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Oh, Japan, never a shortage of material to make *** videos from in that country. Japan really is an amazing country with great culture.


I mean sushi? Come on! But with such a large population theres going to be some people who are into niche things, weird things and weird products that theyre willing to spend money on.


Here are ten weird products that only exist in Japan. Number ten are eye fans and heaters.


You know, sometimes our eyes get cold from being outside for too long and sometimes they need a quick cooling from the recent onion slicing session. Well, either way Japan has a few products to help you out.

*** ,有时候在外面待久了,我们的眼睛会变冷,有时候眼睛在切完洋葱后需要立刻缓一缓。不管怎样,日本有一些产品可以帮你。

Huh, your eyes are cold? Then reach out for one of these Tensai Bakabon Honkan-san USB-powered eye warmers. They couldnt have shortened the name a bit?

你觉得眼睛冷?那么就用天才傻鹏本官先生 USB 眼部加热器吧。他们就不能把名字缩短一点吗?

Not only will your eyes literally get heated up quite nicely, but youll get to look like a freaky anime character with bulging eyes in the process. Ah, and isnt that the dream?


But alternatively if the tears are building, up then pull out a pair of onion cutting goggles. With a handy built-in fan on either side of them, these things will keep the tear-causing onion gas at bay and your eyes dry.


Finally, Ive been waiting for the day when someone would invent something that makes simple things like closing my eyes or even crying over with. This world is weird.


Number 9 is toiletpaper head dispenser. Sure, why not?


On the positive side, while this contraption does ensure that youll be less embarrassed by not having to run out of toilet paper, it definitely adds to the embarras *** ent where the spare roll is located, you know, firmly atop your own head. Yes, the Hay Fever Hat from Japanese innovation company Chindogu is meant to provide relief for sneezing and runny noses by giving you tissue as close to your own forehead as possible.

乐观来讲,这个装置的确能确保你不会因为用完卫生纸而感到无比尴尬,但无疑让你更尴尬的是,备用卷纸所处的位置, *** ,它会稳稳地在你的头上。是的,日本创新企业珍道具发明了这个帽子,尽可能地让纸巾贴近额头,这样在打喷嚏和流鼻涕时方便取用。

The hat comes complete with a chin strap to make sure it never slides off your noggin and a rolling toilet paper roll on top which sends the sheets of white paper down over your face to block any sudden sneezes that might shoot out of you. Of course, youve probably never seen these things out in the public eye.


Huh, huh, I wonder why that is! Number eight is a Cyberdyne HAL exoskeleton.

呵呵!我想知道这是为什么!第八位:Cyberdyne 的外骨骼动力服 HAL。

Im afraid Im going to have to make you look weird, Dave.Ever since Robert Downey jr. brought the Marvel character Iron Man to the new generation in 2008, people have been longing for the chance to operate their own super suit.


well, you guessed it. Leave it to the Japanese company Cyberdyne to come super close to creating Tony Starks fictional technology.


The result is the HAL exoskeleton, a full-body external piece of technology that could one day change the world. HAL which stands for hybrid assistive limb, has helped a number of people who have suffered spinal injuries strokes or been diagnosed with other physical disabilities.

生化人公司的成果便是 HAL 外骨骼动力生化服,一种全身式外部科技设备,总有一天它会改变世界。HAL 意思是混合辅助肢体(hybrid assistive limb),它已经帮助了许多曾遭受过脊柱损伤,中风或者被诊断有其他身体残障的人。

The suit gives the wearer an increase in strength between two to ten times their natural ability. You cant launch missiles, talk to an AI or fly, but the thing can lift heavy things and admittedly just makes you look super cool.


Number seven is marriage helping bras. Oh, we gettin nasty.


Triumph International, a lingerie making company in Japan, has decided that in addition to making supportive garments for women, they want to help those women meet their future hu *** and by literally letting everyone know that theyre on the hunt for Mr. right. The Konkatsu Bra gives the wearer the opportunity to throw their hu *** and finding into high gear by setting a timer for how long they have before theyre engaged.


The timer glows bright red and counts down until an engagement ring is placed inside a holder between the two cups at which point the wedding march plays. Adding to the weirdness of this bizarre device as if that was even possible, it comes with heart-shaped oven mitts and apron, a piece of cloth with the wearers phone number that can be accidentally dropped and a pen to sign up for a marriage license or prenup.


Number six is never-ending bubble wrap. Oh, yes yes, we need that North America. I love bubble wrap.


While it did technically make its way to the United States in 2008, the Mugen Puchi Puchi bubble wrap toy didnt quite take the country by storm and failed. That despite the fact that everyone loves popping the little clear packaging bubble, the device simulates bubble wrap under squishable rubber bubbles and a sound box that plays the sound of actual rap air pockets being popped only its been reported that the pops dont really sound like real bubble wrap breaks at all.


This is mostly because the speaker obviously needs to be cheap to keep costs down in production. The real kicker about this product though, is that after every 100 successful pops, the Puchi Puchi plays other odd sounds like farts door chimes dogs barking or even just a sexy voice.


Hey, just like real bubble wrap, right? Number five is the pokey box.


