小伙伴关心的问题:time的歌曲,有首time英文歌 *** 哦哦哦,本文通过数据整理汇集了time的歌曲,有首time英文歌 *** 哦哦哦相关信息,下面一起看看。

time的歌曲,有首time英文歌 *** 哦哦哦

从网络上了解到,“Time”是美国电音制作人MKJ发行于2015年04月25日的作品,其中包含摩根·弗里曼在纪录片《Through The Wormhole With Morgan Freeman》(《与摩根·弗里曼一起穿越虫洞》)中的一段独白。摩根·弗里曼的独白并不是专为这首音乐创作的,只是被MKJ拿来和自己创作的音乐混剪在一起,本是拼凑之作,却天衣无缝般贴切。


Time is the currency of your life, spend it wisely时间是你生命的金钱,要学会合理支配Don’t let others no matter how well intentioned spend it for you, it’s all you’ve got不要让别人替你支配你的时间,无论他们的用意是多么好,因为那是你的所有In the end, you may falter, but rest assured, time will not最后,你也许会动摇,但我敢保证,时间不会Time is an endless, relentless stream, moving in one direction, while your memories move in another时间在无穷无尽地朝一个方向前进,这个方向和你的记忆前进地方向正好相反It is not something you choose, but rather, it is something that chooses you时间不是你所能选择的事物,恰恰相反,是时间选择了你Ironically, it’s the timeless part of you that understands full well the true value of time讽刺的是,偏偏是你身上永恒的部分完整理解了时间的真正价值Time, more than treasure, is the greatest gift you can give时间并不仅仅是宝藏,它是你能给予他人最好的礼物It’s about time是时候了It’s about time you do what you were put on earth to do是时候做你该做的事了It’s about time you let go of negative people and habits and move to higher ground是时候远离消极的人和习惯,向更高的台阶出发It’s okay to waste time, but only on things you truly love and enjoy浪费点时间也没什么大不了,但只能浪费在你真正喜爱并享受的事物上It’s much too precious to waste on anger and fear时间太宝贵,以至于不能被浪费在愤怒和恐惧上Remember time doesn’t change anything, it’s you that changes everything要记住,时间改变不了什么,只有你能改变一切We are all traveling through life at the same speed, sixty minutes per hour我们所有人都以相同的速度度过人生,每小时60分钟And if this is not the hour, when will be?如果这个小时不是,那什么时候是?When will you realize that this is the time of your life?你什么时候才能明白这是你生命的时间?The past is merely a dream and the future merely a prayer过去只是一个梦想,未来只是一个祈祷Your future starts right here, right now, not tomorrow你的未来始于当下,现在,而不是明天The most important moment of your life is this one你人生中最重要的时刻是此时此刻It’s about time是时候了

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