滚石,枪花,涅磐,酷玩,老鹰,皇后,U2,林肯。等外国著名摇滚乐队代表作的歌词 分别是什么?
angie--滚石乐队 don't cry --枪炮与玫瑰梁旁灶 Viva La Vida--clod play I used to rule the world Seas would rise when I gave the word Now in the morning I sweep alone Sweep the streets I used to own I used to roll the dice Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes Listen as the crowd would sing: "启胡Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!" One minute I held the key Next the walls were closed on me And I discovered that my castles stand Upon pillars of salt, pillars of sand I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can't explain Once you know there was never, never an honest word That was when I ruled the world It was the wicked and wild wind Blew down the doors to let me in Shattered windows and the sound of drums People couldn't believe what I'd become Revolutionaries wait For my head on a silver plate Just a puppet on a lonely string Oh who would ever wanna be king? I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can't explain I know Saint Peter won't call my name Never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world (Ohhhhh Ohhh Ohhh) Hear Jerusalem bells a ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can't explain I know Saint Peter won't call my name Never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world 加州旅馆--老鹰橡扮 On a dark desert highway, Cool wind in my hair. Warm *** ell of colitas, Rising up through the air. Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light. My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim. I had to stop for the night. There she stood in the doorway; I heard the mission bell. And I was thinking to myself, "This could be Heaven or this could be Hell" Then she lit up a candle, And she showed me the way. There were voices down the corridor. I thought I heard them say... Welcome to the Hotel California! Such a lovely place! Such a lovely face! Plenty of room at the Hotel California! Any time of year, you can find it here! Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, She got the Mercedes bends. She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, That she calls friends. How they dance in the courtyard, Sweet summer sweat. Some dance to remember, Some dance to forget! So I called up the Captain, "Please bring me my wine" He said'We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine" And still those voices are calling from far away, Wake you up in the middle of the night Just to hear them say... Welcome to the Hotel California! Such a lovely place! Such a lovely face! They livin' it up at the Hotel California. What a nice surprise, Bring your alibis. Mirrors on the ceiling, The pink champagne on ice. And she said"We are all just prisoners here, of our own device". And in the master's chambers, They gathered for the feast. The stab it with their steely knives, But they just can't kill the beast. Last thing I remember, I was running for the door. I had to find the passage back, To the place I was before. "Relax",said the night man, "We are programmed to receive, You can checkout any time you like, But you can never leave." Hotel California we will rock you--queen 3...... 