

It is estimated thatabout 600,000 expats live in China. Then which cities do theseforeigners like best? A survey on 180,000 expats living in Chinaannounced its rankings of the “ 10 most attractive cities forforeigners,” The survey focused on four major indicators:policies, administration, working conditions and living environments.Below is a list of the 10 best places for foreigners to live inChina.


1. Beijing


Beijing is the bestcity for foreigners to live in China in almost every aspect excludingbad traffic. The city has many foreigner communities, many gooduniversities in. Most young people in the city can speak someEnglish. There are lots of western restaurants. And most importantly,as a transportation center, you can travel to any place in China andthe world with bullet trains and flights.


2. Shanghai


Shanghai, the secondmost attractive city for expats, is known for lots of amountmultinational companies and internationalized trendy life style. Asan international city, Shanghai has great job opportunities forforeigners, so you can earn good salaries there. Besides, you willenjoy the life here, many western restaurants, easy to travel to anyplace in the world from here.


3. Tianjin


Tianjin ranks thethird, a port city located about 100 km to east of Beijing. As one ofthe four Municipalities in China. The city has good public securityand very convenient transportation. Tianjin people are friendly andyou can easily to integrate to the community.


4. Shenzhen


Shenzhen, the fourthmost attractive city, is known for its fast-paced urban life.Shenzhen has many high-tech companies, which provide good jobopportunities. Besides Shenzhen is close to Hong Kong, making it aperfect place for shopping and to travel to other regions in theworld via Hong Kong.


5. Wuhan


Wuhan is the fifthfor its great development potential and low living cost.


6. Guangzhou


Guangzhou earns thesixth place with its good commercial atmosphere. The city is a tradecenter and manufacturing center in South China. Guangzhou is a livingcenter for black people.


7. Suzhou


Suzhou ranks theseventh with its balanced city development. Suzhou is praised as theHeaven in Chinese culture. It has developed economy with many foreigncompanies there. The city has tasty food and many ancient relics andgirls there are very beautiful.


8. Chongqing


Chongqing stands onthe eighth position and is famous for the local government’sefficient administration. The city is the starting point of YangtzeRiver Cruise and many big companies have branches there.

重庆位居第八,以地方 *** 的高效管理而闻名。这座城市是长江游轮的起点,许多大公司都在那里设有分支机构。

9. Xiamen


Xiamen comes inninth with its excellent living environment. Xiamen is a garden citywith mild climate. Its beautiful natural environment allows you toenjoy sun, fresh air, watch sea.


10. Hangzhou


Hangzhou ranks thetop 10 for its booming touri *** and comfortable life style. The cityhas fast developed digital economy, numerous ancient attractions,delicious food, and slow life pace. And it is close to Shanghai.

