


The hairless, baggy-skinned naked mole rat is so ugly that theres something oddly beautiful about it.


Whos to say whats beautiful and whats hideous? 谁来决定什么是美丽,什么是丑陋?

Animals sometimes evolve to catch admiring eyes, but often other evolutionary concerns take precedence over flashy feathers or athletic physiques. That said, the world is full of ugly animals. If you had to guess which animal is the ugliest, you might guess that some member of the pig family would win the title. But pigs dont even make our list when you put them beside naked mole rats and blobfish. So, here we go — according to our human sensibilities, here are 10 of the ugliest animals that live on our planet.


Contents 目录

California Condor 加州秃鹫Naked Mole Rat 裸鼹鼠Blobfish 水滴鱼Aye-aye 指猴Proboscis Monkey 长鼻猴Goblin Shark 妖精鲨鱼Chinese Giant Salamander 中国大鲵Hammer-headed Fruit Bat 锤头果蝠Star-nosed Mole 星鼻鼹鼠Southern Elephant Seal 南象海豹

1.California Condor 加州秃鹫

The California condor has slowly made a recovery from a population low of 22 wild animals in the 1980s.


The California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) is a New World vulture and the largest land bird in North America. This critically endangered species makes the ugly animals list because of its fleshy, purplish-pink bald head, pudgy jowls, its black, feathery ruff and disdainful expression.

加利福尼亚秃鹰(Gymnogyps californianus)是一种新大陆秃鹰,也是北美最大的陆地鸟类。这种极度濒危的物种因其多肉、紫粉色的秃头、矮胖的下巴、黑色羽毛状的皱领和轻蔑的表情而登上了丑陋动物名单。

However, what the California condor lacks in conventional beauty, it makes up for in majesty. With a wingspan of up to 9 feet (2.7 meters), it can weigh up to 20 pounds (9 kilograms). Like other vultures, the California condor is a scavenger that feeds on the carcasses of large animals: deer, livestock like cows and pigs, and marine mammals like whales and sea lions.


California condors can soar as high as 15,000 feet (4,572 meters) and they nest in caves high on cliff faces.But the California condor might have gone extinct entirely in the 1980s, when lead poisoning whittled the population to 22 birds in the wild. These days about 275 wild members of the species soar over the Western U.S., and more than 160 live in captivity.


2.Naked Mole Rat 裸鼹鼠

The naked mole rat looks like nothing more than a sack of baggy skin.


Of all the contenders for worlds ugliest animal, the naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber) is the most similar to humans in appearance.The naked mole rat is hairless, with pink, baggy skin, poor eyesight and giant sharp teeth that can move independently from one another like chopsticks.The naked mole rat is one of the worlds truly ugly animals, but its also one of the most interesting creatures in the animal kingdom.

在世界上最丑动物的所有竞争者中,裸鼹鼠(Heterocephalus glaber)的外貌与人类最相似。裸鼹鼠没有毛,皮肤粉红色,松弛,视力不好,巨大的锋利牙齿可以像筷子一样独立移动。裸鼹鼠是世界上最丑陋的动物之一,但它也是动物王国里最有趣的生物之一。

Native to Eastern Africa, naked mole rats are not like other species of rodent. They live in communities like eusocial insects, with several dozen naked mole rats living together in a colony led by one dominant queen naked mole rat.Life underground in Sub-Saharan Africa is hard because theres not much air down there and snakes, their natural predators, are always around. Naked mole rats end up eating their own poop a lot.However, the naked mole rat thrives under these conditions: They can live up to 18 minutes without oxygen, rarely get cancer and have an average lifespan of 30 years!


3.Blobfish 水滴鱼

The blobfish has a face that seems oddly human. 水滴鱼的脸看起来很像人类。

Ugly animals might be, by definition, unique looking, but nothing in the animal kingdom looks like the blobfish (Psychrolutes marcidus).

从定义上看,丑陋的动物可能是独特的外表,但动物王国里没有任何动物像水滴鱼(Psychrolutes marcidus)那样。

This deep-sea fish occupies the ocean floor around 2,000 (610 meters) to 3,900 feet (1,189 meters) under the Pacific Ocean.


