed into some pop-py sensation

to cop me rotation at rock'n'roll stations

And I just do not got the patience (got the patience)..

to deal with these cocky caucasians who think

I'm some wigger who just tries to be black cause I talk

with an accent, and grab on my balls, so they always keep askin

the same *** in questions ( *** in questions)..

What school did I go to, what hood I grew up in

The why, the who what when, the where, and the how

'til I'm grabbin my hair and I'm tearin it out

cause they drivin me crazy (drivin me crazy).. I can't take it

I'm racin, I'm pacin, I stand and I sit

And I'm thankful for ev-ery fan that I get

But I can't take a SHIT, in the bathroom

without someone standin by it

No I won't sign your autograph

You can call me an asshole I'm glad

Chorus (except change first word "And" to "Cause")

eminem的 歌词

"Rabbit Run"

Some days I just wanna up and call it quits,

I feel like i'm surrounded by a wall of bricks,

everytime I go to get up I just fall in piss,

my life's like one great big ball of shit,

if I could just put it all in all I spit,

instead I always try to swallow it,

instead of staring at this wall and shit,

while I sit writers block sick of all this shit,

cant call it shit, all I know is i'm about to hit the wall,

if I have to see another one of mom's alchaholic fits,

this is it, last straw, thats all, thats it,

I aint dealing with another *** ing politic,

i'm like a stewin bubble in him, till it filters up,

i'm about to kill it, I can feel it building up,

blow this building up, i've been sealed enough,

my cup run it over i've been filled up,

but then explosion bust and spills my guts,

you think all I do is stand here and feel my nuts,

but i'm a show you what, you gonna feel my rush,

you dont feel it then it must be too real to touch,

feel to touch, i'm about to tear shit up,

goosebumps, yeah i'm make your hair sit up,

yeah sit up, i'm a tell you who I be,

i'm make you hate me cause you aint me,

you aint, it aint to late to finally see,

what you close minded *** s were too blind to see,

whoever find me, is gonna get a finders fee,

out this world and aint no one out there mind as me,

you need peace of mind, well here's a piece of mine,

all I need's a line but sometimes,

I dont always find the words to rhyme,

to express how i'm really feeling at that time,

yeah sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, just sometimes,

its always me, how dark can these hallways be,

the clock stikes midnight, 1, 2, then half past 3,

this half ass rhyme with this half ass piece of paper, (Tear)

i'm desperate at my desk if I could just get the rest,

of this shit off my chest, again, stuck in this slum,

cant think of nothing, *** i'm stumped,

but wait here comes something,

nope, its not good enough, scribbel it out, new pad,

krinkel it up and throw that shit out,

i'm fisseling now thought I had figured it out,

ball's in my court but i'm scared to dribbel it out,

but i'm afraid, why am I afaid, why am I a slave to this trade,

sign that i'll spit to the grave, real enough to rawl you up,

what me to flip it I can rip it any style you want,

i'm a switch, yeah a bitch, jimmy *** ith aint a quitter,

i'm a sit here till I get enough,

for me to finally hit a *** ing boiling point,

put some oil in your joints,

flip the coin bitch come get destroyed,

an MC's worst dream I make them tense since they hate me,

see me and shake like a shangeling fence,

by the looks of them you would swear yours was comming,

by the scream of them you would swear i'm sawing something,

by the way they running you would swear the law was coming,

its now or never tonight is all or nothing,

momma, jimmy keep leaving on us, he said he'd be back,

he pinky promised, I dont think he's honest,

I be back baby I just got to beat this clock,

*** this clock, i'm make them eat this watch,

dont believe me watch, i'm a win this race,

and i'm a come back and rub my shit in your face,

bitch I found my neck, you gonna hear my voice,

till you sick of it you aint gonna have a choice,

if I gotta scream till I have half a lung,

if I have half a chance I grab it, rabbit run...

"When The Music Stops"(feat. D-12)



Music, reality, sometimes it's hard to tell the difference

But we as entertainers have a responsibility to these kids



If I were to die murdered in cold blood tomorrow

Would you feel sorrow or show love

Or would it matter

Can never be the lead-off batter of things

Shit for me to feed off

I'm see-saw battlin

But theres way too much at stake for me to be fake

There's too much on my plate

And I came way too far in this game to turn and walk away

And not say what I got to say

What the *** you take me for? a joke? you *** okin crack?

Before I do that, I beg Mariah to take me back

I get up 'for i get down, run myself in the ground, 'for I put some wack shit out

I'm tryin-a *** ack this one out the park, five-thousand mark

Ya'll steady tryin to drown the shark

Ain't gonna do nothin but piss me off

Lid to the can of whoop ass, just twist me off

See me leap out, pull the piece out, *** shootin i'm just trying to knock his teeth out

Fuck with me now, bitch, let's see you freestyle

Talk is cheap, mother *** er if you're really feeling froggish, leap

Yo slim, you gonna let him get away with that?

He tried to play you, you can't let him skate with that

Man I hate this crap, this ain't rap,

This is crazy the way we act

When we confuse hip-hop with real life when the music stops


There ain't no getting rid of McVeigh

If so you woulda tried

The only way I'm leavin this bitch is ***

I have died clinically, arrived back at my enemy's crib with hennesy,

Got drunk then I finished he

I'm every nigga's favorite arch-enemy.

