


Theres a yellow rose in Texas That Im going to see

在德克薩斯有位黃玫瑰 我渴望去見上一面

No other fellow knows her No other, only me

沒有其他傢伙了解她 除了我以外沒有

She cried so when I left her It like to broke my heart

在我離別時她淚如雨下 幾近讓我心碎

And if I ever find her We never more will part

若我能再找到她 我們再也不分離

Shes the sweetest grow of color That soldier ever knew

這個士兵所知道的 她是最甜蜜的玫瑰色

Her eyes bright as diamonds And sparkle like the dew

他的雙眸明亮如鑽 晶瑩如露

You may talk about your dear Miss Mae And sing of Rosa Lee

你可以談談你親愛的梅小姐 也可以為你的羅莎莉高歌

But the yellow rose of Texas Is the only girl for me


Where the Rio Grande is flowing And the starry skies are bright

當那格蘭德河潺潺流過 漫天星輝燦爛

She walks along the river In the quiet summer night

在這寂靜的夏夜 她留連於河畔

She thinks if I remember When we parted long ago

她想,如果我還記得 當年我們離別時

I promise to come back again And never leave her so

我答應我會回來 並再也不分離

Oh, now Im going to find her For my heart is full of woe

噢!我心中充滿了悲傷 我一定要找到她

And well sing the songs together That we sang so long ago

然後我們將一起歌唱 唱遍往日的情懷

Well play the banjo gaily And well sing the song of yore

我們將歡悅地彈奏班卓琴 唱回舊日的時光

And the yellow rose of Texas Shall be mine forever more

而那德克薩斯的黃玫瑰 將伴我至永遠

Mine forever more

