

















KK四六级翻译重点词预测: 1.唐诗 (Tang poetry) 2.宋词 (Song Ci) 3.元曲 (Yuan opera)

1.贴春联/年画(to paste Chinese couplet/ New Year pictures) 2.放鞭炮(to set off firecrackers) 3.吃饺子(to eat dumplings/jiaozi)

1.文房四宝(the Four Treasures of the Study)书法(calligraphy)(brush, inkstone, ink, paper 2.唐三彩(Tricolor-glazed Pottery of the Tang Dynasty) 3.四大发明(The Four great inventions)(compass, gunpowder, the technique of papermaking, movable-type printing)

1.少林功夫(shaolin Kongfu) 2.中国戏曲 (Chinese opera) 3.中国杂技(Chinese acrobatics)

1.八大菜系 (the eight major cuisines) 2.四大名楼 (China’s four famous building)(tower)(Pavillion) 3.24节气 (the 24 Solar Terms)

1.秦始皇(Qin Shi Huang )(the First emperor of Qin) 2.汉武帝(Emperor Wu of Han) 3.唐太宗(Emperor Taizong of Tang)

1.脱贫攻坚 (the eradication of poverty) 2.长江三峡 (the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River) (Hydropower station) 3.中国制造 (Made in China)

1.中医 (the traditional Chinese medicine) 2.针灸 (acupuncture) 3.推拿(medical massage)

1.长城 (The Great Wall) 兵马俑 (terracotta warriors and horses) 2.故宫(The *** city) 3.颐和园(the Summer Palace)

1.汉字 (The Chinese character) 2.书法(calligraphy) 3.中国画 (traditional Chinese painting)




唐三彩(Tricolor-glazed Pottery of the TangDynasty)是一种著名陶瓷(pottery)。它的诞生可以追溯到唐朝以前。“三彩”是多彩的意思,并不是只有三种颜色。唐三彩吸取了中国国画和雕塑(sculpture)的技巧,成为 一种风格独特的艺术品。它以造型生动、色彩丰富而著称。唐代是一个繁荣昌盛的时代,唐三彩就盛行于此时。在那时唐三彩不仅在国内风行一时,而且还闻名于海外。

模拟出题人:15 *7.1

1.唐三彩(Tricolor-glazedPottery of the Tang Dynasty)是一种著名陶瓷(pottery)。1 Tricolor-glazed Pottery of the Tang Dynastyis a kind of famous pottery.

2.它的诞生可以追溯到唐朝以前。2 Its birth could date back to the timebefore the Tang Dynasty.

3.“三彩”是多彩的意思,并不是只有三种颜色。2 Tricolor means a lot of colors rather thanthree colors.

4.唐三彩吸取了中国国画和雕塑(sculpture)的技巧,3 It absorbs skills of Chinese painting andsculpture.

5.成为一种风格独特的艺术品。1 It becomes a unique style of artwork. Very special It becomes the very special style art.

6.它以造型生动、色彩丰富而著称。 It is very famous because it is vivid andcolorful.

7.唐代是一个繁荣昌盛的时代,唐三彩就盛行于此时。2 The Tang Dynasty is very powerful andprosperous. rich. Tricolor-glazed Pottery was popular sincethen.

8.在那时唐三彩不仅在国内风行一时,而且还闻名于海外。3 At that time,it wasnot only popular at home , but also well-known abroad.


1.中国是一个幅员辽阔、资源丰富、历史悠久的多民族国家, China is a time-honored multi-ethnics nation/with a vast territoryand abundant resources2.每个民族都有其独特的丰富菜肴。 Every ethnic group has its unique abundant dishes.


Regional cuisineshave taken shapeafter long-history evolution under the influence of geographical environment, climate, cultural tradition, folk customs and otherfactors.


The most influential and representative ones are Lu, Chuan, Yue, Min, Su,Zhe, Xiang and Hui Cuisines, which are commonly known as “Eight Major Cuisines”.


Dishes in the “Eight Major Cuisines” inChina are characterized bydiversified cooking skills,

with each of them having itsedges/advantages/strong points.

先搭建主干! 再来加修饰!


唐诗(Tang poetry)泛指generallyrefers to创作于唐代(618年~907年)的诗。唐诗是汉族最珍贵的文化遗产the most valuable cultural heritages之一,同时也对周边民族和国家neighboring ethnic groups and nations的文化发展产生了很大影响。唐诗中流传最广的当属收录在《唐诗三百首》(Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty)中的诗歌,里面收录的许多诗篇都为后人所熟知。唐代的诗人特别多, 其中李白、杜甫等都是世界闻名的伟大诗人,他们的作品有很多都是脍炙人口的诗篇。


Tang poetry poems written during the TangDynasty (618 A.D.-907 A.D.). Tang poetry is one of the most valuable culturalheritages of the Han Chinese. Meanwhile, it also has a great influence on thecultural development of neighboring ethnic groups and nations. The most widelyspread poems among Tang poems are definitely the ones that are included in the“Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty”, many of which are quite popular withpeople of later generations. There are lots of poets in Tang Dynasty, amongwhom Li Bai and Du Fu are world-famous. Many of the two great poets’ works arehousehold poems.

