1.人的一生会碰见很多心动的人 可能会误以为那是喜欢 其实也只不过是某一刻的好感 毕竟心动都不是答案 心定才是.
Peoples life will meet a lot of people who may mistakenly think that its like, in fact, its just a moments good feeling. After all, heart is not the answer
2.跑步太累 作业太多 理科太难 课太困 睡眠太少 但熬过这些艰难的日子就是前程似锦.
Running too tired, homework too much, science too difficult, class too sleepy, sleep too little, but its a promising future to survive these tough dayS
3.你可以听很丧的歌 但我希望你看看外面的太阳 星星 月亮 行人 花香 棉花糖 雨滴 动物 看到这个世
You can listen to sad songs, but | hope you can see the sun, the stars, the moon, the pedestrians, the flowers, the marshmallows, the raindrops, the animals, and see that the world is also bright
4.如果我喜欢的女孩不见了 我就把整个江湖翻过来 上穷碧落下黄泉也要把她找回来 可惜我不是男孩
If the girl | like is gone, ll turn the whole Jianghu upside down. ll get her back. Unfortunately, Im not a boy, and Ive never met such a boy
5.妈妈也曾经是一个小女孩 怕黑 怕虫 也会掉眼泪 笨手笨脚被针扎到 却温柔了你 温柔了岁月.
Mother was once a little girl afraid of the black insects will also shed tears clumsily by needle but tender you tender years
5.你要学着无论遇到什么事情欣喜悲伤或是濒临崩溃 都能够不动声色自己处理事情自己辨别对错好好成长.
You have to learn that no matter what happens, you are happy or sad or you are on the verge of collapse, you Can handle things quietly, identify the right and wrong, and grow up well.
5.不要抱怨生命中的每一天美好的 日子带给你快乐 倒霉的日子带给你经验 最糟糕的日子带给你教训.
Dont complain about every good day in your life