2...... 1...... Buddy you are a boy make a big noise Playin' in the street gonna be a big man someday You got mud on yo'face You big disgrace Kickin' your can all over the place Singin' We will we will rock you We will we will rock you Buddy you are a young man hard man Shoutin' in the street gonna take on the world someday You got blood on yo'face You big disgrace Wavin' your banner all over the place We will we will rock you We will we will rock you Buddy you are an old man poor man Pleadin' with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day You got mud on your face You big digrace somebody gonna put you bag into your place We will we will rock you We will we will rock you We will rock you___Queen beautiful day--U2 The heart is a bloom Shoots up through the stony ground There's no room No space to rent in this town You're out of luck And the reason that you had to care The traffic is stuck And you're not moving anywhere You thought you'd found a friend To take you out of this place Someone you could lend a hand In return for grace It's a beautiful day Sky falls, you feel like It's a beautiful day Don't let it get away You're on the road But you've got no destination You're in the mud In the maze of her imagination You love this town Even if that doesn't ring true You've been all over And it's been all over you It's a beautiful day Don't let it get away It's a beautiful day Touch me Take me to that other place Teach me I know I'm not a hopeless case See the world in green and blue See China right in front of you See the canyons broken by cloud See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out See the Bedouin fires at night See the oil fields at first light And see the bird with a leaf in her mouth After the flood all the colors came out It was a beautiful day Don't let it get away Beautiful day Touch me Take me to that other place Reach me I know I'm not a hopeless case What you don't have you don't need it now What you don't know you can feel it somehow What you don't have you don't need it now Don't need it now Was a beautiful day Redacted by Jerry What I've Done--LINKIN park In this farewell There is no blood There is no alibi Cause I’ve drawn regret, From the truth Of a thousands lies So let mercy come and wash away What I’ve Done I’ll face myself To cross out what I’ve become Erase myself And let go of what I’ve done… Put to rest What you thought of me While I clean this slate With the hands Of uncertainty So let mercy come And wash away What I’ve Done I’ll face myself To cross out what I’ve become Erase myself And let go of what I’ve done..... For what I’ve done I start again And whatever pain may come Today this ends I’m forgiving what I’ve done I’ll face myself To cross out what I’ve become Erase myself And let go of what I’ve done Na,Na,Na What I've Done(Na,Na,Na) Forgiving what I’ve done…(Na,Na,Na
1.新裤子《生命因你而火热》—我不得不去工冲圆作 在大楼的一个角落
2.新裤子《没有理想的人不伤心》—我不要在失败孤独中死去 我不要一直活在地下里
3.刺猬乐队《火车驶向云外 梦安魂与九霄》—一代人终将老去,但总有人正年散蔽塌轻
5.旅行团乐队《于是我不在唱歌》—于并或是我不再唱歌 开始买新的生活 卖掉了旧的生活 从此不再漂泊
