- 1、求重金属摇滚歌曲~!
- 2、介绍一些好听的动漫或游戏歌曲歌曲
- 3、谁能提供几首外国的欢快歌曲?
- 4、求重金属摇滚歌曲
- 5、推荐点摇滚歌曲
1、《Still Waiting》
《Still Waiting》出自2002年Sum 41专辑《Does This Look Infected?》,曾作为专辑的首发单曲。该曲具有浓厚的摇滚金属气息,有一定叛逆风格。总体上令人精神振奋,百听不腻。
《Pieces》是加拿大摇滚乐队Sum 41演唱的歌曲,该曲收桐李录在乐队第三张录音室专辑《Chuck》中,并作为该专辑的第2支单曲,于2005年2月22日通过小岛唱片公模轮庆司发行旦握。
3、《What I've Done》
《What I've Done》是美国摇滚乐队Linkin Park演唱的歌曲,由Linkin Park完成词曲。该曲收录在Linkin Park于2007年5月14日发行的第三张录音室专辑《Minutes To Midnight》中。
《Numb》是美国摇滚乐队Linkin Park演唱的一首歌曲,由乐队成员谱曲,收录于他们于2003年发行的第二张录音室专辑《Meteora》中,是专辑的第十三首歌曲。
5、《In the End》
《In the End》是美国摇滚乐队林肯公园演唱的歌曲,由查斯特·贝宁顿、布莱德·德尔森、约瑟夫·韩、麦克·信田、罗伯·巴登填词、谱曲。歌曲被收录在林肯公园首张录音室专辑《Hybrid Theory》中,于2001年10月9日作为专辑的第四支单曲发行。
4。王力宏-i’m lovin’it。麦当劳全球主题曲,不多说,大家自己去听,主打歌《 i’m lovin’it 》(我就喜欢)是麦当劳2003年度最新广告歌的华语版,此曲的英文版本由 justin timberlake演唱。
7。gareth gates-anyone of us。很好听,单曲"anyone of us"顺利拿下了基陆纳冠军宝座,这 首歌曲实在是非常动听,相信很多朋友也都很喜欢!如果你还没听过,那一定要留意这首歌!
9。lene marlin-a place nearby。温柔醇厚的声音,静静地用心体会,很舒服[连接] 21 岁的挪威女孩marlin,自己写歌自己唱,被称之为来自北国的音乐精灵。清丽的声音,合 着淳朴的吉他声,伴着悠扬的击鼓… …
10。bon jovi-say it isn't so。我唯一觉的好听的重摇滚,赞,这首歌收录于《crush》 这张专辑这是bon jovi首张在纽泽西录音的作品,是张汇聚团员5年来心情写照、不 加刻意不添矫情便浑然天成的摇滚专辑,将bon jovi真实的自我、世纪交替、准备玩乐的态 度完美结合并呈现最具震撼力悉族之新世纪作品
11。britney spears-baby one more time。小甜甜布兰妮的经典,好听
12。forever and ever-because i love you。很经典的说,没有人不知道吧
13。eminem-stan。非常好听的rap曲风, 这是当年超红的单曲,dido也是因为这个才红的。歌曲分为4个verse,chorus是dido唱的,内容大概是一个歌迷叫做stan给eminem写信,写了两封,但是没有收到回信,该孩子有点愤怒,于是带着怀孕的女朋友(dido饰)雨夜开车狂奔 ,不慎掉入海中。
15。celine dion-a new day has come。再度演绎《my heart will go on》之经典
16。s.h.e-only lonely。节奏好好哦
17。enrique iglesias-hero。情歌王子恩里克-伊格里莱斯,好听啊,心灵为之一震
18。梁静茹-fly away。这一次问我自己都说我毫不怀疑,爱上你终于我发现我还有勇气, 很好听
19。groove coverage-far away from home。groovecover age带给你全新的感觉,歌声很性感不错,实在是不错,动感十足的far away from home以被众多知名dj誉为当今舞曲最为精华的传世之作
20。hayleywestenra-neversaygoodby。天使的纯真演绎,天籁女歌手,今年才16岁哦,h ayleywestenra对声线的把握表现得淋漓尽致
21。nelly kellyrowland-dilemma。由nelly及destiny‘schild成员kellyrowland合唱, 好听,第一次听到kelly单独的声音,是她与饶舌巨星nelly搭档演唱的《 dilemma》一曲,这首歌曲虽然风格老套,但仍然在全美电台创下近两个月蝉联冠 军宝座的纪录
23。周渝民-make a wish。曾几何时,为之心动
25。phil collins-anotherday in paradise。翻译过来就是天堂里的另一天,堪称百听不厌,欧美经典
26。caron nightingale-promises dont't come easy。温暖的中音与蔡琴颇有些相似,舒缓的演唱娓娓道来,容易引起听者的共鸣,加上上口的旋律,使之成为一首百听不厌的好歌
27。s.h.e-十面埋伏。听多有点厌- -#[连接]新歌《十面埋伏》中,她们把金庸小说中的武功基本都说了一遍,其中还使用了不少传统乐器,琵琶、二胡、扬琴自然是少不了的
