Did you know that 80% of the global goods trade is transported over sea? Given the scale of human consumption, this requires an enormous number of shipping containers, as well as ships to carry them.
At an industry level, container shipping is dominated by several very large firms. This includes Maersk, COSCO Shipping, and Evergreen. If you live along the coast, youve probably seen ships or containers with these names painted on them.
Generally speaking, however, consumers know very little about these businesses. This graphic aims to change that by ranking the 10 largest container shipping companies in the world.
01—Top 10
本文采用2个指标对公司规模进行排名:(1)拥有的船舶数量;(2)总运输能力(TEU)。TEU是一个 20 英尺长的标准集装箱的体积,合24~26m³。
相关数据来自物流咨询公司Alcott Global,船舶数量统计截止于2021年6月,TEU容量统计截止于2022年1月。
Companies are ranked by two metrics. First is the number of ships they own, and second is their total shipping capacity measured in twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs). A TEU is based on the volume of a twenty-foot long shipping container.
The data used in this infographic comes from Alcott Global, a logistics consultancy. Fleet sizes are as of June 2021, while TEU capacity is from January 2022.
由上表可知,马士基和地中海航运在 TEU方面并列第一,但据新闻媒体最新报道,地中海航运已经超越了前者。剩余8席由欧洲和亚洲的公司共同瓜分,但这些公司大多是通过并购才发展至如今的规模的。
In this dataset, Maersk and MSC are tied for first place in terms of TEU capacity. This is no longer the case, as news outlets have recently reported that MSC has overtaken the former. Trailing behind the two industry leaders is a mixture of European and Asian firms. Many of these companies have grown through mergers and acquisitions.
在撰写本文时,马士基是丹麦市值第三大公司,成立于 1904 年,至今已有 118 年历史。
地中海航运公司 (MSC) 近年来发展非常迅速,在 TEU 运力方面赶上了(现已超越)长期领先的马士基。这家瑞士公司主要通过新造、收购、租赁等方式扩大公司规模。