




《Far away》 《You raise me up》 《you are not alone》 《I believe I can fly》 《I want it that way》

其中《I want it that way》歌词看起来好像是很多,不过你多听几次就会发觉它其中的规律,很好记的。另外几首都有很多地方是相同的歌词反复吟唱。




《Far away》

this time, this place

misused, mistakes

too long, too late

who was i to make you wait

just one chance

just one breath

just in case there's just one left

'cause you know,

you know, you know

that i love you

i have loved you all along

and i miss you

been far away for far too long

i keep dreaming you'll be with me

and you'll never go

stop breathing if

i don't see you anymore

one my knees, i'll ask

last chance for one last dance

'cause with you, i'd withstand

all of hell to hold your hand

i'd give it all

i'd give for us

give anything but i won't give up

'cause you know,

you know, you know

that i love you

i have loved you all along

and i miss you

been far away for far too long

i keep dreaming you'll be with me

and you'll never go

stop breathing if

i don't see you anymore

so far away

been far away for far too long

so far away

been far away for far too long

but you know, you know, you know

i wanted

i wanted you to stay

'cause i needed

i need to hear you say

that i love you

i have loved you all along

and i forgive you

for being away for far too long

so keep breathing

'cause i'm not leaving you anymore

not leaving

hold on to me and, never let me go

keep breathing

hold on to me and, never let me go

keep breathing

hold on to me and, never let me go

《You raise me up》

when i am down and, oh my soul, so weary;

when troubles come and my heart burdened be;

then, i am still and wait here in the silence,

until you come and sit awhile with me.

you raise me up, so i can stand on mountains;

you raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;

i am strong, when i am on your shoulders;

you raise me up... to more than i can be.

you raise me up, so i can stand on mountains;

you raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;

i am strong, when i am on your shoulders;

you raise me up... to more than i can be.

you raise me up, so i can stand on mountains;

you raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;

i am strong, when i am on your shoulders;

you raise me up... to more than i can be.

you raise me up, so i can stand on mountains;

you raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;

i am strong, when i am on your shoulders;

you raise me up... to more than i can be.

you raise me up... to more than i can be.

《you are not alone》

another day has gone

i'm still all alone

how could this be

you're not here with me

you never said goodbye

someone tell me why

did you have to go

and leave my world so cold

everyday i sit and ask myself

how did love slip away

something whispers in my ear and says

that you are not alone

for i am here with you

though you're far away

i am here to stay

but you are not alone

for i am here with you

though we're far apart

you're always in my heart

but you are not alone



just the other night

i thought i heard you cry

asking me to come

and hold you in my arms

i can hear your prayers

your burdens i will bear

but first i need your hand

then forever can begin

everyday i sit and ask myself

how did love slip away

something whispers in my ear and says

that you are not alone

for i am here with you

though you're far away

i am here to stay

for you are not alone

for i am here with you

though we're far apart

you're always in my heart

for you are not alone

whisper three words and i'll come runnin'

and girl you know that i'll be there

i'll be there

you are not alone

for i am here with you

though you're far away

i am here to stay

for you are not alone

for i am here with you

though we're far apart

you're always in my heart

for you are not alone

for i am here with you

though you're far away

i am here to stay

for you are not alone

for i am here with you

though we're far apart

you're always in my heart

for you are not alone...

《I believe I can fly》

i used to think that i could not go on

and life was nothing but an awful song

but now i know the meaning of true love

i'm leaning on the everlasting arms

if i can see it, then i can do it

if i just believe it, there's nothing to it

i believe i can fly

i believe i can touch the sky

i think about it every night and day

spread my wings and fly away

i believe i can soar

i see me running through that open door

i believe i can fly

i believe i can fly

i believe i can fly

see i was on the verge of breaking down

sometimes silence, it can seem so loud

there are miracles in life i must achieve

but first i know it starts inside of me

《I want it that way》


you are, my fire, the one, desire

believe, when i say, i want it that way

but we, are two worlds apart,

can't reach to your heart, when you say,

that i want it that way

tell me why, ain't nothin' but a heartache,

tell me why, ain't nothin' but a mistake,

tell me why,

i never wanna hear you say, i want it that way

am i, your fire?

