


A video clip of Xiong Linghao, an 18-year-old blind girl playing Beethovens Pathetique Sonata in an international youth piano competition in Shanghai, went viral online.



Xiong Linghao, a visually impaired young woman who started learning the piano at age 6, said her idol is Ludwig van Beethoven, who began to suffer from hearing problems in his 20s and later went completely deaf.熊翎好是一名视觉受损的女孩,从6岁开始学习钢琴。熊翎好说她的偶像是贝多芬,贝多芬20多岁时就开始出现听力问题,之后听力完全丧失。

Their physical challenges led both of them to establish a connection with the world through music, said the 18-year-old from Mianyang, Sichuan province, who was born premature and lost her eyesight in early infancy due to a medical accident.熊翎好来自四川绵阳,是个早产儿,幼时因医疗事故导致失明。她说她和贝多芬都是身体残疾,但都通过音乐与世界建立起联系。


“她两三岁时偶然听到一首歌,之后自己爬上电子琴去试着弹,当时我还觉得弹得挺像。”熊翎好的妈妈林春蓉回忆说,之后熊翎好开始学电子琴。Xiongs mother discovered her daughter had a talent for music early in her childhood. At age 3, she could play childrens songs on a *** all electric piano at home.


"The piano is my best friend," said Xiong. "The piano has accompanied me throughout my ups and downs in its own way. It brings so much pleasure into my life and empowers me with perseverance."熊翎好说:“钢琴是我最好的朋友。在我起起伏伏的人生中,钢琴以它独特的方式陪伴着我。它给我的生活带来了如此多的乐趣,并赋予我毅力的品格。”

对于看不见的熊翎好来说,学习钢琴是一条艰辛的道路,其中熟悉键盘和曲谱是最大的困难。钢琴有88个键,曲谱更复杂,高音、低音、 *** 、高八度都需要区别。刚开始练手型时,熊翎好只能靠老师把手指硬扳成弹钢琴的样子。

Learning to play the piano, which usually has 88 keys, is not easy for people who are visually challenged. At first, her teacher helped her place her hands and fingers properly.


"Repeated practice is key because I need muscle memory to find the right keys," she explained. “反复练习是关键,因为我需要肌肉记忆来找到正确的琴键,”她解释道。

"I pay attention to each minor step in each phrase and need to be fairly precise with the angle of how I control my hands, wrists and fingers."“我会很注意每个乐句中的每一个小节拍,并且我需要精准地控制我的手、手腕和手指的角度。”




熊翎好已经创作了几首歌,其中一首叫做“梦中的小狗”,在歌中她想象有一只导盲犬来陪伴她的生活。歌词如“蓝蓝的天空和彩虹做的滑梯”展示了她可以通过音乐“看到”世界。She has composed several songs, including one called the "Little Dog in Dream", where she imagined her life with the company of a guide dog. Lyrics like "blue skies and rainbow slides" were used by the girl, who said she could "see" the world through music.


Xiong is aspiring to be admitted to a university in Beijing and major in music performance or music production.


If she had vision for three days, Xiong said, she would see how she looks, cook a big meal for her parents and take a walk in the places she has been to hundreds of times.熊翎好说,如果她有三天光明,她会看看自己的样子,为父母做一顿大餐,并去她曾去过数百次的地方散散步。

"I also would like to see with my eyes what the piano that has accompanied me for more than a decade looks like," she said.她说:“我还想亲眼看看十多年来陪伴我的钢琴是什么样子的。”




来源:中国日报 百度百科

来源:China Daily
