


求Andrea Bocelli安德列-波切利的歌词

(1)Le Tue Parole (Your words)

Where the sun goes to die,

where the wind rests,

there are all the words

of those who have been in love

and have not forgotten

all that there has been.

And I shall wait for the sunset,

some time the wind must pass.

I shall let myself be carried

where the words are born.

I shall look for your words,

I want to bring them back to you.

It is not right that a woman

for fear of making a mistake

cannot fall in love

and has to content herself

with a story which is always the same

of a life to be dreamed.

Where the sun goes to die,

where the wind rests,

I have met many people

who, in a sea of words

and amid utter confusion,

still hope for a love.

It is not right that a woman

for fear of making a mistake

cannot fall in love

and has to content herself

with a story which is always the same

of a life to be forgotten,

(2)I Love Rossini

Alone, as if by force of habit

Even tonight, I stop by the bar

An echo, taunting me, fills the air

It's a voice, a voice that's all too familiar

It's you, so close, but you hide

Because you're still talking about me

Could it be you cannot forget me

To a friend that knows nothing of me

You're talking of my heart

And the bar, it *** ells of coffee

You can hear you love story

At the ice cream counter

Slander is a wicked wind

Said the writer with his pen

But you believed it to be true

While for me there was no reason

To give credence to suspicious envy.

Yet even now, your're still talking about me

Could it be you cannot forget me

My faltering command of english

That won your love right here

And countless coffees we shared together

I told you "I Love Rossini,

you know, the Italian opera"

Right here, by the ice cream counter

Now I'm explaining this love to your friend

I plead, tell this to my love

She sits there, uncaring, at your side

Tell her if the opera isn't enough,

There will be another song

While you are talking about me

Then surely, you haven't forgotten

And I'm still singing about you

Because I know I can't forget you

(3)Per Amore

Io conosco la tua strada

ogni passo che farai

le tue ansie chiuse e i vuoti

sassi che allontanerai

senza mai pensare che

come roccia io ritorno in te ...

Io conosco i tuoi respiri

tutto quello che non vuoi.

Lo sai bene che non vivi

riconoscerlo non puoi.

E sarebbe come se

questo cielo in fiamme

ricadesse in me,

come scena su un attore ...

Per amore,

hai mai fatto niente

solo per amore,

hai sfidato il vento e urlato mai,

diviso il cuore stesso

pagato e riscomesso

dietro questa mania

che resta solo mia?

Per amore,

hai mai corso senza fiato

per amore,

perso e ricominciato?

E devi dirlo adesso

quanto di te ci hai messo

quanto hai creduto tu

in questa bugia.

E sarebbe come se

questo fiume in piena

risalisse a me,

come china al suo pittore.

Per amore,

hai mai speso tutto quanto, la ragione

il tuo orgoglio fino al pianto?

Lo sai sta sera resto,

non ho nessun pretesto,

soltanto una mania

che resta forte e mia

dentro quest'anima che strappi via.

E te le dico adesso,

sincero con me stesso,

quanto mi costa non saperti mia.

E sarebbe come se

tutto questo mare

annegasse in me.