28。蔡健雅-无底洞。年度港台及海外华人最佳作曲[连接] 2003年,这首小寒作词的《无底洞》一出市就被唱遍街头,直指人心的歌词由tanya独一无二的低婉声线诠释,翻涌出这 变化无 常的都市人群中的渴望与无奈
29。s.h.e-安全感。三个女生好可爱,有力度的佳作 30。tension-i'll be with you。刚开始还以为是首英文歌,今年夏 天全力冲刺的tension,在华人音乐教父 - 陶哲严格的培训下, 再加上emi-ecentury mu sic三千万预算的全力支持,即将以最更新最in的音乐风格及美国西岸最炫的舞蹈攻陷全亚洲
31。阿桑-叶子 。蛮好,不经意间就被阿桑天生带着点沙哑的嗓音所感染。那种淡淡悲伤 的感觉充盈着富有磁性的声音,在心头卷起一阵阵的波浪。在这个肤浅浮躁的流行音乐世界,如此带有感情的演唱已经越来越少了
37。t.a.t.u-all the things she said。俄国的组合,棒,让你体验急速 ***
38。t.a.t.u-stars。来自俄国的一对18岁的女孩组合~声音真好,近乎呐喊般的狂野 歌唱,再加上快速得令人几乎窒息、迷炫的电子节奏,结合传统音轨与多媒体的混音技术 ,与王牌制作人trevor horn的护航,让整张专辑呈现超前卫的未来感,但又不失足以掳获 大众的流行旋律,均是这张专辑成功卖座的推力
39。lauren christy-the color of the night。夜之色,欧美经典影视名曲
40。t.a.t.u-30 minutes。仿佛在向你诉说什么,听听看
41。westlife-my love。大家太熟悉了吧,没听过的快下
43。twins - 恋爱大过天。我喜欢这首
46。埃米莉亚-big big word。别说你没听过
47。george winston-canon。《卡农》我的野蛮女友里的插曲,很好听,据说有很多版本 ,我这个是钢琴的
[A22] A dear John letter —Skeeter Davis h =udX8B{
[A14] A horse with no name —America B9F?NsQ6r
[A54] A new day has come —Celion Dion .|C7a/,
[A48] A shoulder to cry on —Tommy Page !@]kZ?4W
[A57] A song for mama —Boyz II Men Z0cucdj
[A12] A spaceman came traveling —Chris De Burgh 5mb@"w{y
[A05] A time for us —Andy Williams "U NVg~2
[A46] A whiter shade of pale —Procol Harum ?F1={*V #c
[A31] A whole new world —Peabo Bryson Regina ]%pLF "]1
[A06] A winter’s tale —告敏David Essex ,h"V|ow
[A50] About a girl —Nirvana P*nLn/Y
[A42] Abracadabra —The Steve Miller Band \DTnLPMw
袜粗枝[A47] Across the universe —Beatles PS2.:@OCn
[A30] Africa —凳哗Toto i]5j(?$+
[A16] Against all odds(Take a look at me now)—Phil Collins []gub7k2
[A32] Ain’t no mountain high enough —Marvin Gaye Tammi Terrell %{1X2c
[A11] Alasca —Topas S td5")[3)
[A52] All about loving you —Bon Jovi sFU;Z
[A07] All by myself —Eric Carmen O0 .fl
[A53] All for the love of a girl—Johnny Horton =zF~`sQ
[A19] All I have to do is dream—Glen Campbell Robbie Gentry s4E^^ D)i
[A21] All kinds of everything—Dana Aq y~ V0N
[A51] All my life —Linda Ronstadt Aaron Neville T$%(7`
[A29] All my loving —Beatles 6_I)e0
[A55] All night long—Lionel Richie Z5[H=*wN
[A02] All out of love—Air Supply ghAi|m^TOa
[A41] All those years ago—George Harrison *dWHEeA
[A34] Almost over you—Sheena Easton 4|J :];
[A43] Almost paradise—Mike Reno Ann Wilson .xz2U!
