



How the Steel Was Tempered《钢铁是怎样炼成的》



How the Steel Was Tempered is a socialist realist novel written by Nikolai Ostrovsky (1904-1936) during Stalins era. Pavel Korchagin is the central character.The story is a fictionalized autobiography. In real life, Ostrovskys father died, and his mother worked as a kitchen chef. As he joined the war with the Red Army, he lost his right eye due to an infection.



The Education of Love/Heart《爱的教育》



Heart/The Education of Love is a childrens novel by the Italian author Edmondo De Amicis who was a novelist, journalist, short story writer, and poet. The novel is known to be his best known work to this day, having been inspired by his own children Furio and Ugo who had been schoolboys at the time. It is set during the Italian unification, and includes several patriotic themes. It was issued by Treves on October 18, 1886, the first day of school in Italy, and rose to immediate success.



A Journey to the Center of the Earth《地心游记》



Journey to the Centre of the Earth, also translated as A Journey to the Interior of the Earth, is a classic 1864 science fiction novel by Jules Verne. The story involves a German professor who believes there are volcanic tubes going toward the center of the Earth. He, his nephew Axel, and their guide Hans encounter many adventures, including prehistoric animals and natural hazards, eventually coming to the surface again in southern Italy. The living organi *** s they meet reflect geological time; just as the rock layers become older and older the deeper they travel, the animals become more and more ancient the closer the characters approach the center.



Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》



Oliver Twist(1838) is Charles Dickens second novel. It is about a boy named Oliver Twist, who escapes from a workhouse and meets a gang of pickpockets in London. The novel is one of Dickenss best-known works, and has been the subject of numerous film and television adaptations.



The Three Musketeers《三剑客》



The Three Musketeers is a novel by Alexandre Dumas, père, first serialized in March–July 1844. Set in the 17th century, it recounts the adventures of a young man named dArtagnan after he leaves home to become a guard of the musketeers. DArtagnan is not one of the musketeers of the title; those are his friends Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, inseparable friends who live by the motto "all for one, one for all" .

《三剑客》(又名《三个火 *** 》)是以17世纪初期法国国王路易十三和手握重兵、权倾朝野的首相黎塞留红衣主教的矛盾为背景,穿插群臣派系的明争暗斗,围绕宫廷里的秘史轶闻,展开了极饶趣味的故事。书中的主人公少年勇士达达尼昂,怀揣其父留给他的十五个埃居,骑一匹长毛瘦马,告别及亲,远赴巴黎,希望在同乡父执的特雷维尔为队长的国王火枪队里当一名火 *** 。在队长府上,他遇上阿托斯,波托斯和阿拉米斯三个火 *** ,通过欧洲骑士风行的决斗,四人结成生死与共的知己。


War and Peace《战争与和平》



War and Peace, a Russian novel by Leo Tolstoy, is considered one of the worlds greatest works of fiction. It is regarded, along with Anna Karenina (1873–1877), as his finest literary achievement. Epic in scale, War and Peace delineates in graphic detail events leading up to Napoleons invasion of Russia, and the impact of the Napoleonic era on Tsarist society, as seen through the eyes of five Russian aristocratic families.

《战争与和平》问世至今,一直被人称为“世界上最伟大的小说”。 这部卷帙浩繁的巨著以史诗般广阔与雄浑的气势,生动地描写了1805至1820年俄国社会的重大历史事件和各个生活领域。作者对生活的大面积涵盖和整体把握,对个别现象与事物整体、个人命运与周围世界的内在联系的充分揭示,使这部小说具有极大的思想和艺术容量。 这是托尔斯泰创作的第一部卷秩浩繁的长篇小说。


The Count of Monte Cristo《基督山伯爵》



The Count of Monte Cristo is an adventure novel by Alexandre Dumas, père. The story takes place in France, Italy, islands in the Mediterranean and the Levant during the historical events of 1815–1838. The historical setting is a fundamental element of the book. It is primarily concerned with themes of hope, justice, vengeance, mercy, forgiveness and death, and is told in the style of an adventure story.



Wuthering Heights《呼啸山庄》



Wuthering Heights is a gothic novel, and the only novel by Emily Bront?. It was first published in 1847 under the pseudonym Ellis Bell, a posthumous second edition was edited by her sister Charlotte. The narrative tells the tale of the all-encompassing and passionate, yet thwarted, love between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw, and how this unresolved passion eventually destroys them and many around them.



Travels with Gulliver《格列佛游记》



Gullivers Travels (1726, amended 1735), officially Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, in Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of several Ships, is a novel by Irish writer and clergyman Jonathan Swift that is both a satire on human nature and a parody of the "travellers tales" literary sub-genre. It is Swifts best known full-length work, and a classic of English literature.





相同关键词: 精神、灵魂

The Bible refers to the sacred scriptures of Judai *** and Christianity. The Hebrew Bible comprises the books known to Christians as the Old Testament which contains two-thirds of the books of the Christian Bible—39 books. The remaining 27 books form the Christian New Testament. The Christian Bible consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament.



Adventure of Sherlock Holmes《福尔摩斯探案集》



The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of twelve stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, featuring his famous detective and illustrated by Sidney Paget. These are the first of the Sherlock Holmes short stories, originally published as single stories in the Strand Magazine from July 1891 to June 1892. The book was published in England on 14 October 1892 by George Newnes Ltd and in a US Edition on 15 October by Harper. The initial combined print run was 14,500 copies.



Gone with the Wind《飘》



Gone with the Wind, first published in May 1936, is a romantic novel and the only novel written by Margaret Mitchell. The story is set in Clayton County, Georgia and Atlanta, Georgia during the American Civil War and Reconstruction and depicts the experiences of Scarlett OHara, the spoiled daughter of a well-to-do plantation owner. The novel is the source of the extremely popular 1939 film of the same name.

