


US President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order banning transactions with eight Chinese software applications, including Ant Groups Alipay mobile payment app…

《 *** 》报道称,特朗普在这份行政命令中,指责中国一直在利用“大量数据采集”来推进其经济和国家安全议程,这些有针对性的应用程序会将美国人置于危险之中。

In the order, the president said that China had been using “bulk data collection” to advance its economic and national security agenda, and that the targeted apps put Americans at risk.

《 *** 》报道截图

路透社在报道中援引美国 *** 一位高官的话称,此举旨在遏制中国应用软件对美国人构成威胁。

据悉,特朗普 *** 继续以所谓的“国家安全”为理由,要求美国对中国的应用软件开发者采取“激进的措施”,以保护美国国家安全。

The move is aimed at curbing the threat to Americans posed by Chinese software applications … a senior administration official told Reuters.

The order argues that the United States must take "aggressive action" against developers of Chinese software applications to protect national security.


路透社还在报道中特别提到一点,距离美国当选总统拜登上任仅有两周时间,而特朗普 *** 还在继续加剧与中国的紧张关系。

…escalating tensions with Beijing two weeks before President-elect Joe Biden takes office.

对此,《 *** 》评论称,特朗普在此时采取行动,或将有助于锁定这届 *** 对华强硬的立场,并可能会进一步激怒中国。

The move, two weeks before the end of Mr. Trumps term, could help lock in his administrations harsher stance toward China and is likely to further rankle Beijing.


It tasks the Commerce Department with defining which transactions will be banned under the directive within 45 days…


Despite the 45-day time line laid out by the order, the Commerce Department plans to act before Jan 20 to identify prohibited transactions, another US official told Reuters.

据悉,这轮被特朗普 *** 列入“黑名单”的8个中国软件应用程序包括支付宝、CamScanner(扫描全能王)、QQ钱包、SHAREit(茄子快传)、腾讯QQ、VMate、微信支付和WPS Office。



中国日报(ID:chinadailywx)综合路透社、 *** 等报道