your one, desire, desire, it's too late,

but i want it that way

tell me why, ain't nothin' but a heartache,

tell me why, ain't nothin' but a mistake,

tell me why,

i never wanna hear you say, i want it that way

now i can see that we've fallen apart,

from the way that it used to be, yeah,

no matter the distance, i want you to know,

that deep down inside of me...

you are, my fire, the one, desire,

you are (you are, you are, you are...)

don't wanna hear you say,

ain't nothin' but a heartache,

ain't nothin' but a mistake,

(don't wanna hear you say),

i never wanna hear you say,

i want it that way

tell me why, ain't nothin' but a heartache,

tell me why, ain't nothin' but a mistake,

tell me why,

i never wanna hear you say,

(don't wanna hear you say),

i want it that way

tell me why...

ain't nothin' but a heartache,

ain't nothin' but a mistake,

tell me why,

i never wanna hear you say,

(never wanna hear you say it),

i want it that way

cause i want it that way




专辑:Atlantic Crossing

1975年对洛·史都华(Rod Stewart)而言是个崭新的开始∶移居美国筹备新专辑的录音,加入新东家华纳唱片,正式离开Faces全心拓展个人事业。专辑「跨越大西洋」(Atlantic Crossing)在八月发行,由唱片标题反应出洛苹身来到美国以全新伴奏阵容完成此作;专辑唱片按AB面分为快、慢歌两部份,据说这是他当时的爱人—瑞典女演员Britt Ekland的建议,结果反应热烈,洛·史都华再展多彩多姿的摇滚巨星风采。专辑中"I Don't Wanna Talk About It"和"Sailing"都是听众非常熟悉且一再传诵的两首抒情佳作。


Rod Stewart (洛·史都华),英国的国宝级歌手,豆沙般的嗓音,桀骜不驯的舞台形象,源源不断的创作灵感构成了他的形象。他的这首《Sailing》更成为英文情歌代表作,听得连中国人的耳朵都起了茧子,他的歌声丝丝的、毛毛的,再加上温暖而细腻的和声,如同一只小狗的舌头,将你的手心舔了一遍又一遍。《Sailing》,1975年英国冠军曲,漂洋过海只为与你在一起,有谁会不感动?

洛·史都华1945年1月10日出生于伦敦,却始终以苏格兰血统为傲。成为歌手之前曾做过许多工作,当过筑篱笆工人也加入职业足球队,虽然退出当不成职业球员,但对此项运动一直保持高度兴趣,踢足球进观众席送给乐迷,也是他后来演唱会的噱头之一。  洛在乐坛经历了三个不同年代,他的歌路变化从上世纪60年代的布鲁斯与爵士过渡到70年代的流行摇滚,即使到了80年代,他的新潮表现也不落后于任何歌手,更没有显出因年龄而影响了风格的发展。1971年,洛德以专辑《每张照片都有一个故事》(Every Picture Tells A Story)一举成名,其中《Maggie May》脍炙人口,传唱至今。随后的专辑更让洛·史都华的大名家喻户晓。许多歌曲都被公认为超水平之作,《远航》(Sailing)、《你觉得我性感吗》(Do You Think I'm Sexy)更使他在商业成就上冲到了最高峰。


I am sailing 我在航行

I am sailing 我在航行

Home again 'cross the sea.又一次归航,穿越海洋

I am sailing stormy waters.我在航行,在那风暴之海

To be near you 只为靠近你

To be free 只为解脱

I am flying 我在飞翔

I am flying 我在飞翔

Like a bird 'cross the sky 穿越天空,像鸟儿一样

I am flying passing high clouds 我在飞翔,在那高耸之云

To be with you 只为与你相伴

To be free 只为解脱

Can you hear me 你可知我心

Can you hear me 你可知我心

Through the dark night far away 穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离

