






你记得的那句应该是:one-t nine-t bull-t me

歌名: the magic key

歌手: one-t and cool-t

listen up!

to my days change my ways

this sudden end to my days

makes me wish i'd changed my ways

spent more time with the posse

one-t, nine-t, bull-t, me

from up here, life seems so *** all

what's the

meaning of it all?

miss the way it used to be

one-t, nine-t, bull-t, me

where in the world could i be?

homies looking so cool, cool, i'm cool-t!

tuxedos made of snow

is there something i should know?

mom and pop and little bro

dead and gone so long ago

could this be paradise at last?

the first test i've ever passed

music's the odyssey

it's here for you, for me

just listen find the magic key

music's the odyssey

it's here for you, for me

just listen let your life be free

blissful days, what you gonna do?

still i miss my old t-crew

can't afterlive without'em

i just wish they only knew!

may they have lived without a home

but my homies love me kept me warm

taught me to forget 'bout the game

money, hatred, hunger, pain

this sudden end to my days

makes me wish i'd changed my ways

spent more time with the posse

one-t, nine-t, bull-t, me

music's the odyssey

it's here for you, for me

just listen find the magic key (yours truly)

music's the odyssey (yeah)

it's here for you, for me (magic key)

just listen like your life be free

missing you, missing you

missing you, magic crew

missing you, missing you

missing you, magic crew

had a meeting with my maker

the superhuman baker

he popped me in the oven

and set the dial to lovin'

now i watch over my boys

help'em keep on making noise

never pictured me with wings

guess i've heard of stranger things

music's the odyssey

it's here for you, for me

just listen find the magic key (cool t yours truly)

music's the odyssey (aha aha)

it's here for you, for me (yeah yeah)

just listen like your life be free (cool t yours truly)

music's the odyssey

it's here for you, for me

just listen find the magic key

listen up!

music's the odyssey

it's here for you, for me

just listen let your life be free

listen up!



when i wake up

lrc歌词:[00:00.00]When I Wake Up (By SmellyCat`)


[00:24.11]Hope u enjoy :)


[00:44.94]Ah,ah,ah,open my eyes

[00:48.31]Another day is another surprise

[00:50.08]Wonder what's pervos the day it will not the vise

[00:53.16]Never mind not to word ,never other snot want to love

[00:56.84]To the fooluts,you wanna raining the foolut it

[00:59.05]Seated your the people to stay yeson to splan today

[01:02.18]As I wake up, oper it with the trueduce,forget the roo,

[01:05.45]Shape up lement to the new shake sign to do this,

[01:08.46]As waking numbut the word to this, is notmend to it,

[01:11.71]Is notmend to it, in notmend to it


[01:14.82]No one can get up on my biz

[01:16.68]I do my own thang, you can't tell me who are is

[01:19.61]I wake up, and I'm alive

[01:21.53]Whatever I want, I'll find it

[01:23.79]I'll keep doin what I'm doing no rewindin'


[01:26.83]No one can get up on my biz

[01:28.73]I do my own thang, you can't tell me who are is

[01:31.56]I wake up, and I'm alive

[01:33.51]Whatever I want, I'll find it

[01:35.86]I'll keep doin' what i'm doing no rewindin'


[01:41.30]As I'm wakin' up, day one on my mind

[01:44.53]Wonderin' whats gon stress me out this time

[01:47.53]Whats in line, scrambled eggs a biscuit. thats fine

[01:50.81]I need a get energized, cuhs through these past few days

[01:54.16]I've been speechless of what to say

[01:55.99]I'm tired of bullshit, when's it gonna go away

[01:58.84]Everytime i turn a cheek, drama here fakers there

[02:02.21]I think I'm growing grey hair


[02:05.15]Then again my music makes me think twice

[02:07.37]Like life is great so, is music,

[02:09.24]Oh, let's write!