7.刺猬乐队《火车驶向云外 梦安魂与九霄》—黑色的不是夜晚 是漫长的孤单
8.苏打绿《悲痛的哀艳》整个星群 无人不病 只是要比 谁病得轻
9.deca joins《海浪》— 这就是我的生活 太阳在坠落 海浪在发愁 不停地退后
10.my little airport《以为和你熟》—听说世间所有情爱的事 不过是浪漫的想像所致 那我已知苦痛只不过是 因我太梦幻的心智
11.新裤子《没有理想的人不伤心》—你曾热爱的那个人 一生也不会再见面
12.康姆士《Somewhere in time》—两人上山下海 不可一世的爱 走到最后结果是 哭着分开
13.万能青年旅店《揪心的玩笑 与 漫长的白日梦》—他说孩子去和昨天和解吧 就像我们从前一样
14.花儿乐队《静止》—我怀疑人们的生活 垂死坚持
15.声音玩具《爱玲》—很明显迷恋一个人的身体 远比爱他的灵魂更加容易
16.腰乐队《硬汉》—马卡你应该明白在大多数悲剧里面 真正的伤心很少见歌词
17.朴树《 no fear in my heart 》—你小心翼翼地以为你拥有着 貌似人生圆满
18.大张伟《那些都不是我》— 我以为逆叛是治不了的病 较劲的自我不愿醒
Guns N' Roses /《Don't cry》
《Don't cry》 是枪花乐队最具影响力的曲目之一,《Don't cry》在billboard排行榜上停留将近3年(147)周,创下了摇滚乐的神话.DON'T CRY这首歌中枪花乐队一改从前的愤怒激烈,两名主唱一沧桑一哀婉低吟出一段令荡气回肠的柔情曲,而歌曲表达出的无奈和失意正是愤怒的极至阿。
2.DEF LEPPARD/《Long long way to go》
DEF LEPPARD是一支典型的流行重金属乐队〔乐评语〕,流畅的旋律和优美的和声是乐队的特征之一。DEF LEPPARD音乐中的优美旋律令乐迷们对重金属音乐有了新羡或的认识,无数热血青年受DEF LEPPARD音乐的引领步入重金属的殿堂,而这一点也成了一些评论家和重金属狂热者攻击的目标。
3.PINK FLOYD/《Wish you were here》
PINK FLOYD六十年代英国经得起历史考验的乐队,Pink Floyd在摇滚领域许多方面的开拓和创新为它投下了耀目的不朽的光辉。
4.NIRVANA/《Smelsl like teen spirit》
《 *** ell like teen spirit》是NIRVANA 专辑Nevermind中的代表作品,音乐中扭曲的吉他,沙哑的歌喉,猛然的爆发把Kurt Cobain 内心的狂燥、愤怒、压抑、扭曲、病态、激烈的矛盾冲突完全显示了出来,同时也也反映了KURT温柔、感性、脆弱和恐惧的一面。
《Iris》堪称流行摇滚音乐作品中十年一遇的好音乐,音乐起始清脆急促的吉他SOLO,John Rzeznik饱含沧桑的低沉嗓音对世事对爱情满腹的疑问,而曲至中段突然的高昂爆发似乎疑问已经转为了真挚的誓言,“即便万物毁灭,我也只要你知道我是谁!”旋律的优美和主唱声线的粗犷形成了鲜明对比,而正因如此,此首音乐脱离了甜腻情歌的范畴,成了百听不厌的超级经典。
6.POLICE/《Don't stand so close to me》
主唱兼词烂仔曲作者的STING[斯汀]是police乐队的灵魂,他创作的《don't stand so close to me》歌词幽默,曲调非常的随意、流畅,完美的合音,强烈的节奏,高鼻音的大量运用把起源于牙买加海岸的雷鬼乐自由、极富个性化的音乐特点天衣无缝地融入摇滚乐中,开创了一个独特的摇滚音乐风格。
7.The Cranberries/《Joe》
The Cranberries是爱尔兰历史上最伟大的另类摇滚乐队之一。
《Joe》出自乐队的第三张专辑〈To the faithful departed,音乐起时悠扬清脆的曼陀铃缓缓流淌,象一股清澈的甘泉直入心底,紧随其后的Dolores另类却不失甜美的嗓音,在双音轨录音技饥派汪术的处理后的独特合音效果,宛如一段灵魂的对话,整首音乐清澈干净,无懈可击。
8.QUEEN 《Bohemian rhapsody》
Bohemian Rhapsody(波西米亚狂想曲)是QUEEN的招牌曲目,在酷似歌剧唱诗般的华丽配乐中不断加入大段的重金属吉他riff和solo,这正是QUEEN的典型风格。这首单曲在英国排行榜上迅速升到冠军的位置,并且在这个位置上停留了足有9个星期,并最终打破了英国单曲排行榜上冠军停留时间最长的记录。在美国,这首歌和整张专辑也获得了巨大的成功,进入了排行榜前10位并同时成为白金单曲和白金专辑。甚至在十多年后的1992年,这首Bohemian Rhapsody还在美国单曲排行榜上获得过数周的亚军成绩。
9. R.E.M /《At My Most Beautiful》
10.U2/《If god will send his angels》
U2为尼古拉斯.凯奇和梅格.瑞恩主演的电影〔天使之城〕制作了一首主题歌《If god will send his angels》,没有炫耀的吉他,没有急促的鼓鸣,一切归于沉静,主唱BONO用用最低沉的嗓音吟唱,一种痛至极度的哀伤淡淡流淌出来,却轻易就敲碎了听者的心。此曲可以说是U2演绎的最动情的情歌,也是20世纪最百听不厌的经典情歌之一。
歌词不好说 因为每首歌歌词都不一样轿坦啊
不过 一般朋克就是在表达一种反叛情绪
哥特是宗教性比较强 比较诡异
重金属 实在是滑陪不知道该怎么形容了信帆蠢 唱啥的都有
1、you give love a bad name:You Give Love a Bad Name是美国摇滚乐队Bon Jovi(邦·乔维)的摇滚乐代表作品,作为1986年乐队第三张录音室专辑Slippery When Wet的第一首单曲发行,由Jon Bon Jovi,Richie Sambora和De *** ond Child共同创作,讲述的是一个女性抛弃情人的故事。
2、awake and alive:《awake and alive》是由美国乐队Christian Rock演唱的一首歌曲。来自美国Memphis的著名Christian Rock乐队Skillet,由1996年John Cooper组成了这支乐队,乐队以 健康歌词和积极向上的态度来得到基督教听众认识和喜爱,这也是Christian Rock的本质。
3、18 and life:《18 and life》是来自美国流行金属乐队穷街(Skid Row)同名专辑的第二首单曲。《18 and life》是该乐队最有名笑伍的热门单曲,在Billboard Hot 100的最高位次是第四位,但在主流摇滚榜上仅位居第十一位,而这个榜单之前是Skid Row影响力最大的地盘。
4、Everybody's Fool:《Everybody's Fool》是美国哥特金属乐队Evanescence(幻灭;伊凡塞斯)2004年6月发行EP专枣高辑。
5、Say You'll Haunt Me:Corey Taylor- Voclas James Root- Guitar Josh Rand- Guitar Shawn Economaki- Bass Roy Mayorga- Drums Joel Ekman- Drums(已凳升尺离队 Leave already)
参考资料:you give love a bad name-百度百科