[A10] Alone—Heart y ,pG.kU
[A35] Always—Atlantic Stars aEue8Q6z
[A36] Always—Bon Jovi i|q.Acc^
[A17] Always on my mind—Elvis Presley rr$,9FM
[A26] Always somewhere—Scorpions t|'J,3JH
[A49] Am I that easy to forget?—Jim Reeves l4Q4 C#^
[A09] Amanda —Boston Etus\@
[A45] Amazing —Aero *** ith +sWD240'
[A01] Amazing grace —Judy Collins @BE")A
[A27-1] American pie—Don McLean nyF5=$Z
[A27] American pie—Don McLean nM] PhxH-K
[A28] And I love her —Beatles s!m zU,Q1
[A13] And I love you so —Don McLean i$+DiuZzkd
[A44] And so it goes —Billy Joel Jc|XkX"dT
[A18] Angel —Sarah McLachlan ug[4?Jk
[A40] Angel —Aero *** ith w_8R!Lp
[A38] Angel queen —Dara Sedaka WJFtB|;d
[A23] Angie —Rolling Stones 'F]]]^4c
[A04] Annie’s song —John Denver $\V2qtHY2
[A25] Another brick in the wall —Pink Floyd 5o~NbLiQ
[A03] Another day in paradise—Phil Collins yUwW`Bg)
[A15] Another town another train—ABBA 3nwr5]{`
[A33] Anywhere is —Enya ){=7Yu
[A56] Are you happy now ? —Michelle Branch gomD3E^
[A24] Are you lonesome tonight?—Elvis Presley TSB rXH A
[A37] Arthur’s theme (the best you can do)—Christopher Cross xM~aPM
[A39] As long as you love me—Backstreet Boys !B=.0,x^j
[A20] As tears go by—Rolling Stones .607d5#d
[A08] Aubrey—Bread g 87GN1
[B08] Babe —Styx oj[_$XB'
[B33] Back at one —Brian McKnight *kG|mX}
[B05] Back for good —Take That k 7W-AV
[B25] Bad medicine —Bon Jovi "xU$ pf!`
[B30] Band on the run —Paul McCartney Wings w[?+Ixu
[B20] Beat it —Michael Jackson xA_;AmM
[B17] Beautiful boy —John Lennon w@uP1DwMQ
[B12] Beautiful Sunday —Daniel Boone w][}p
[B15] Beauty and the beast —Peabo Bryson Celion Dion 1^3@tBV{
[B06] Because I love you —Shaking Steven 0H8ACtVd
[B13] Because you loved me —Celion Dion 8vAc2E[Z
[B31] Bed of roses —Bon Jovi Nc:md^"
[B29] Before the next teardrop falls —Freddie Fender Tu0.v\:
[B19] Ben —Michael Jackson tQQRTY\jW
[B18] Better man —Robbie Williams ;dCKE`nf
[B14] Betty Davis‘s eyes —Kim Carnes `ZbRnz=7H
[B16] Big, big world —Emilia 8Tl OB-VgE
[B28] Biggest part of me —Ambrosia +XDe S } C
[B11] Bird on a wire—Leonard Cohen p'@7|l@/Y
[B32] Bloody Sunday—U2 =1LJIua
[B04] Blowing in the wind—Peter, Paul Mary `j u*[''
[B26] Blue balloon—Jeremy ~yYhU 72+
[B27] Blue bayou—Linda Rondstadt _-TL "cZ!
[B21] Blue eyes —Elton John c@n MwWF
[B23] Blue moon —The Marcels B\2;%rj'"
[B24] Blue velvet —Bobby Vinton Ee uj?
[B10] Bohemian rhapsody —Queen p2b..d5oq
[B07] Borderline —Chris De Burgh x"YO$4b 7)
[B01] Both sides now —Judy Collins ~t~HuU7
[B22] Breathe —Faith Hill _ 2x^v;?
[B02] Bridge over troubled water —Simon Garfunkel c{@Kh{ `
[B03] Bright eyes—Art Garfunkel X %^~
[B09] Broken wings—Chris De Burgh k!;kZ|`1E
[C20] C‘set la vie—Emerson, Lake Palmer x/#d+#h~c
[C02] California dreaming—Mamas Papas E]S$P
[C07] Call me—Dennis De Young u]3*k z
[C26] Can you feel the love tonight—Elton John 0 o\Bye=
[C31] Can‘t fight the moonlight—LeAnn Rimes i I;v*`
[C13] Can‘t fight this feeling—REO Speedwagon REO -*f4h:
[C19] Can‘t help falling in love—Elvis Presley ]p+LR}R)n
[C18] Can‘t take my eyes off you—Frankie Valli t |b6 3
[C27] Can‘t we try ?—Dan Hill Vonda Sheppard E=I_X}\D
[C04] Candle in the wind—Elton John ,^ju6ZI
[C04-1] Candle in the wind 1997—Elton John |yI/)\a3!