I am dying 我将死去

Forever crying 永远地哭泣

To be with you 只为与你相伴

Who can say 谁能明白

Can you hear me 你可知我心

Can you hear me 你可知我心

Through the dark night far away 穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离

I am dying 我将死去

Forever crying 永远地哭泣

To be with you 只为与你相伴

Who can say ? 谁能明白

We are sailing 我们在航行

We are sailing 我们在航行

Home again 'cross the sea 又一次归航,穿越海洋

We are sailing stormy waters我们在航行,在那风暴之海

To be near you 只为靠近你

To be free 只为解脱

Oh Lord 哦,上帝

To be near you 只为靠近你

To be free 只为解脱

Oh Lord 哦,上帝

To be near you 只为靠近你

To be free 只为解脱

Oh Lord 哦,上帝

To be near you 只为靠近你

To be free 只为解脱

Oh Lord 哦,上帝




歌词超简单的英文歌Auld lang syne介绍

Auld Lang Syne

即友谊地久天长,是《魂断蓝桥》《Its.A.Wonderful.Life》《When Harry Met Sally》中的电影主题曲。

在许多的西方国家,这首歌通常会在 平安夜 时演唱,象征送走旧年而迎接新的一年的来临,它的主调并没有中文版本那样感伤,而这首歌在很多亚洲地区中的学校 毕业 礼或葬礼中作为曲子,象征告别或结束的悲伤无奈之情。据知,部分百货公司或机构在临近关门的时间,会播出此音乐,示意客人尽快离开。

Auld Lang Syne(中文译名:《友谊地久天长》)原是苏格兰民间歌曲。是十八世纪时(1700年~1799年),苏格兰诗人罗伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns)(1759-1796)根据当地一位老人的吟唱记录下了歌词。

歌词超简单的英文歌Auld lang syne鉴赏

这首歌原本是苏格兰诗人罗伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns, 1759-1796)的一首诗,歌唱真挚持久的友谊。后被人谱曲。1940年美国电影《魂断蓝桥》(Waterloo Bridge)采用这首歌作主题曲。随之,这首歌传遍世界各地。

《魂断蓝桥》描写了英国青年军官洛伊上尉和 芭蕾舞 演员玛拉的 爱情 故事 ,故事发生在第一次世界大战期间。一天,英国军官洛伊为躲避空袭,在防空洞中认识了玛拉。两人一见钟情。夜渐深,酒店乐队领班向客人们宣布演奏最后一支曲子并祝人们回家时一路平安。在徐缓、优美的“Auld Lang Syne”乐曲中,大厅里的蜡烛一支支熄灭。这支曲子在影片中反复出现,始终把洛伊与玛拉的爱情连在一起。当天晚上,洛伊奉命出征。玛拉因私自离开剧团与洛伊会面而被解雇。后因贫困交加,被迫沦为 *** 。一天,她正在滑铁卢桥上拉生意,不料突然看见洛伊,原来洛伊并没有阵亡。洛伊带玛拉回家,准备结婚。婚礼前夕,玛拉悄然离去,来到滑铁卢大桥上,带着美好的回忆和遗憾,投身车轮下自尽。这个善良的、不愿给洛伊家族带来耻辱、渴望幸福又不愿把不幸强加给自己心上人的姑娘,就这样结束了自己的生命。



歌词超简单的英文歌Auld lang syne歌词


Auld Lang Syne①

ChorusFor auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,We'll tak a cup o'kindness yet②,For auld lang syne!

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,And never brought to mind③?Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

And auld lang syne?

And surely ye'll be your pint-stowp④,

And surely I'll be mine,

And we'll take a cup o' kindness yet,

For auld lang syne!

We twa⑤ hae⑥ run about the braes⑦,And pou'd⑧ the gowans⑨ fine,But we've wander'd monie a weary fit⑩,

Sin'⑾ auld lang syne.

We twa hae paidl'd in the burn⑿

Frae mornin' sun till dine⒀,

But seas between us braid⒁ hae roar'd

Sin' auld lang syne.

And there's a hand, my trusty fiere⒂,

And gie's a hand o' thine⒃,

And we'll take a right guid-willie⒄ waught⒅,For auld lang syne.


