




近日,@中国长安网 携手新疆青年原创说唱《你可荒谬(Nike H&M)》,喊话抹黑新疆棉花的西方势力:“只要损害了利益,就是破坏所谓自由?新冠死亡五十万加,哪来资格居高临下?想摧毁和平,不用打人权大旗!”

戳破谎言,用最潮的歌、用最热的血、用最响的声、用最真的心,和长安君一起唱响这首《你可荒谬(Nike H&M)》,告诉世界,新疆的棉花如此洁白,不容玷污!

歌名:《你可荒谬(Nike H&M)》



作词:李韵之 庄庆鸿

作曲:“Vroom” prod by Fantom






To bite the hand that feeds


One crazy night, you guys lifted the table of God. You would not consider malicious disinformation an insult to God


The ugly face of the Western colonists is recorded on the snowy white cotton.

他考第一 肯定像我一样营私作弊

The demon will think there are demons all around.


More than four thousand dollars of AJ can not wear 3 months

谁管质量好坏 营销收割了那些跟风崇拜

These busines *** en do not care about quality, only about income

经济衰退要靠中国市场 去年财报逆市上扬

When in economic crisis, China became the only hope for these busines *** en

有锅就让中国扛 又当又立是状元郎

While making money in China, they insult China with impunity. It is like a prostitute proclaiming her chastity, like a heretic spreading the gospel of God, like the Western colonizers ignoring their former sins but playing savior today.

只要损害了利益 就是破坏了所谓自由

Once you think you cant exploit in China, you will attack China with "freedom"

毕竟是巨头 人权的灯塔有些费油

Its hard to understand that the self-proclaimed lighthouse of civilization, which has a sordid hook at its base

奴隶主华盛顿和女王 怎么能说出口

Would it be difficult to tell your descendants that Washington and Queen Victoria, who are considered heroes, were once slave traders who were the greatest insult to human rights?

高地都无法呼吸 难道能容东方一股清流

How can the democratic highland of the US, which carries the suffocated blacks, have tolerated the peace and prosperity of the East?


Conscientious nurse forced to pull out old mans trachea and then commit ***

对岸众志成城 决别了小家白衣执甲

Eastern China united in fight against epidemic, doctors and nurses are white-coated warriors

德鲁伊冲进国会大厦 武汉办樱花的趴体

Druids stormed the U.S. Capitol, while Wuhan citizens enjoyed sakura in the spring

这么绝吗 要当全世界面戳破你的谎话

God can not tolerate you guys, choose COVID-19 to expose all your lies

中国产棉世界第一 新疆产棉中国第一

China produces the worlds largest amount of cotton, Xinjiang produces the largest amount of cotton in China

解决了贫困又不靠你 还要眼红我们的成绩

China never solved poverty because it believed in the ridiculous and childish fairy tales of the West, and today you are jealous of our achievements


Self-proclaimed defenders of human rights, but rape them again and again

带你来看 说把变形金刚当做奴隶

We are very grateful to invite you here. We are using machine to plant, and you guys used slaves.

One crazy night, you guys lifted the table of God.


From Taiwan to Xinjiang


From Switzerland to Hong Kong

走过一百年 最清楚我从没靠天象

One hundred years of history tells us that all gods are unreliable

敌人围攻万千重 我又怎能投降

The strength of history will enable us, a *** all but faithful band, to overcome the multitude of the faithless.


We shall not surrender.

解开不平等的合约 种下最干净的棉花

Overthrow unequal contracts and plant the cleanest cotton

新冠死亡五十万加 哪来资格居高临下

More than 500 thousand people died in Covid-19. I dont know what kind of country has the qualifications to talk about human rights

BBC偏见叽叽喳喳 还有多少刀光追杀

The BBC has repeatedly used rumors to destroy its credibility

请你签收东风快递 看看谁是最后赢家

Cut off the crap, our missile is ready. I thought you were afraid of the hell, and we all know you are already in it.