[C28] Captain of her heart —Double {k+97b*
[C08] Careless whisper —Wham Wham Yl(G}FL
[C17] Carrie —Europe C) "#^8
[C06] Casablanca —Bertie Higgins Vq0AJhPV
[C33] Castles in the air —Don McLean LOg(qZTl
[C01] Cats in the cradle —Harry Chapin =s%$XHB
[C30] Changes—Black Sabbath {w-#9\
[C38] Changes —Olivia Newton John l/'a\* +
[C24] Changing partners —Patti Page SfD.$3%D
[C05] Cherish—Kool the Gang NVVRx?/'
[C35] Child —Freddie Aguilar UtEi%Ca
[C16] Child in time —Deep Purple 9Qt}*
[C12] Children of the universe—Barclay James Harvest T^Y?1/|5f1
[C10] Chiquitita—ABBA 2l dv\n
[C32] Circles in the sand—Belinda Carlisle r GX(s^
[C21] Close to you—Carpenters V(c"u1=q
[C11] Colors of the wind—Vanessa Williams o_/ I
[C44] Come as you are—Nirvana h`BX6B
[C15] Come what may—Lani Hall Herb Alpert jVB"~,`1
[C34] Come what may—Nicole Kidman Ewan McGregor N[*du}\
[C39] Constant craving—K. D. Lang ELV0ak9j
[C14] Cotton field—C.C.R. YFZPNNUu1v
[C40] Could‘ve been—Tiffany yD'-B
[C22] Count on me—Whitney Houston J%5FeGYQ
[C25] Coward of the county—Kenny Rogers AN=%ybQ"
[C29] Crazy for you—Madonna %HMm3
[C43] Crazy love —Dick Glasser }"iC Pm
[C41] Creep —Radiohead #(*UmW?j
[C36] Crocodile rock —Elton John V#i.Za0J
[C23] Cruel war—Peter, Paul Mary = jgZPLl
[C37] Cruising—Gwyneth Paltrow Huey Lewis @qg1F
[C42] Cry —Godley Creme 6X|jhR.2
[C09] Crying —Don McLean . ExmEN
[C03] Crying in the rain —A-Ha qhR#Jn"
[D15] Dancing queen—ABBA be8mt=
[D16] Danny boy —英国民谣 F/U ?T
[D07] Danny‘s song —Anne Murray `Qlh[H#
[D43] Daydream believer —Monkees 3g#ePAuy;
[D04] Days of summer —Topas O5*N]5T
[D23] Dear heart —Andy Williams @V+,'h*N
[D32] Delilah —Tom Jones wzaBiN O4
[D11] Desert moon —Dennis De Young VG752JH7)!
[D33] Desert rose —Sting x~xI^7f
[D26] Desperado —Eagles 'Eg o#z(;
[D29] Devoted to you —The Everly Brothers f!IG86m
[D06] Diamond and rust —Joan Baez *vZv1;x:l
[D28] Diana —Paul Anka e. zWEN0E
[D35] Diary —Bread hR:xJ
[D22] Didn‘t we almost have it all—Whitney Houston 7kO_re^
[D40] Do I have to cry for you—Nich Carter (o*}QWM
[D05] Do that to me one more time—Captain Tennille @s9s9s[
[D21] Do they know it‘s Christmas ?—Band Aid cd~~"UmF
[D19] Do you know where you‘re going to?—Diana Ross "]J"!!*!PR
[D34] Do you love me ?—The Kiss o4M'_-\
[D09] Do you remember ?—Phil Collins .;A`N
[D41] Doctor Jones—Aqua YWe^QE(_H7
[D18] Don‘t answer me—Alan Parson‘s Project 7 uychRD
[D31] Don‘t be cruel—Elvis Presley Dja/P)
[D36] Don‘t cry—Guns N‘ Roses X12N\6+^$
[D17] Don‘t cry for me, Argentina—Madonna oKN;I?1/
[D20] Don‘t cry out loud—Melissa Manchester P$CjzeOeK
[D14] Don‘t cry, Joni —Conway Twitty Joni Lee U3@mD
[D30] Don‘t dream it‘s over —Crowded House BfR \%`\1
[D10] Don‘t know much —Linda Ronstadt Aaron Neville |'_|I,"RB
[D39] Don‘t know why —Norah Jones X5FG7'|
[D13] Don‘t let it end—Styx ^) sA!h@
[D24] Don‘t let it end—Yngwie Malmsteen ;.W e9
[D42] Don‘t let the sun go down on me —Elton John Mefu0bX
[D37] Don‘t speak —No Doubt [e\rrY0ET'
[D27] Don‘t you want me ?—Human League e]n~b "A
[D01] Donna, Donna—Joan Baez 8V* g=[%
[D25] Dream a little dream—Mamas Papas PMbRY3c6
[D12] Dream on Aero *** ith YgN Re
[D08] Dreams —Cranberries 7@U9_W
[D03] Drive—Cars `RFpfk5*
[D02] Dust in the wind—Kansas 20R)Gi M"
[E03] (Everything I do) I do it for you —Bryan Adams "plm:me_*
[E23] 18 and life —Skidrow iNS4#~T
[E18] Eagle—ABBA { Nt1_|
[E07] Earthbound —Conner Reeves Q8 ` )
[E24] Eat the rich—Aero *** ith k[2F'Yn`
[E14] Ebony and ivory—Paul MaCartney Stevie Wonder )wIer/Y
[E19] Edelweiss— =zIY s G'