意大利文歌词/英文歌词/中文歌词 Con te partiro / Time to Say Goodbye 告别时刻 (Sarah Brightman 莎拉•布莱曼) Quando sono solo / When I'm alone 当我独自一人的时候 sogno all'orizzonte / I dream of the horizon 我梦见地平线 e mancan le parole / and words fail me 而话语舍弃了我 si lo so che non c'e luce / There is no light 没有阳光的房间里 in una stanza quando manca il sole / in a room where there is no sun 也没有光线 se non ci sei tu con me, con me / and there is no sun if you're not here with me, with me 假 如你不在我身边 su le finestre / From every window 透过每一扇窗 mostra a tutti il mio cuore / unfurl my heart 招展着我的心 che hai acceso / the heart that you have won 我那已属于你的心 chiudi dentro me / Into me you've poured the light 你施予到我心中 la luce che / the light 光 hai incontrato per strada / that you found by the side of the road 你在路旁所发现的 Con te partiro / Time to say goodbye 我将与你同航 paesi che non ho mai / Places that I've never seen or 那些我从未看过 veduto e vissuto con te / experienced with you 从未和你一起体验的地方 adesso si li vivro / now I shall 现在我就将看到和体验 con te partiro / I'll sail with you 我将与你同航 su navi per mari / upon ships across the seas 在那越洋渡海的船上 che io lo so / seas that exist no more 在那不再存在的海洋 no no non esistono piu / I'll revive them with you 我将与你一起让它们再通行 con te io li vivro / it's time to say goodbye 我将与你同航 (Andrea Bocelli 安德烈•波切利) Quando sei lontana / When you're far away 当你在遥远他方的时候 sogno all'orizzonte / I dream of the horizon 我梦见地平线 e mancan le parole / and words fail me 而话语舍弃了我 e io si lo so / and of course I know我当然知道 che sei con me con me / that you're with me, with me 你是和我在一起的 tu mia luna tu sei qui con me / you, my moon, you are with me 你---我的月亮,你和我在一起 mia solo tu sei qui con me / my sun, you're here with me 我的太阳,你就在此与我相随 con me con me con me / with me, with me, with me 与我、与我、与我 Con te partiro / Time to say goodbye 我将与你同航 paesi che non ho mai / Places that I've never seen or 那些我从未看过 veduto e vissuto con te / experienced with you 从未和你一起体验的地方 adesso si li vivro / now I shall 现在我就将看到和体验 con te partiro / I'll sail with you 我将与你同航 su navi per mari / upon ships across the seas 在那越洋渡海的船上 che io lo so / seas that exist no more 在那不再存在的海洋 no no non esistono piu / I'll revive them with you 我将与你一起再让它们通行 (Both 合唱) con te io li vivro / I'll go with you 我将与你同航 Con te partiro / upon ships across the seas 在那越洋渡海的船上 su navi per mari / seas that exist no more 在那不再存在的海洋 che io lo so / I'll revive them with you 我将与你一起再让它们通行 no no non esistono piu / I'll go with you 我将与你同航 con te io li vivro / I'll go with you 我将与你同航 Con te partiro / I'll sail with you 我将与你同航 Io con te / I with you 我和你


I live for her, you know, since

the first time I met her.

I do not remember how, but

she entered within me and stayed there.

I live for her because she makes

my soul vibrate so strongly.

I live for her and it is not a burden.

I live for her too, you know,

and don’t be jealous:

she belongs to all those who

have a need that is always switched on

like a stereo in the bedroom,

to someone who is alone and now knows

that she is also for him; for this reason

I live for her.

She is a muse who invites us

to brush her with the fingers.

Through a piano

death remains far away,

I live for her.

I live for her who often knows

how to be sweet and sensual:

sometimes she stuns you but

it is a blow that never hurts.

I live for her. I know she makes me

travel from town to town

and suffer a little, but at least I live.

It is painful when she leaves.

I live in hotels for her.

It grows with supreme pleasure.

I live for her in the vortex.

Through my voice

it expands and produces love.

I live for her. I know nothing else,

and how many others I shall meet

who, like me have written on their faces

I live for her.

I live for her

on a dais or against a wall

I live for her to the limit.

also in a harsh tomorrow.

I live for her to the very edge.

Every day

a conquest;

the protagonist

will always be her.

I live for her because now

I have no other way out,

because, you know music

is something I have truly never betrayed.

I live for her because she gives me

rests and notes with freedom.

If there were another life I’d live it,

I’d live it for her.

I live for her, music.

I live for her.

I live for her, she is unique.

I live for her.

I live for her.

I live

For her.