In 2008, the Japanese company Bandai released a device that looks like a cross between a tamagotchi and some sort of finger exerciser. Its a cubic electronic game called the Tuttuki Bako, or poking box and its about as close to edge-of-your-seat gaming as what I would imagine an accumulating dust contest would look like.

在2008年,日本公司万代推出了一种介于拓麻歌子和手指锻炼器之间的装置。它是一种立方形状的电子玩具,名为“捅捅乐”或“手戳盒子 ”,这像是一场紧张的游戏,就像我想象的一场尘封已久的比赛一样。

These *** all devices have five minigames called stages that are fairly boring according to reviews but what really makes this item interesting is that it needs your actual finger inside of it to work. Once inside, your digit gets a digital clone which you can use to poke at a *** all blob that bounces or the face of a girl as you try to make her sneeze.


You can even operate a teeter-totter with a stick bigger at the other end and you thought Playstations and Nintendos were cool. Number four is the armpit fan.


Everybody sweats, but of course, we prefer not to show off any of that sweat unless its rippling down a perfect six-packs. But unless you never leave air conditioning or never exert yourself in any way, how do you stop all those ugly pit stains from appearing?

每个人都会流汗,当然,我们希望不要露出任何汗水,除非它从我们完美的六块腹肌上淌下来。但是 除非你永远带着空气清新剂,或者永远不以任何方式过度锻炼,否则你要怎么避免这些肮脏的污渍出现呢?

Well, of course, theres a simple way to get rid of such humiliation by trying an electric arm pic clip-on cooler fan. Hmm, sounds convenient.


This, lets call it handy little device, clips onto your sleeve and shoots cool air up your arms to keep your underarms nice and dry. So basically, you have two options. You can have wet spots under your arms or you can make it look like you have two air fresheners on your sleeves.


Ladies, ladies, yes, so fresh and so clean. What? You dont want to date me? Okay.


Number three is noiseless karaoke. Are you sick of other people hearing your horrible rendition of Taylor Swift "shake it off" every single day when you get out of bed? Haha, me too.

第三位:无噪音卡拉 OK。你是不是讨厌别人听到你每天起床时演唱的恐怖版“Shake It Off”?哈哈,我也是。

Well, today, for the super low price of only $109 U. S. you can stop those noisy listeners from hearing a thing while you still belt out your favorite karaoke hit. Introducing the noiseless karaoke Mute Mic 2, a device that literally allows you to sing loud and proud into the microphone thats muted by a cup so only you can really hear it.

现在,仅需超低价109美元,你就可以让这些噪音受害者在你拉开嗓门唱最爱的卡拉 OK 经典歌曲时,什么都听不到。下面为你介绍 无噪音卡拉 OK 静音麦克风,它可以让你对着麦克风高歌,通过一个杯子过滤声音,只有你能真的听到歌声。

You can even get two so you can sing silently in a duet. Noiseless karaoke mics have actually been a bit of a hit and are now available for Wii PC Macs and tablets.

你甚至可以买两个设备,这样就可以静静地二重唱了。无噪音卡拉 OK 麦克风实际上很受欢迎,现在支持 Wii, 台式电脑,苹果电脑和平板电脑。

Now, you too cannot be heard singing anywhere without going through the trouble of simply not singing. Number two is the ear scoped.


Do you ever wonder whats going on inside of the ear? Hehe, me too. Its hard to know for sure no matter how quickly you turn your head and try to peek down there. Oh. . .


Besides, its probably gross and many of us would rather not go down that road but for everyone else theres the ear scope. This piece of modern Japanese technology genuinely provides you with a live feed of whats going on inside those holes in your head with a fiber-optic camera attached to a *** all monitor.


You literally stare into an eyepiece and see everything thats in your ear even that crayon you shoved in there when you were five. Still in there. They can even give you up to a five-time magnification in case you really want to see that gunk up close.


Maybe leave the ear cleaning to the professionals, baby. And number one is the tongue control.


Are you sick of using your hands to click things on the computer tablet or *** artphone and the idea of using voice-activated assistance just seems like way too much effort? Then why not opt in for a device where you can control it with it flick of your tongue?


The Mimi Switch looks like a pair of headphones but it uses infrared sensors that are manipulated through the miniscule movements that occur in your ears when you make certain facial expressions to control a microcomputer. They can be used to operate anything from an mp3 player to your washer/dryer using customizable expressions including sticking out your tongue widening your eyes and winking.

Mimi 看起来就像一副耳机,但是它采用了红外线传感器,当你做出某种特定表情时,它能感知耳朵的微动作来控制微型计算机。它可以用来操控任何东西,从音乐播放器到你的洗衣机,烘干机,只要使用定制的表情,包括伸出舌头,睁大眼睛以及眨眼。

Okay, okay, sure, every time something surprises you, youll probably end up rewinding a song that you listening to but isnt that worth the ability to not have to use your hands or voice? No, no it isnt.


Oh, weird products that only exist in Japan, who knew! Would you guys buy any of these in all seriousness?


Leave a comment because I need to know would you actually spend your hard-earned money on a tongue flick on. Let me know. See you next time.