[E11] El condor pasa—Andy Williams 9r53tE|
[E22] Empty garden —Elton John # Z-mVd(
[E25] Endless Christmas —3T a7;M7RZ3
[E12] Endless love—Lionel Richie Diana Ross u!hHf9W*
[E04] Especially for you—Kylie Minogue Jason Donovan :2r#P)cHO5
[E05] Eternal flame—Bangles t)o[V/-Lg
[E15] Even the nights are better —Air Supply .wsu7)
[E13] Evergreen tree—Cliff Richard _LF608N
[E17] Every beat of my heart —Rod Steward 3M8WGf0
[E02] Every breath you take —The Police Sa$F,'
[E09] Every rose has its thorn —Poison m}dt*8ZP+
[E10] Every woman in the world—Air Supply Lcf Jy
[E21] Everybody hurts —R.E.M. Dsfw"v3~
[E16] Everybody wants to rule the world—Tears for Fears H P0c0k+m
[E26] Everybody‘s somebody‘s fool— *WA_t U
[E06] Everything I own—Bread !`xim(n
[E08] Everytime you go away —Paul Young + Sk-K
[E01] Eye in the sky—Alan Parson‘s Project A!$!S
[E20] Eyes on me—Faye Wang 9b`mxI\I
[F09] 04:55—Wynners nb)_` t*
[F19] 50 ways to leave your lovers—Paul Simon TYb%h?X]
[F08] 500 miles—Peter, Paul Mary 0j.8vP[x4
[F25] Fading like a flower —Roxette i3I4j @
[F11] Faithfully —Journey )-Wx,M"B t
[F17] Fallen flowers —Steve McDonald q8q{M XA
[F20] Falling —Alicia Keys 385oeZroz
[F22] Famous blue raincoat—Jennifer Warnes ,A}{)\
[F10] Fast car—Tracy Chapman [U~\U{WOj
[F05] Feelings—Morris Albert S3!dpK^I
[F04] Fernando—ABBA ea|}:F\[Am
[F12] First of May —Bee Gees 59FY
[F24] Flag Day—Housemartins SDc5'yB
[F15] Flashdance-what a feeling —Irene Cara k~oaiC-j
[F02] Fly away—John Denver Olivia Newton John 6P f}Q0
[F21] Fly me to the moon —Frank Sinatra (FhnJs
[F26] Fly without wings—Westlife +3x 5[;
[F01] Follow me—John Denver B%}$YlR*n
[F16] For the first time—Kenny Loggins I4jG- },
[F27] Forever—Stratovarious AkW[#F
[F06] Forever young—Alphaville WG8D.99
[F07] Four seasons in one day—Crowded house )wVG4H|Dd
[F23] Fragile—Sting i,VaUpU_k0
[F18] Free bird—Lynyrd Skynyrd .QE# *Ft
[F03] From a distance—Bette Midler bM|C:-@iW
[F13] From me to you —Beatles XRyNRRr,
[F14] Future world—Helloween lv+YfL!S.
[G08] Girl—Beatles 2]c0rvlq
[G16] Girl of my dream—Moffatts O62KzE
[G17] Girls just wanna have fun —Cyndi Lauper H5I$RDM
[G14] Glory of love—Peter Cetera VmCO '\%(w
[G06] Go away, little girl — _!EX j~!
[G03] Go your own way —Fleetwood Mac ?8`-^|"US
[G10] God helps the outcasts —Bette Midler h]T"l~
[G02] Goodbye—Air Supply i* w,
[G01] Goodbye girl—David Gates d5*?pR
[G09] Goodbye yellow brick road —Elton John _J1KC;c
[G15] Goodbye, Jimmy goodbye —Kathy Linden N: XhH[@V1
[G04] Greatest love of all —Whitney Houston G:BLguvw
[G12] Green, green grass of home —Tom Jones vGWn?Ze
[G12-1] Green, green grass of home—Tom Jones S 79!_A
[G13] Greenfields —Brothers Four ;qF`=[
[G07] Greensleeves —英国民谣 8%W"F.
[G11] Grow old with you —Adam Sandler $* $G b!
[G05] Gypsies, tramps thieves—Cher UCo)
[H36] Half-breed—Mary Deand and Al Capps S Bv!
[H47] Halfway around the world—A-Teens ,*YCNXz
[H45] Happy Christmas (War is over)—John Lennon WW`z%
[H08] Happy new year—ABBA a=ItJ
[H11] Hard to say I‘m sorry—Chicago B-c@nK.
[H32] Harden my heart—Quarterflash ;Jns%y Fb
[H21] Have I told you lately?—Van Morrison `9Hf{ T
[H39] Have you ever really loved a woman?—Bryan Adams j~+zR Ft0P
[H07] Have you never been mellow?—Olivia Newton John zB"[,a8*
[H01] He ain‘t heavy, he‘s my brother—Hollies 3q Fg*pS~
[H18] Heal the world—Michael Jackson XD,)pT"*+
[H43] Heart is like a wheel—Linda Ronstadt 6 MEicp
[H02] Heart of gold—Neil Young wPP4y k+
[H29] Heartbreaker—Dionne Warwick ZnA}@*=1b
[H42] Heartlight—Neil Diamond j 3er!