①auld lang syne:old long since(ago).

②We'll tak a cup o'kindness yet:We'll drink another cup of friendship.③brought to mind:remembered.

④And surely ye'be your pint-stowp:And surely you'll drink your fill (a pint=half a quart; stowp=a drinking vessel).





⑨gowans:yellow or white field flowers.

⑩we've wander'd monie a weary fit:We have wandered many a weary foot.


⑿paidl'd in the burn:paddled in the brook.

⒀Frae mornin' sun till dine:from morning sun till dinner time.



⒃gie's a hand o'thine:give us a hand of yours.

⒄guid-willie:good will.

⒅waught:a deep draught.

参考资料:《新编英国文学选读(上)》(第二版) 北京大学出版社


Should old acquaintance be forgot,

and never brought to mind?

Should old acquaintance be forgot,

and auld lang syne?


For auld lang syne, my dear,for auld lang syne,

we'll take a cup of kindness yet,

for auld lang syne.

And surely you'll buy your pint cup!

and surely I‘ll buy mine!

And we'll take a cup o' kindness yet,

for auld lang syne.


We two have run about the slopes,

and picked the dasies fine.

But we've wandered man ya weary foot.

Since auld lang syne.


We two have paddled in the stream,

From morning sun till dine;

But seas between us broad have roared,

Since auld lang syne.


And there's a hand my trusty friend!

And give us a hand o' thine!

And we'll take aright good-will draught,

for auld lang syne.


1. 超简单歌词少的英文歌介绍

2. 歌词简单的英文歌曲

3. 比较简单的英文歌曲

4. 最最短的英文歌

5. 短的英文歌歌词


第一首歌:《Fight Song》




Like a *** all boat on the ocean


Sending big waves into motion


Like how a single word


Can make a heart open


I might only have one match


But i can make an explosion

也能让 *** 燃烧


Cause i've still got


A lot of fight left in me


Now i've still got a lot of fight left in me


第二首歌:《young for you》


填       词: GALA

谱       曲: GALA

Sunday's coming i wanna drive my car


to your apartment with a present like a star


forecaster said the weathers may be rainy hard


together we'll run wild by a summer symphony


this is what we enjoyed not a fantasy


the tin-man's surfing i wanna try my luck


to the top of tide rip like just have some drugs

像服了 *** 般冲上浪尖

i know you have no blame for my proud monish heart

我知道你对我骄傲易变的心 不会有任何责备

*** to the golden beatnik park



《Fight Song》是美国女歌手瑞秋·普拉滕演唱的歌曲,歌曲被收录在瑞秋·普拉滕2015年EP《Fight Song》及第三张录音室专辑《Wildfire》,于2015年2月19日发行。

2016年4月3日,《Fight Song》歌曲获iHeartRadio音乐奖“最佳歌词”奖。

在创作《Fight Song》的过程中,瑞秋·普拉滕处于一个低谷期  。在长时间工作但并未得到相应的回报后,她认为她需要开始考虑其它的事情,于是便有了歌曲的创作灵感。而通过创作这首歌曲,她做出了不放弃她自己的决定。

2013年11月,瑞秋·普拉滕同她的朋友兼合作者、曲作者戴夫·巴塞特在马里布的录音室写下了《Fight Song》的早期版本,随后一年多的时间内制作出了最终的成品。

《young for you》是GALA演唱的一首歌曲,是一首原创音乐,是专辑《Young For You》中的一首歌,发行于2004年12月。

《young for you》有另外两个翻唱版本,一个是滕凯林唱的《young for you》发行于2016-11-13,另外一个是郑开心演唱的《young for you》。

GALA,GALA,亚洲男子乐队,成立于2004年1月2日,现任成员苏朵、石亮、苏依拉、于政。代表音乐作品有《young for you》、《追梦赤子心》、《新生》等。




1、on zhe radio--groove coverage比较动感,歌词比较初级,意思简单好懂

2、never grow old--zhe cranberries 歌词真的好简单,很抒情,听几遍就会了



1、earth song--迈克尔·杰克逊 歌词不难,难在曲调。关于环境和现实残酷性的一首歌,很有震撼力!