The funny thing about the blobfish is that, in its natural habitat, its not actually one of the ugliest animals — in this case, ugly animals can be contextual.


As a deep-sea creature, the blobfish relies on the pressure from the billions of gallons of ocean water overhead to help it keep its shape. In its natural habitat its as attractive as any other fish, but when the blobfish was first hauled up from the ocean floor and exposed to the world in 2003, it was heralded as the worlds ugliest species.


This designation was understandable: The blobfish is truly an ugly animal, with gray, gelatinous skin and an elongated nose that droops over its giant, frowning mouth.


4.Aye-aye 指猴

The aye-aye has a long, pointed face with huge eyes and even bigger ears.


The aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis) is the worlds largest nocturnal primate and a threatened species — perhaps partly because it is unattractive.


Native to Madagascar, the aye-aye is closely related to the lemur.


These nocturnal fur balls with unsettling orange eyes, perpetually growing teeth and long spindly middle fingers seriously freak people out. The aye-aye is critically endangered, partly due to modern habitat loss, but also because of a slanderous myth surrounding it.


The aye-aye has been rumored to be a harbinger of death, and has often been killed on sight.This unique creature was thought to be extinct in the 1930s but was rediscovered in 1957.


Aye-ayes are the only primate to use echolocation to find food. They eat insects, and drum on trees with their fingers, using the sound waves to locate grubs in tree cavities, which they use their long middle fingers to capture.


5.Proboscis Monkey 长鼻猴

What can we say? The male proboscis monkey has a nose that attracts females, and thats good enough for us.


The proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) is one of the weirdest-looking animals in the world.The male proboscis monkey, much like the land-stranded blobfish, has a pendulous nose that hangs over its mouth.Female and juvenile proboscis monkeys have upturned snouts that are weird looking, but not like the brown, fleshy bulb of a male proboscis monkey.


These monkeys are endemic to the island of Borneo, where they are critically endangered due to habitat loss.Male proboscis monkeys use their giant, pendulous noses to attract females because the larger the nose, the louder the racket the monkey will make, and the female proboscis monkey loves a deafeningly loud man during mating season. Who doesnt?Proboscis monkeys are surprisingly great swimmers and are known to jump out of trees and belly flop into the water.


6.Goblin Shark 妖精鲨鱼

The goblin shark looks like something straight out of a horror film.


One fish you dont want to run into in the deep sea is the goblin shark (Mitsukurina owstoni).The goblin shark is the only living member of a 125-million-year-old family of sharks, many species of which might have seemed less ghoulish, but we cant be sure.This pink-skinned fish has a long, flat snout that seems like it should be attached to the jaw, but nope — theres a mean-looking set of jaws underneath the nose, full of protruding, razor-sharp teeth.Luckily for all of us, its not a very fast swimmer.

在深海中你绝对不想碰到的一种鱼是妖精鲨(Mitsukurina owstoni)。妖精鲨是1.25亿年前鲨鱼家族中唯一活着的成员,其中许多物种可能看起来不那么可怕,但我们不能确定。这种粉红色皮肤的鱼有一个又长又平的鼻子,似乎应该连着下巴,但不是——鼻子下面有一组看起来很难看的下巴,满是突出的锋利的牙齿。幸运的是,它的游泳速度不是很快。

7.Chinese Giant Salamander 中国大鲵

The Chinese giant salamander has tiny eyes in a big head and is the largest salamander in the world. 中国大鲵头大眼小,是世界上最大的大鲵。

Sometimes things that are *** all arent as ugly as the same thing made very large.Take the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus), which is a fully aquatic salamander endemic to the mountain streams of central China in the Yangtze River basin, and the largest salamander in the world.The Chinese giant salamander is gargantuan, growing to over 3.5 feet (1.15 meters) in length. With warty-looking skin, lidless eyes and its gargantuan stature, an amphibian that might seem cute if it were a tenth of its size, is suddenly a very ugly animal indeed.