[H03] Hearts—Marty Balin DDA^WMPk
[H10] Heaven —Bryan Adams fcV3[ q
[H40] Heaven is a place on earth —Belinda Carlisle wqU045
[H35] Heaven knows —Rick Price G~= 4k3Xa
[H14] Hello—Lionel Richie ")q IQc
[H23] Hello and goodbye —Topas qs4Cxp
[H22] Hello, I love you —The Doors Z CsOE(
[H20] Help me make it through the night —Sammi Smith _nNDX=
[H44] Her town too —James Taylor with J.D. Souther ItBgHi\0
[H25] Here comes the sun —Beatles qF@L47Qh
[H31] Here I am—Air Supply 5iywHu;:
[H12] Here is your paradise —Chris De Burgh 6o!X9L
[H13] Hero—Mariah Carey kV*g*rv-L
[H37] Hero—Iglesias Enrique )?[duS R
[H27] Hey, Jude —Beatles NpL qg"
[H26] High enough—Damn Yankees ::DxDO,$
[H28] Hold me—Savage Garden 68QRxdM;H
[H46] Hold on—Good Charlotte GE'K
[H19] Holiday —Scorpions Q)n+[Di$
[H09] Honesty—Billy Joel )ZCA}5oj
[H17] Honey comes back —Glenn Campbell -Bvj8z
[H30] Honey, honey —ABBA =+Lo5p
[H05] Hotel California —Eagles N=7}}k
[H05-1] Hotel California—Eagles 8]mz]8O
[H24] House of rising sun—The Animals |F Z06F2
[H38] How am I supposed to live without you? —Michael Bolton %qGS9]
[H06] How can I tell her—Lobo "c ICZ~Y
[H33] How can you mend a broken heart—Bee Gees b| $5vu
[H04] How deep is your love—Bee Gees KvUhhxE5P
[H16] How do I live—Trisha Yearwood $2kC53 .
[H41] Hungry eyes—Eric Carmen qM"={C
[H15] Hungry heart—Bruce Springsteen 5t_L44
[H34] Hunting high and low—Stratovarius 7Pdo8'd}
[I48] (I just) Died in your arms—Cutting Crew s j_CxP"
[I80] (I‘ve had) The time of my life—Bill Medley Jennifer Warnes 9@iv2o-
[I43] I am a rock—Simon Garfunkel +/| IogA4M
[I27] I am in love with the world—Chicken Shed Q "-qA8
[I84] I am woman—Helen Reddy ~KH3
[I58] I believe I can fly—R. Kelly @G8@mH!i
[I75] I can‘t give you anything but love —Louis Armstrong 5m=zs,[K
[I49] I can‘t make you love me—Bonnie Raitt 3r;=CxvS
[I71] I can‘t stop loving you—Ray Charles 9|6l!f 2
[I06] I can‘t tell you why—Eagles \3Ap ?
[I02] I don‘t know how to love him—Helen Reddy NrPrH/O
[I29] I don‘t like to sleep alone—Paul Anka UF[.w O
[I40] I don‘t want to miss a thing—Aero *** ith U"nV%aTH(8
[I21] I don‘t want to talk about it—Rod Steward h~RDyeMR
[I88] I drove all night—Roy Orbison 2uZuu'Fq
[I46] I got a name—Jim Croce x*6s%9|2
[I53] I guess the Lord must be in New York city—Nilsson z*P23Zy
[I62] I hate myself for loving you—Joan Jett the Blackhearts Qv7h?i@7
[I11] I have a dream—ABBA 6 /] _JE
[I76] I honestly love you—Olivia Newton John Q%3.Xmjn
[I16] I just called to say I love you—Stevie Wonder .Vaq/?uxv
[I54] I knew I loved you—Savage Garden /3 ze|HnW
[I22] I know a heartache when I see one—Jennifer Warnes Tg`7('Hli
[I15] I know him so well—Elaine Page Babara Dickson ]LJfe-"
[I44] I like Chopin—Gazebo e =$-Rh?%
[I77] I love you—Celine Dion x(JkbBF+
[I78] I love you—Climax Blues Band 1wm?|E`
[I79] I need to be in love—Carpenters VCOdWE
[I65] I need you—America 4{0XX}
[I86] I need you to turn to—Elton John `R++$_1
[I74] I ran (so far away)—A Flock of Seagulls 9+8UO"^C
[I93] I really don‘t want to know— [e.lV
[I56] I remember—Emil Chou Mandy Gaines @}pa/
[I23] I say a little prayer —Mary Black @QQs%oRPd
[I70] I should have known better —Jim Diamond "Fj|1h:4
[I64] I started a joke—Bee Gees M-h@7
[I36] I still believe—Brenda k. Starr `Xs8 D
[I51] I still haven‘t found what I‘m looking for—U2 p9_2F{Dx
[I45] I swear—All 4 one #7h^`[%
[I90] I try —Macy Gray 4jV}m9tp
[I26] I understand — n1,lqO
[I41] I want it that way—Backstreet Boys r/#pn9{
[I55] I want to hold your hand —Beatles Hzfywb|
[I28] I want to know what love is —Foreigner ay za(`+
[I20] I will always love you —Whitney Houston h=' [J
