




An outstanding carved marble recumbent frog, Shang dynasty | 商 大理石雕蛙 。2881万


An exceptional and rare gold and silver-inlaid bronze sword hilt, Late Eastern Zhou - early Western Han dynasty | 東周末至西漢初 銅錯金銀鏤空雲龍紋劍柄 。567万

A rare *** all bronze figure of a rhinoceros, Tang dynasty | 唐 青銅犀牛。 340.2万

A yellow jade mask ornament, Neolithic period, Shijiahe culture | 新石器時代石家河文化 黃玉神祖面紋飾。302.4万

A fine and rare black-ground green-enamelled dish, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 墨地綠彩花鳥圖盤 《大清雍正年製》款 。201.6万

A pair of fine wucai dragon and phoenix bowls, Marks and period of Kangxi | 清康熙 五彩龍鳳呈祥盌一對 《大清康熙年製》款。176.4万

An imperial gilt-bronze temple bell, bianzhong, Mark and period of Kangxi, dated to the 52nd year, corresponding to 1713 | 清康煕 御製鎏金銅蒲牢鈕八卦紋「太簇」編鐘 《康煕五十二年製》款。 163.8万

A white jade dragon washer, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 白玉龍紋洗。 151.2万

A white and russet jade mythical beast group, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 白玉雙瑞獸 。144.9万

A very rare blue and white anhua-decorated phoenix bowl, Mark and period of Xuande | 明宣德 青花暗花穿蓮祥鳳紋盌 《大明宣德年製》款 。126万

A white and russet jade boy group, Ming dynasty | 明 白玉雙童。 100.8万

A carved Dingyao mandarin ducks dish, Northern Song dynasty | 北宋 定窰劃荷塘鴛鴦折腰盤。 94.5万

A pair of famille-rose balsam pear bowls, Seal marks and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 粉彩過枝癩瓜紋盌一對 《大清乾隆年製》款 。88.2万

A copper-red-glazed garlic-mouth vase, Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 紅釉蒜頭瓶 《大清乾隆年製》款 。85.68万

An extremely rare inscribed white-glazed monks cap ewer, Ming dynasty, Yongle period | 明永樂 甜白釉暗刻永平安頌銘如意紋僧帽壺。 81.9万

Six white jade zodiac figures, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 白玉生肖像六件。 70.56万

A jade mask ornament, Neolithic period, Liangzhu culture | 新石器時代良渚文化 神人獸面紋玉冠狀器。 63万

A coral-ground reverse-decorated bamboo bowl, Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 珊瑚紅白地秀竹紋盌 《大清乾隆年製》款。 63万

A pair of embellished gold and silver-inlaid bronze weights, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period | 東周戰國時期 銅錯金銀嵌寶虎噬鹿鎮紙一對。 56.7万

A yellowish-celadon jade cong, Neolithic period | 新石器時代 青玉琮。52.92万

A blue and white shou rouleau vase, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花萬壽棒槌瓶。52.92万

A fine and rare robins-egg glazed vase, meiping, Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 爐鈞釉梅瓶 《大清乾隆年製》款。 50.4万

A white jade chilong and elephant rhyton and cover, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 白玉螭龍紋象首蓋觥 。50.4万

A white jade archaistic duck and lotus group, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 白玉仿古銜蓮寶鴨。 50.4万