有时候,小的东西并不像变大的一样难看。以中国大鲵(Andrias davidianus)为例,它是一种水生大鲵,生活在中国中部长江流域的山涧中,是世界上最大的大鲵。中国大鲵体型庞大,体长超过3.5英尺(1.15米)。长着疣状的皮肤,没有眼皮的眼睛和巨大的身材,这种两栖动物如果只有它的十分之一大,可能看起来很可爱,但突然之间就变成了非常丑陋的动物。

8.Hammer-headed Fruit Bat 锤头果蝠

The male hammer-headed fruit bat has a face that resembles some strange sort of camel. 雄性锤头果蝠的脸很像某种奇怪的骆驼。

The scientific name — Hypsignathus monstrosus — says it all when it comes to the hammer-headed fruit bat.Native to central Africa, the hammer-headed fruit bat is the largest bat in mainland Africa, but its also the most sexually dimorphic bat in the world.Like the proboscis monkey, the male and female look very different, and this is where the ugly factor comes in.The males are about twice the size of females, and they also have a funny looking thing on their face: a gigantic nose and lips that make them look like they have the face of a camel. The females, on the other hand, have a narrower face that resembles a fox.

锤头果蝠的学名——Hypsignathus monstrosus——说明了一切。锤头果蝠原产于非洲中部,是非洲大陆最大的蝙蝠,但它也是世界上性别变异最多的蝙蝠。就像长鼻猴一样,雄性和雌性长鼻猴看起来非常不同,这就是丑陋因素的来源。雄性的体型大约是雌性的两倍,它们的脸上也有一个有趣的东西:巨大的鼻子和嘴唇,让它们看起来像骆驼的脸。另一方面,雌性的脸更窄,很像狐狸。

9.Star-nosed Mole 星鼻鼹鼠

The flowery appendage on the nose of the star-nosed mole is filled with sensors that help it find food.


The star-nosed mole (Condylura cristata) looks like a cute little mole, but on an alien planet.Native to the swampy areas of North America — its the only marsh-loving mole in the world — the thing that makes this mole ugly is also its superpower.It looks like it has two sea anemones stuck to its face, but this weird facial structure is actually an Eimers organ — a very delicate sensing instrument that contains 25,000 sensory receptors that let the star-nosed mole find worms and other soft-bodied animals to eat at lightning speeds.In fact, it might be a bit hideous, but the star-nosed mole is the fastest-eating animal in the world.

星鼻鼹鼠(Condylura cristata)看起来像一只可爱的小鼹鼠,但在一个外星球上。这种鼹鼠原产于北美沼泽地区,是世界上唯一一种喜欢沼泽的鼹鼠,它丑陋的原因也是它的超级能力。看起来它的脸上粘着两个海葵,但这个奇怪的面部结构实际上是一个艾默氏器官——一种非常精密的传感仪器,包含2.5万个感受器,可以让星鼻鼹鼠以闪电般的速度找到蠕虫和其他软体动物来吃。事实上,星鼻鼹鼠可能有点可怕,但它是世界上吃得最快的动物。

10.Southern Elephant Seal 南象海豹

This Southern elephant seal was photographed on a beach near the Norwegian whaling station in Grytviken on South Georgia Island.


The southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina) is the largest marine mammal that isnt a cetacean like a whale or dolphin. Male elephant seals also have humongous noses — it seems to be a theme in nature.Its not so much a nose as a proboscis — a fleshy, strangely shaped lump that dangles from the face of the elephant seal. It looks like a hybrid between a Toucans beak and an elephants trunk.Like the proboscis monkey, the southern elephant seal needs his schnoz to make himself heard. The males control harems of dozens of females, and they tend to get kind of bossy during mating season. Their big nose acts as a sort of loudspeaker for his entire community.

南象海豹(Mirounga leonina)是最大的海洋哺乳动物,不是像鲸鱼或海豚那样的鲸目动物。雄性海象也有巨大的鼻子——这似乎是自然界的一个主题。与其说它是鼻子,不如说它是长鼻——一个肉质的、形状奇怪的肿块,悬挂在海象的脸上。它看起来像是巨嘴鸟喙和大象鼻子的混合体。和长鼻猴一样,南象海豹也需要用鼻子来发声。雄性控制着几十个雌性的后宫,在交配季节它们往往会变得有点专横。它们的大鼻子就像是整个社区的扩音器。