[I01] I will follow him — 9w\MkYUU
[I67] I will survive—Gloria Gaynor "Rs94(6ma
[I39] I won‘t hold you back—Toto gWJJ*g
[I72] I write the songs—Barry Manilow ,#RuQq.=
[I25] I‘d love you to want me—Lobo %fJ") `r
[I08] I‘d really love to see you tonight—England Dan John Ford Coley .y.U/ v
[I59] I‘ll be loving you (forever)—New Kids on the Block l~^gA^:o
[I10] I‘ll be over you—Toto +WPn{=0z
[I17] I‘ll be there —Mariah Carey r"b5D vh:E
[I38] I‘ll be there for you—Bon Jovi cLmpj6j
[I18] I‘ll have to say I love you in a song—Jim Croce #'H2?-
[I73] I‘ll make love to you—Boyz to Men ^!{`D,n#
[I66] I‘ll never fall in love again—Dionne Warwick Z:{}%@P4
[I94] I‘m alive—Celion Dion 9=ztl
[I81] I‘m easy—Keith Carradine ^3A \:H\
[I82] I‘m not in love—10 C.C. !0u2b*
[I85] I‘m on fire—Bruce Springsteen @)%Y5
[I04] I‘ve never been to me—Cherlene 0YzKB" K
[I03] If—Bread *RO:jt
[I96] If everyday could be Christmas—98 Degrees K,35Qa
[I92] If I let you go—Westlife (bLzXSw%
[I35] If not for you—Olivia Newton John F`IYEjL`
[I61] If you don‘t know me by now—Simply Red %$C=b?t*
[I34] If you leave—O.M.D. /c$6?B(0~-
[I33] If you leave me now—Chicago 3k_iM\}
[I32] If you love me—Brenda Lee 3MJpW #dDC
[I31] Imagine—John Lennon IEDo@!
[I57] Immortality—Celion Dion Bee Gees DJw8BAu
[I24] In a country churchyard—Chris De Burgh ?!r^gK7
[I87] In a lifetime—Clannad Bono 9.HAj[Q
[I13] In my dream—REO Speedwagon REO `P`F}lYJ2
[I91] In my place—Coldplay j {b0-
[I42] In the air tonight—Phil Collins ICk)Ot(wV
norther - final countdown - (芬兰旋律死亡金属乐滚裂队一定要上酷狗听)
霜冻前夜的冰封之地大举闭 no2 旋律死亡金属乐队(复制后上酷狗音乐盒听)
The final countdown (欧洲合唱团最著名的一首歌)
no luckygrass
enter sandman 进入睡魔 重金属乐队
芬兰旋律死亡金属乐队“ 博多之子” everytime i die, hate me, follow the reaper, downfall,
Within Temptation的 Memories
夜愿,She Is My Sin.
Bullet for My Valentine 的Tears Don't Fall ,Suffocating Under Words Of Sorrow ,很不错
DragonForce的through the fire and flames(这叫速度啊),long long way to go, my spirit will go on,
子孙乐队的Self Esteem
芬兰颂歌乐队的trollhammaren (很特别)
.Forgive Me Not的The Ocean 好听
lordi芬兰力量金属乐队,hard rock hallelujah 爽
My Chemical Romance的答清Famous Last Words 听的真爽
在烈焰中乐队的Only For The Weak
龙之力量乐队-My Spirit Will Go On 这技术一个字爽
永恒的悲伤之泪乐队-The Last One For Life 爽
Dreamtale-The Dawn 好听
Death Cab For Cutie的Soul Meets Body
战车乐队,Links 2 3 4 ,Ich Will ,Rammstein ,嫉妒
The Clash~《London Calling》(最棒的朋克乐,个人觉得比性手枪,雷蒙斯都经典)
SKID ROW~《SKID ROW》(偏流行的重金属1989)
AC/DC~《Highway to Hell》(本斯科特的最后声音)
Green Day~《International Superhits!》(很流行很好听的的朋克)
Megadeth~《Countdown to Extinction》(最喜欢的激流金属)
Limp Bizkit~《Three Dollar Bill Y'All》(太棒的新金属)
Cinderella~ *** (比枪花经典)
Marilyn Manson~《Lest We Forget- The Best Of》(曼森的 *** )
exploited~《Should We, Can't We》(朋克)
Elvis Presley~《2nd to None》(猫王)
Dimmu Borgir~《Enthrone Darkness Triumphant》(最好的旋律黑金)
Bob Marley~《The Complete Bob Marley the Wailers》 (1967-1972,雷鬼)
Cannibal Corpse~《Butchered at Birth》(纯正的美式死亡金属)
Immortal~《Sons of Northern Darkness》(最正点的原始黑金)
Eric Clapton~《Unplugged》(很有名的老头)
Enigma~《The Screen Behind the mirror》(英格玛)
Pantera~《Cowboys From Hell》(潘朵拉的第一张)
Metallica~《Ride the Lightning》(很出名的M)
Primus~《Sailing the Seas of Cheese》(全部专辑中这个最好)
Sopor Aeternus the Ensemble of Shadows~《Es reiten die Toten so schnell》(属于最极端的范畴,听了想死的艺术)
Suede~《A New Morning》(山羊皮的最好一张)
The Cure(许多歌都很好听的,每张都不错,很流行很好听)
The Red Hot Chili Peppers~《Californication》(质量相当不稳定乐队,不过这张还不错)
The Sex Pistols~《Never Mind》(性手枪)
NIN~ 《ghost》(九寸钉的一张纯电子的专辑)
Pink Floyd~《Echoes The Best of Pink Floyd》(其实Pink Floyd的所有歌普遍听烂的,推租察荐张 *** )
The New York Dolls~《Too Much Too Soon》(很老的乐队了)
The White 号称是三大流行金属之一 比“白狮” “白蛇”都要好(三白)
Def Leppard 没有胳膊的鼓手在打鼓,比较老又著名的流行金属
Aero *** ith 无数张专辑....
