


When Seymour Hersh revealed that the Biden Administration was responsible for Nord Stream explosions, the Western mainstream media went suddenly and uncharacteristically quiet. "Thats a disgrace," renowned U.S. scholar from Columbia University Prof. Jeffrey Sachs told Liu Xin.

Jeffrey Sachs: One of the weirdest things is that our supposed major press, like the New York Times, as far as I know, has not even mentioned this Hersh story once. Thats a disgrace. I think the Hersh article is very credible. And while it has been rejected by the U.S. and other governments, they havent provided any single detail disputing the article. Its just been a flat rejection saying this is a fantasy, this is false, but they havent told any alternative and they havent shown any single fact that is wrong in the Hersh account.

杰弗里·萨克斯:奇怪的是,据我所知,《 *** 》等所谓的西方主流媒体压根没提西摩·赫什的这篇调查报道,这些媒体可真丢人!在我看来,西摩·赫什的这篇调查报道可信度很高。虽然美国等 *** 拒绝承认这篇报道,但它们拿不出任何证据进行反驳。美国只是一味宣称赫什的报道完全虚假、纯属捏造,但未提供其他可信解释,也没有指出西摩·赫什的报道中有什么事实性错误。

So, for the moment, I think Seymour Hersh has not only a lot of credibility of a lifetime of investigative reporting but has a credibility that comes from the fact that his points have not been refuted. And, I must say they make a lot of sense.


Heres what we know about this thats really important. This terrorist attack had to be carried out at state level. This is a very hard-to-do attack. The pipeline sits under roughly 90 meters of sea level. It is a big, thick, heavy steel encased in even bigger, thicker, concrete. It needed a lot of explosives in order to blow up the three of the four pipelines. Apparently, part of the event did not succeed. In fact, because clearly the intention was to blow up all four of the pipelines, but that shows how hard this was technically. So, there are only a very few governments that could do this.


American politicians hated Nord Stream. They hated Nord Stream 2. There wasnt almost a day that went by when they said what a disgraceful project Nord Stream is. So, on February 7, 2022, President Biden famously said in a press briefing together with German chancellor Olaf Scholz, if Russia invades, Nord Stream 2 is over. After the event, the U.S. Secretary of State said this was a tremendous opportunity to wean Europe off of Russian energy. More recently than that, the Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said how delighted she and the administration are that Nord Stream 2 is a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea. Its not the way to speak about an event that has massive danger and massive potential repercussions.

美国政客讨厌北溪项目、讨厌“北溪-2”管道,他们没有一天不在批评北溪管道有多丢人。所以,2022年2月7日,在同德国总理朔尔茨的联合新闻发布会上,美国总统拜登表示,如果俄罗斯侵略(乌克兰),“北溪-2”将不复存在。北溪管道被炸之后,美国国务卿(布林肯)表示,这是欧洲摆脱俄罗斯能源依赖的一次巨大机会。近期,美国副国务卿纽兰表示,她和美国 *** 非常高兴地得知“北溪-2”管道现在成了躺在海底的一堆废铁。用这种方式去谈论一件危害巨大且影响深远的事情,真的不合适。