[02:10.54]Even when im not awake

[02:11.61]The homegirls always bring a *** ile to my face

[02:14.39]Crackin jokes, pickin' on each others race

[02:16.70]Theres always phoebe racca! you know i love you girl

[02:19.96]Day passes by, im waitin for summer to arrive

[02:22.72]I'm gettin' excited for many goals to achieve

[02:25.62]I'm ready to turn it into reality instead of make believe

[02:29.75]You ready?


[02:32.61]No one can get up on my biz

[02:34.62]I do my own thang, you can't tell me who are is

[02:37.53]I wake up, and i'm alive

[02:39.53]Whatever i want, i'll find it

[02:41.81]I'll keep doin what i'm doing no rewindin'


[02:44.97]No one can get up on my biz

[02:46.67]I do my own thang, you can't tell me who are is

[02:49.67]I wake up, and i'm alive

[02:51.51]Whatever I want, I'll find it

[02:53.75]I'll keep doin what i'm doing no rewindin'



陶喆的《找自己》《苏三说》    王力宏的《改变自己》《星座》    罗志祥的《精舞门》

止步爱情 (石头剪子布)    i need you (麻吉弟弟)    分手18天(pal包子)

分手纪念日 (VAE乱感觉)    星星说爱你    十年(蛋堡)    如果我能回头、挂念(爽子)

隔空的爱(爽子)     这他妈才是爱情(爽子)    找回自己(爽子)     预言(黄立行)

起义之日(光光)     逃避现实 我又没说你(in3)    老师您好(in3)     天堂(黄崇旭)




斥责或说唱音乐的节奏,布鲁斯音乐风格包括vocals 等巧妙地和音乐融合。陪同一般包括电子鼓敲打与样品(数字式地被隔绝的酣然的叮咬) 被结合从其它音乐录音。


从最早期的词组的当中一个获得被使用在斥责,和可能被发现在今夜录音"交谈者的欢欣" (1979)由Sugarhill 帮会。除说唱音乐之外,配合敲打并以节律唱诵的音乐亚文化群并且包括其它形式表示,包括断裂跳舞和街道画艺术并且一个独特的俗话词汇量和流行观念。

斥责发起于70 年代中期在纽约南Bronx 地区。斥责的上升用许多方式平行摇滚乐诞生在50 年代(参见摇滚乐:摇滚乐):

发源在非裔美国人的社区和两个心头由小,独立纪录标签记录了和几乎完全最初地被销售了对黑人观众。到两个案件,新样式逐渐吸引了白音乐家,一些谁开始执行它。为摇滚乐这是一位白歌手从密西西比,Elvis Presley,打破广告牌杂志流行音乐图。

为斥责这是一个白色小组从纽约,Beastie 男孩,并且流行歌曲"步行这样" (1986),黑斥责小组的合作RUN-D.M.C 和白色坚硬岩石带Aero *** ith。在1986 年以后,对样品的用途和被巧辩的声音样式变得普遍在黑色和白色执行者流行音乐,极大修改什么的早先概念构成一个合法的歌曲、构成,或乐器。



;     嘻哈的风格,鼓点般的节奏,押韵的歌词等等让说唱歌曲成为了一种新的风尚,很多流行歌曲当中也都会运用到这样的方式来增添节奏感,在新一期的《中国说唱》当中就涌现出了许多好听的中文说唱歌,爆炸的节奏非常的带感,让听的人的热血沸腾。下面就来盘点一下那些好听的中文说唱歌。

      1、《无名之辈刘炫廷》 刘廷炫


      2、《名人堂》 大傻


      3、《庆功酒》 福克斯


      4、《江湖流》 刘聪



高手来,推荐几首英文的rap,要求像the monster 这种,速度快,又很押韵的

Eminent 的歌啊!Love the way you lie(初中就很喜欢了!!很赞) 、without me、rap god、I need a doctor 都是我个人比较喜欢的 可以听听


Party rock anthem

Sexy back-Justin timber lake