1、Yesterday once more--Carpenters 很小的时候就听过了啦,很经典,是一首很好学的抒情歌

2、Rhythm of the Rain--Bobby Drain 很喜欢这个旋律,也是很好学的英文歌

3、far away from home--groove coverage这个就不用多说了,很好学,节奏明快

4、god is a girl--groove coverage旋律比较简单,歌词简单好记

5、big big world--Emilia很容易学的一首歌,歌词也较简单

6、lucky--Britney 旋律好听,歌词比较好记

7、mad world--苏珊大妈 没想到大妈拥有这么纯净年轻的嗓音,歌很好听

8、my love--Westlife经典老歌,又简单

9、she--groove coverage好听的抒情歌

10、everthing in zhe world--曲婉婷 很有感觉

11、anyone but you--jewel很简单的歌词,意思很容易懂的,很抒情,喜欢!

12、Barbie girl--Aqua中文名芭比女孩,相信大部分的90后都听过

13、pretty boy--m2m温柔的抒情歌

14、the day you went away--M2M王心凌的第一次爱的人就是这个旋律

15、moves like Jagger--Maroom 5 很俏皮的一首歌

16、the saltwater room--owl city 适合两人对唱,很温柔的一首情歌

17、heal zhe world--迈克尔·杰克逊 是一首很有内涵的歌曲

18、seasons in zhe sun--Westlife节奏稍快

19、life is like a song--曲婉婷 很特别的唱法,歌词绝对简单易懂

20、everytime--britney spears 比较抒情

21、yes you can--jewel很喜欢啊,歌词也不难

22、white flag--dido百听不厌

23、butterfly-- *** ile.DK音调是大家很熟悉的

24、x-static process--Madonna曲调简单优美,有点淡淡的忧伤和无奈

25、if i were a boy--Beyonce很好的情歌,生活气息扑面而来

26、China girl--Sweetbox就是英文版的superstar,歌词顺了就不难了

27、money make her *** ile--Bruno Mars节奏感很强,把握节奏就会了,歌词旋律都不难

28、lost--Bruno Mars很有韵律感,歌词歌词很简单

29、billionaire--Bruno Mars动感,有一段rap,总体不难

30、so what--pink音比较高,很cool的感觉~

31、blow me--pink多听几遍就会了




1、Try Try Try --Jason Mraz 节奏很快,很好听。当时学了整整二十几天才学会的,但是抒情的地方还是很好学的

2、lighters-- Jason Chen当时看MV时,被 Jason Chen震撼了,他唱得很用力很用心,声音也很好听,是属于励志型的歌曲,中间的rap很快也很晦涩难懂,可以忽略不计

3、don't push me --sweetbox很动感,适合边唱边跳

4、one more night--Maroom 5 很有特色的一首歌,很可爱

5、she is my sin--nightwish不知道你喜不喜欢这种哥特重金属的音乐。高音,不过可以尝试下。

6、bye bye beautiful--nightwish强力听觉冲击,建议他们的歌心情不好别听,有点吵哦


8、life is cool--sweetbox小清新

9、we are youny--Fun男高音,青春励志

10、i'm yours--Jason Mraz很有感觉的一首情歌

11、dj got us fallin’ in love--usher很有活力的歌,跟着节拍动起来吧!


14、beat it--迈克尔·杰克逊 热血、动感的歌

15、love the way you lie--eminem是不是觉得说唱的那个很耳熟呢?

16、marry you--bruno mars 温暖的情歌

17、liquor store blues--bruno mars 特可爱的一首歌,很有特色,喜欢

18、born to try--delta goodrem 歌词不难,高音部分蛮难的

19、turn loose zhe mermaids--nightwish很好听,要多听几遍


21、human sacrifice--Sweetbox节奏很快

22、just give me reason--pink两人对唱,一个人唱有点难

23、 *** ing perfect--pink连词很多
