

“以前如果你们来我家,我不会坐在这里跟你们聊天的,早就跑到山里躲起来了。怕是土匪或者来抓兵的啊!” 罗有福说。







The 103-year-old man Luo Youfu is often called "post-00s" by the villagers. He got this nickname when he turned 100. Every day, he wakes up at around 6 am to work in the field, cut firewood, brew wine, and look for wild herbs on the mountains…



Luo pays close attention to keeping a healthy diet: Have each meal on time with the same amount of food. He likes to eat wild herbs that can be used for both cooking and medicine, and he rarely eats meat. Apart from regular fieldwork and chores, he usually does exercises to strengthen his waist and legs. Though he is 100, he can easily climb up the three flights of stairs in his house. The elderly man is kind and optimistic. With a sprightly spirit, he loves to chat with people.



"In the past, the poor people here were forced to carry heavy burdens and do hard work. They couldnt bear it. Some died halfway and couldnt return home. Now the elderlies in our country have pensions. Isnt that great?"




Li Demi was born in 1918. This is a very charming old lady who also finds pleasure in working. On a daily basis, she likes to dress up in the traditional indigo Yao womens suit which alternates in blue, black, red, yellow, and white, making her look very refreshing.


According to the traditions in Bama village, theres a saying that "above 60s can rest easily", meaning if youre older than 60, you can ease off on family responsibilities and work as much or as little as you like. But she still actively takes up the heavy chores of raising the pigs.



When people ask, "You are already more than a hundred, dont you feel tired working every day?"


She will answer without any hesitation, "I am the working people, its only natural for me to work, I dont see it as a painstaking job."





Huang Zuxin was born in 1920. Though being a century-old senior, he still keeps up with planting in the field, feeding pigs, making bamboo baskets, and carrying the harvests. Even his home is also in perfect order.


During his childhood, China was in an era of wars and chaos. As the oldest child in the family, Huang took up the responsibility of taking care of his family since he was young.



"As long as you got a skill, you will be rich for life," is what Huang used to tell his kids.


No matter if its making bamboo baskets, carving furniture, or building wooden houses, he is good at all of them, and everything he makes is delicate and of high quality. He built most of the wooden houses in the village. He is a famous carpenter and handicraft man throughout the county.




邓成老人原名廖熙隆,1930年出生。作为一名革命烈士后代,他从小接受中国 *** 的熏陶。

Deng Chengs original name was Liao Xilong. He was born in 1930. As a descendant of revolutionary martyrs, he was nurtured by the Communist Party of China.

中学时期与 *** 凤山地下党建立联系,负责协助传递信件与情报。邓成年轻时曾多次参加武装起义和革命斗争。

During his time in middle school, he established connection with the Fengshan underground Communist Party of China, and took part in intelligence and letter deliveries. When Deng was young, he participated in revolutionary struggles many times.


1950年,邓成同志正式加入中国 *** ,并在部队当战士,后担任凤山县久文林场顾问、凤山县长等职。退休后,他仍不忘初心,继续投身于公益和红色教育。

In 1950, Deng Cheng officially joined the Communist Party of China, and worked as a soldier in the military. After that, he served as the county chief and a tree farm consultant in Fengshan. Even after his retirement, he still stayed true to his heart and continued in works dedicated to charity and education.

四位目睹了时代变迁的百岁老人,用自己的故事见证了中国 *** 带领中国人民一路乘风破浪,实现中华民族从站起来、富起来到强起来的伟大历程。

中国 *** 用100年的时间,完成了近代以来各种政治力量不可能完成的艰巨任务,用实际行动证明了:中国 *** 没有辜负中国人民。
