

V. Patent Policy. The success of the National Research Foundation in promoting scientific research in this country will depend to a very large degree uponthe cooperation of organizations outside the Government. In making contracts with or grants to such organizations the Foundation should protect the publicinterest adequately and at the same time leave the cooperating organizationwith adequate freedom and incentive to conduct scientific research.


The public interest will normally be adequately protected if the Government receivesa royalty-free license for governmental purposes under any patents resultingfrom work financed by the Foundation. There should be no obligation on the research institution to patent discoveries made as a result of support from the Foundation.

如果 *** 从基金会资助的工作中获得用于 *** 目的的任何专利的免版税许可,公众利益通常会得到充分保护。研究机构没有义务为基金会支持下的发现申请专利。

There should certainly not be any absolute requirement that all rights in such discoveries be assigned to the Government, but it should be left to the discretion of the director and the interested Division whether in special cases the public interest requires such an assignment. Legislation on this point should leave to the Members of the Foundation discretion as to its patent policyin order that patent arrangements may be adjusted as circumstances and thepublic interest require.

当然,不应该有任何绝对的要求,将这些发现的所有权利转让给 *** ,但在特殊情况下,公共利益是否需要这样的转让,应该由局长和有关部门自行决定。关于这一点的立法应由基金会成员自行决定其专利政策,以便专利安排可以根据情况和公共利益的需要进行调整。

VI. Special Authority. —In order to insure that men of great competence and experience may be designated as Members of the Foundation and as members of the several professional Divisions, the legislation creating the Foundation should contain specific authorization so that the Members of the Foundation and the Members of the Divisions may also engage in private and gainful employment, notwithstanding the provisions of any other laws:


provided, however, that no compensation for such employment is received in any form fromany profit-making institution which receives funds under contract, or otherwise,from the Division or Divisions of the Foundation with which the individual is concerned. In normal times, in view of the restrictive statutory prohibitions against dual interests on the part of Government officials, it would be virtually impossible to persuade persons having private employment of any kind to serve the Government in an official capacity.

但前提是,这种雇佣不能以任何形式从任何根据合同接受基金的盈利机构获得补偿,也不能以其他方式从与个人有关的基金会的一个或多个部门获得补偿。在正常情况下,由于法律对 *** 官员的双重利益有严格的禁止,因此几乎不可能说服受雇于任何私营部门的人士以官方身份为 *** 服务。

In order, however, to secure the part-time services of the most competent men as Members of the Foundation and the Divisions, these stringent prohibitions should be relaxed to the extent indicated.

然而,为了保证最能干的人作为基金会和分部的成员的 *** 服务,这些严格的禁令应该按照需求放宽。

Since research is unlike the procurement of standardized items, which are susceptible to competitive bidding on fixed specifications, the legislation creating the National Research Foundation should free the Foundation from the obligation to place its contracts for research through advertising for bids. This is particularly so since the measure of a successful research contract lies not in the dollar cost but in the qualitative and quantitative contribution which is made to our knowledge.


The extent of this contribution in turn depends on the creative spirit and talent which can be brought to bear within a research laboratory.The National Research Foundation must, therefore, be free to place its research contracts or grants not only with those institutions which have a demonstrated research capacity but also with other institutions whose latent talent or creative atmosphere affords promise of research success.


As in the case of the research sponsored during the war by the Office of Scientific Research and Development, the research sponsored by the National Research Foundation should be conducted, in general, on an actual cost basis without profit to the institution receiving the research contract or grant.


There is one other matter which requires special mention. Since research does not fall within the category of normal commercial or procurement operations which are easily covered by the usual contractual relations, it is essential that certain statutory and regulatory fiscal requirements be waived in the case of research contractors. For example, the National Research Foundation should be authorized by legislation to make, modify, or amend contracts of all kinds with or without legal consideration, and without performance bonds.


Without the broad authority along these lines which was contained in the First War Powers Act and its implementing Executive Orders, together with the special relaxation of vouchering requirements granted by the General Accounting Office, the Office of Scientific Research and Development would have been gravely handicapped in carrying on research on military matters during this war.


Colleges and universities in which research will be conducted principally under contract with the Foundation are, unlike commercial institutions, not equipped to handle the detailed vouchering procedures and auditing technicalities which are required of the usual Government contractors.

与商业机构不同,主要根据基金会合同进行研究的学院和大学不具备处理通常 *** 承包商所要求的详细凭证程序和审计技术细节的能力。
