

安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)是20世纪最著名的艺术家之一,也是当代艺术的支柱。安迪·沃霍尔于1928年出生于美国,他的职业生涯始于1949年,当时他开始在纽约担任商业艺术家。沃霍尔于1960年代初开始将波普艺术纳入他的作品。这一趋势在大众消费的符号中得到了重要的启发。1962年,安迪·沃霍尔采用了一项新技术,成为他的商标,标志着新时代的开始。艺术:丝网印刷的照片在画布上复制并以非常鲜艳的色彩绘画。他于1987年去世于纽约,但他的艺术在1980年代已经获得了惊人的收入,全世界的博物馆都为他的作品而战。

Andy warhol is one of the most famous artists of the 20th century and a pillar of contemporary art.Born in 1928 in the United States,Andy warhols career took off in 1949 when he started work as a commercial artist in New York.Warhol began to incorporate Pop Art into his work in the early 1960s.This trend found its critical inspiration in symbols of mass consumption In 1962,Andy Warhol adopted a new technique which became his trademark,marking the beginning of a new period in the history of art:silk-screen printed photographs reproduced on canvas and painted in very bright colours.He died in New York in 1987,but his art already fetched incredible sums in the 1980s,with museums all over the world fighting for his works.