范弊兄茄海伦 你要是喜欢那种缺乏感情的SOLO可以试一试!哈 70年代
都是从我自己电脑上给你 *** 出的,后面有我个人的评价
有空还是从最原始的听起吧!“齐帕林飞船” “黑色安息日” “犹大牧师” “摩托头” “铁娘子”(Judas Priest、Iron Maiden、尘念Motorhead、)可以从他们中听到现在任何一种金属的风格。特别是“黑色安息日”70~75年间的专辑!
Pantera、Overkill、Kreator、Gamma Ray、Exodus、Testament、W.A.S.P.、Rage、Accept、Riot、Lordi……
Death 一直 是我的最爱,是我第一支接触的过的死亡金属Chuck也被称为死亡之
Deicide 算是最邪恶的了,Legion (罗马军团)最快的一张死亡金属
风格较Cannibal Corpse来说更加多变,最关紧的就是有剁肉的感觉
Obituary 生死簿偏碾一点但声音绝对比低吼好听的多,前几张专辑甚是经典
Carcass, Morbid Angel只能说一般,很大牌的乐队,不过现在听真的一般
Cannibal Corpse 著名的CC 惨死吧,每张都血淋淋的!剁肉的感觉
Disgorge 呕吐, 咕噜咕噜的感觉,比较特色点
Dark Tranquaillity 瑞典,听上去比较美!有几首歌不多
Di *** ember 听打口磁带时接触过的!好像是欧洲的
ENTOMBED 被埋!太经典的东西!!!见多少听多少!!!
Vader 节奏贼好,波兰的很猛
像“死胎”,和Disgorge,Murder Squad,In Flames 这样的小乐队现在发的太多了,只是听上去是比较多样化,比较变态,尤其Disgorge的呕吐唱腔
Six Feet Under 做得太蠢太慢适合不甚了解者本人不推荐!
Exhumed 和Avulsed每张专辑的封面都能体现出他们的残忍!远比Cannibal Corpse的卡通画爽的多,哈 很猛
Dimmu Borgir应该不会不知道的,与Cradle Of Filth同样大牌的,早期有几首很漂,有一张早期合集《挪威之王》里能找到!其中也包括了Ancient,Arcturus这样的传奇乐队
Dragon Lord,Epoch Of Unlight,Summoning,Sentenced搜一下这几个乐队,都比较新,混合更多的元素
BEHEMOTH 波兰老炮, 永远充满民族仇恨!
At the Gates
Immortal,Mayhem,Marduk(个人的最爱)很原始不过很喜欢,并非Darkthrone,Dark Funeral之类的纯原始不修饰
Offspring 味道比较老
Anti-Flag 专辑贼多,不过张张都不错!主唱声音听着挺嫩,但贼猛!
Clash 属于代表性的乐队了!跟什么雷蒙斯呀性枪呀应该属于同样重量级的
the Buzzcocks Ric Ocasek
推荐一中国的 脑浊!现在做的相当好!
The Sex Pistols(性手枪)
New York Dolls (纽约妞,挺老的乐队了,闲了可以听听)
The Ramones (雷蒙斯,不能不听的PUNK鼻祖)
The Clash (London Calling)
The Damned
The Misfits(应该年轻些,但味道贼经典)
the Buzzcocks
Ric Ocasek
The Exploited(剥削,贼猛,每张专辑都有一首翻The Sex Pistols的歌)
The Distillers(RANCID主唱媳妇的乐队)
Operation Ivy (稍微推荐一下)
The.Suicide.Machines (自杀机器,不得不听的好东西)
扭曲的机器 《镜子中》 《理想背后》
痛仰 《生命中最美丽的一天》 所有专辑都不错
舌头 《油漆匠》
液氧罐头 《那是谁》
战斧 《下沉》
崔健 就不都一一推荐了
窦唯 《上帝保佑》
张楚 何勇 还有唐朝 黑豹 的 大家都知道
超载 就第一张还能听
脑浊和地下婴儿 的都不错
好了!支持原创!共同 *** 不劳