少林功夫(Shaolin Kungfu) 是河南登封少林寺信奉佛教文化Buddhist culture的和尚们练习的一种武术(martial arts)。少林寺,建于北魏(the Northern Wei Dynasty)太和(Taihe Period) 十九年,是少林功夫发展的文化空间。少林功夫最初是佛教僧侣练习的,他们的职责是保护寺庙。现在经过1500 多年的发展,少林功夫已逐步发展成为一种完美技术和丰富含义相融合的艺术,在全世界享有声誉。

Shaolin Kungfu is a kind of martial artspracticed by monks under the special Buddhist culture of the Shaolin Temple inDengfeng City, Henan Province. The ShaolinTemple, built in the Nineteenth yearof Taihe Period during the Northern Wei Dynasty, is a cultural space for thedevelopment of the Shaolin Kungfu. The Shaolin Kungfu, which is originallypracticed by the Buddhist monks whose duties were to protect the temple, ha *** een gradually developed into an art of perfect technology, abundant meaningsand high reputation in the whole world after more than 1500 years ofdevelopment.




1.Young people should be encouraged to broaden their horizons with more activities to embrace this world, which is the best way for them to get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do with their lives and why. Students with such a perspective are usually the most efficient and motivated ones who can gain competitive edge in the future career. 年轻人应该多和这个社会接触拓宽他们的视野,这样可以清楚的知道他们想要的是什么以及为什么。有这样视野的学生常常是效率最高的也是最积极的,在未来的职业中也会获得竞争的优势。

Young people should be encouraged to think different and acquire the ability to defend their own ideas, which is the best way to get a full understanding of this world. Students with such capability are usually the most creative and motivated ones who can gain competitive edge in the near future. (替换句)

2.The cultivation of teamwork spirit and cooperative ability was, is and remains to be an integral part in achieving ones personal accomplishment. 团队协作能力的合作精神的培养对于实现个人成就而言,过去是,现在,而且一直都会是重要因素。

The cultivation of decent behavior norms was, is and remains to be an indispensable part in fulfilling one’s personal success. (替换句)

3.Life skills are very important and by doing voluntary work, students can learn how to communicate with others and work in a team but also to manage their time and improve their organizational skills. 生活的技能非常重要,通过参加志愿者工作,学生就能学会如果与他人沟通,如何成为团队的一员,同时学会如果管理时间,并提高自己的组织技能。

4.The skill to balance study and work contributes directly to enhancing our academic performance, job hunting and promotion in a system. 平衡学习和工作关系的技能直接有利于我们的学习,求职以及以后的升职。

The good family education contributes directly to one’s academic improvement with the good learning habit and one’s career success with the good communication skills. 良好的家庭教育将因为好的学习习惯而有利于学习,因为好的沟通技能而有利于事业。

5.The social practice will provide us with more opportunities to develop our interpersonal communication skills, which may put us in a favorable position in the job market. 社会实践能提供给我们更多的机会来培养人际沟通技能,这样使我们在未来的职场上处于有利的位置。(凯文最棒)

The ability to make the right choice at the right moment will provide us with the possibility to save more time and energy, which may put us in a favorable position in the job market. 在正确的时刻做出正确选择的能力,能给我们节约时间和精力的可能性,这样使我们在未来的职场上处于有利的位置。


1. Over the decade the pace of change in people’s life has increased beyond our wildest expectations. Among the breakthroughs driving changes is the wide use of *** art devices, which makes online shopping or learning possible and more convenient. 在过去十年间,人们生活改变的步伐之快超越了我们最狂野的想象。在推动这些改变的突破中包括智能设备的广泛使用,这使得网络学习和购物成为可能并变得更方便。

2. With the government’s will and public awareness, corresponding effective measures could really reduce the amount of rubbish we produce. Certainly nobody wants to see our resources used up and our planet poisoned by waste. 有了 *** 的决心和公众的意识,相应的有效的措施就真的能减少我们制造的垃圾。确实,没有人希望看到我们的资源被耗尽我们的地球被废弃物污染。

3.In my opinion, focusing on sports facilities is too narrow an approach and would not have the desired results. Youngsters should be encouraged not only to be more physically active but also to adopt a healthier lifestyle. 在我看来,仅仅关注运动设施是很有限的解决手段而且也不可能得到全部想要的结果。 年轻人不仅应该多锻炼而且应该采取更健康的生活方式。

替换句: In my opinion, the simple limit of car-driving is too narrow an approach and would not have the desired results. Environmental preservation should be enhanced not only with concrete do or do not list but also with the promotion of people’s awareness.

4.However, these issues can be addressed strategically within the proper policy adopted. 但是,只要措施得当,这些问题还是会很好地解决的。

Long-term traffic and pollution reductions would depend on educating the public to use public transport more, and on governments using public money to construct and run efficient systems. 要想长期解决污染问题就需要教育公众多使用公共交通,多用公共资金来建设并运营高效的系统。

5. We must avoid overindulgence and conspicuous consumption. We must instead continue to recognize the benefits of thrift in order to protect our newfound prosperity. 我们必须避免过分放纵和铺张浪费。相反,我们应该继续发扬节俭的优点以守护我们新获得的繁荣。