Physically fitted to be the most dangerous nigga with beef

I spark willingly with a dillinger in the dark dilligently

I'm not what you think

I appear to be *** ed up

Mentally endangered

I can't stay away from a razor

I just want my face in a paper

I wish a nigga had a grenade to squeeze tight to awake neighbors for acres

I murder you

Danger had me turned into a mad man, son of sam, bitch, I'm surgical

I'l allergic to dyin, you think not? you got balls? We can see how large

When the music stops

[Kon Artist:]

I was happy having a deal at first,

Thought money would make me happy but

It only made my pain worst,

It hurts when u see ur friends turn their back on u dawg

When u ain't got nothing left but ur word and ur balls

And you're stressed from the calls of your new friends

Beggin' with they hands out

Checking for ur record when its selling

When it aint, that's the end, no laughs

No friends no girl

Just the gin u drink till u car spin u then




U slam into the wall and u fall

Out the car, trying to crawl with one arm

About to lose it all in a pool of alcohol

If my funeral's tomorrow, wonder if they would even call when the music stops


Let's see how many of your men loyal,

When i pull up looking for you,

With a pistol sipping on a can of pennzoil

I'm revved up, who said what would lead bust ur head would just explode

With red stuff i'm hand cuffed tossed in the paddy wagon

Braggin about how u shot it like a coward, bullets devour you showered you

Niggars, if i was u niggas, i'll run while given the chance

Understand i can enchance the spirit of man

Death itself, it can't hurt me, just the thought of dying alone that really

Irks me, u ain't worthy to speak thoughts of cheap talk

Be *** art and stop trying to walk how g's walk before we spark

Hug the floor while we plan to the war with ur life, *** the tour and the mic

I'll rather *** a whore with a knife, deliver that shit the coroner's like

You high hype poppin' shit in broad day light nigga ur a gonna at night

When The Music Stops


Instigators, turn pits in cages

Let loose and bit the neighbours

wrist to razors

Ya'll don't want war, you want talk

In the dark my dogs all bark like woof

Proof nigga I'm a wolf, get your whole roof

Caved in like reindeer hoofs

Stomped the roof shake the floor tiles loose

The more ya'll breach, the more I moves

This hill street, this is *** blues

Put a gun to rap checking all our jewels (nigga)

Or make the news betcha all ya'll move

When the uzi pop, you better drop when the music stop


Music's changed my life in so many ways

Brains confused and *** ed since the 5th grade

LL told me to rock the bells

NWA said *** the police

Now i'm in jail

93 was strictly RB

Fucked up hair cut

Listen to Jodeci

Michael Jackson, who gonna tell me I ain't Mike

Ass cheeks painted white

Fucking Presilla at night

Flying down sunset *** oking crack

Transvestite in the front

Eddi Murphy in the back

MOP had me grindy and griddy

Marilyn Manson, i dyed my hair blue

And grew some titties

Ludacris told me to throw them bowls

Now i'm in the hospital

Broken nose and a fractured elbow

Voices in my head, i'm going in shock,

I'm reaching for the glock but the music stops



1、And to the rest of the world,

God gave you them shoes, to fit you,

so put them on and wear em.

Be yourself man.

Be proud of who you are.

Even if it sounds corny,

don't ever let anyone tell you, you aint beautiful.

(献给世上其他的人 上帝给了你属于你的鞋子

系好鞋带,整装待发 做你自己,兄弟

为你的本色而自豪 就算这话听着有点老土 永远不要让任何人说你不够美。)————出自beautiful。启示我们要勇敢做自己~!

2 、I'll do anything for you to see you *** ile(为你做任何事情,只需你以微笑回报 ) ---出自Mockingbird。一句简单朴实的话却诠释了什么是真正的爱。

3、if you relax a little, I'm glad I inspire you bwhy are you so mad? Try to understand, that I do want you as a fan .(很高兴我可以激闭配励你,但闭态余你为何那样疯狂 我只要你做一个歌迷 )----出自stan。让我想起了他最常说的那句:“是歌迷给了我撑下去的动力。” 身为他的歌迷很感动。

4、(You better) lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go(o..) ( 你最好在音乐中迷失你自己,在这个时刻, 你赢得它,你最好永远不要放走它.)---出自lose yourself. 音乐不只是简单的调调加歌词而已。重要的是我们能融入其中,跟随它的节奏,感受轿滚它的存在。

5、You can do anything you set your mind to, man (你只要坚持头脑中的信念,任何事情都能成功,伙计 ) 这句果断不解释~!

6、I’m not afraid to take a stand Everybody come take my hand We’ll walk this road together, through the storm Whatever weather, cold or warm Just to let you know that, you’re not alone Holla if you feel that you’ve been down the same road ( 我从不畏惧我的立场 , 每个人都来跟我混, 我们会一起前进,穿越狂风暴雨,无论严寒或酷暑, 只想你知道,你并不孤独 , 只要听到我的问好,你便已经与我同路 )---出自Not afried .是你的存在让我们这些歌迷相遇,我们也和你同在~!我们会很团结 ,这是你想看到的。

7、When they know they are your heart


And you know you are their armour


And you will destroy anyone who will try to harm her


----出自When I gone.这句启示我们 身为爷们 最起码要保护好自己心爱的人,不让她们受到伤害~!

8、Music is like magic there a certain feeling you get when your real

and you spit and people are feeling your shit. (音乐就象魔法,当世人鄙视你的时候,只有它让你感觉真实。)---出自Till I Collapse。这句话诠释了音乐的魔力。当我们烦恼时,不妨听听音乐,个人感觉很有效的。!

9、I want the world to know, you mean the world to me(我想让全世界知道,你是我的全部)————出自Music Box ,这句话要是写在情书里,绝对火~!