《BESAMEMUCHO多吻我一点》安德烈.波切利《Besame Mucho》是一首非常怀旧的老歌。很难用中文来准确表达"Besame Mucho"的意思,在拉丁文中Besame的意思是吻,而Mucho则是多的意思,有的人将它翻译为"热情相吻"或"吻吧,热烈的吻吧",也有翻成"深深的吻"的,还可以找到一些其它中文名字,但似乎都不确切而都有道理。这首歌曲的作者Consuelo Velazquez1924年8月29日出生于墨西哥,1941年创作了这首歌曲,1944年一跃成为美国10大流行歌曲的榜首。几经岁月的磨砺 Besame mucho几乎成了爱情与忠贞不逾的同名词, 这首歌曲已经拥有了自己独立的生命,成为拉丁美洲爱情歌曲中的经典。不知道有多少歌唱家和艺人演绎过它。也曾经有100名意大利小提琴手在 *** 圣马克广场演奏“Besame mucho”,是那么优美而震撼人心 ……Bésame, bésame mucho,吻我,深深地吻我吧Como si fuera esta noche la última vez.就好像今晚是最后一夜。Bésame, bésame mucho,吻我,深深地吻我吧 Que tengo miedo perderte,我好怕之后就会失去你Perderte despue's. 失去你。。。Quiero sentirte muy 我想很近很近地感觉你Cerca, mirarme en tus 我想面对着你 看着你Ojos, verte junto a mí, 在你的眼睛里看到我自己Piensa que tal vez 想想看也许明天Mañana yo ya estaré我就已经远远地Lejos, muy lejos de ti.远远地离开了你Bésame, bésame mucho,吻我,深深地吻我吧Como si fuera esta noche la última vez 就好像今晚是最后一夜。

中文歌词大意:每一个没有你的夜晚彷佛是火上的蚂蚁就这样爬在我心上真叫人毫无主意每一个没有你的早上彷佛是薄衣闯冰山你要我单薄的胸膛插一把真情的刀你不该对我那样绝情带走我多少的欢喜就怕你无言又无语人生就毫无意义我想你会同意天下的男人都愚蠢只有我不一样的爱情给你的不只是一颗心我想你会明白你可以带走我的楼房你知道我要的简单只要你同情的一个吻就算你天天在等我我要你不要明天就算你什么都给我 答应我最后要求






《Besame Mucho》是一首非常怀旧的老歌。很难用中文来准确表达"Besame Mucho"的意思,在拉丁文中Besame的意思是吻,而Mucho则是多的意思,有的人将它翻译为"热情相吻"或"吻吧,热烈的吻吧",也有翻成"深深的吻"的,还可以找到一些其它中文名字,但似乎都不确切而都有道理。

这首歌曲的作者Consuelo Velazquez1924年8月29日出生于墨西哥,1941年创作了这首歌曲,1944年一跃成为美国10大流行歌曲的榜首。几经岁月的磨砺 Besame mucho几乎成了爱情与忠贞不逾的同名词, 这首歌曲已经拥有了自己独立的生命,成为拉丁美洲爱情歌曲中的经典。不知道有多少歌唱家和艺人演绎过它。也曾经有100名意大利小提琴手在 *** 圣马克广场演奏“Besame mucho”,是那么优美而震撼人心 ……

跪求 安德烈.波切利的because we believe的中文歌词!


看着外面已是清晨 Guarda fuori e'gia'mattina

这是一个你将记住的日子 Questo e'un giorno che ricorderai

你匆忙的起床并离开 Alzati in fretta e vai

有谁相信你 C'è chi crede in te

你不屈服 Non ti arrendere

每段生命里程中 Once in every life

总会有那么一段 There comes a time

我们独自上路 We walk out all alone

走向阳光 And into the light

那一刻不会太久可是它存在 The moment won't last but then

我们牢记它 We remember it again

当我们闭上眼 When we close our eyes

就像星星滑过天空 Like stars across the sky

为了成功 E per avvincere

你必须胜利 Tu dovrai vincere

我们生来为了闪光 We were born to shine

我们聚集在这因为我们相信 All of us here because we believe

看着前方你从不转身 Guarda avanti e non voltarti mai

抱着你的梦想 Accarezza con i sogni tuoi

你的希望 Le tue speranze e poi

朝着那天的到来 Verso il giorno che verrà

那里有一个终点 C'è un traguardo là

就像星星滑过天空 Like stars across the sky

为了成功 E per avvincere

你必须胜利 Tu dovrai vincere

我们生来为了闪光 We were born to shine

我们聚集在这因为我们相信 All of us here because we believe

你不要屈服 Non ti arrendere

有人和你在一起 Qualcuno è con te

就像星星滑过天空 Like stars across the sky

我们生来为了闪光 We were born to shine

为了成功 E per avvincere

你必须胜利 Dovrai vincere

那么你将胜利 E allora vincerai
