01. Advent Rising: Muse 《救世主》交响曲 (Composed by Tommy Tallarico, Emmanuel Fratianni, and Laurie Robinson)
02. Legend of Zelda: Suite 《塞尔达传说》组曲 (Composed by Koji Kondo)
03. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: Theme 《使命召唤:现代战争2》主题曲 (Composed by Hans Zimmer)
04. Angry Birds: Main Theme 《愤怒的小鸟》主题曲 (Composed by Ari Pulkkinen)
05. Final Fantasy VIII: Liberi Fatali 《最终幻想8:命运之子》(Composed by Nobuo Uematsu)
06. Super Mario Bros: Theme 《超级马里奥兄弟》主题曲 (Composed by Mahito Yokota and Koji Kondo)
07. Uncharted - Drakes Fortune: Nates Theme 《神秘海域:德雷克的宝藏》主题曲 (Composed by Greg Edmonson)
08. Grand Theft Auto IV: Soviet Connection 《GTA4》苏维埃组曲 (Composed by Michael Hunter)
09. World of Warcraft: Seasons of War 《魔兽世界:战争季节》 (Composed by Jason Hayes)
10. Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty Theme 《合金装备:自由之子》主题曲 (Composed by Harry Gregson-Williams)
11. Tetris Theme (Korobeiniki) 《俄罗斯方块》主题曲 (Composed by Alexey Pajitnov)
12. Battlefield 2: Theme 《战地2》主题曲 (Composed by Joel Eriksson)
13. Elder Scrolls: Oblivion 《上古卷轴:湮灭》(Composed by Jeremy Soule)
14. Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare: Main Menu Theme 《使命召唤4:现代战争》主菜单 (Composed by Stephen Barton and Harry Gregson-Williams)
15. Mass Effect: Suicide Mission 《质量效应:危险任务》(Composed by Jack Wall and Sam Hulick)
16. Splinter Cell: Conviction 《分裂细胞:断罪》(Composed by Michael Nielsen, Kaveh Cohen, and Amon Tobin)
17. Final Fantasy: Main Theme 《最终幻想》主题曲 (Composed by Nobuo Uematsu)
18. Bioshock: The Ocean On his Shoulders 《生化奇兵:肩膀上的大海》(Composed by Garry Schyman)
19. Halo 3: One Final Effort 《光环3》(Composed by Martin O’Donnell and Michael Salvatori)
20. Fallout 3: Theme 《辐射3》主题曲 (Composed by Inon Zur)
21. Super Mario Galaxy: Gusty Garden Galaxy 《超级马里奥银河》(Composed by Koji Kondo)
22. Final Fantasy XIII: Hanging Edge 《最终幻想13》[iTunes Bonus Track]专辑曲目:
1. Assassins Creed - Revelations: Main Theme (4:50)
2. Elder Scrolls - Skyrim: Far Horizons (5:18)
3. Legend of Zelda - The Windwaker: Dragon Roost Island (3:43)
4. Final Fantasy VII: One-Winged Angel (4:14)
5. Mass Effect 3: A Future for the Krogan/An End Once and for All (4:59)
6. Halo: Never Forget/Peril (3:52)
7. Sonic the Hedgehog: A Symphonic Suite (6:25)
8. Chrono Trigger: Main Theme (3:13)
9. Luigis Mansion: Main Theme (3:17)
10. Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep: Fate of the Unknown (3:36)
11. Super Metroid: A Symphonic Poem (5:51)
12. Diablo III: Overture (3:58)
13. Batman Arkham City: Main Theme (3:01)
14. Deus Ex-Human Revolution: Icarus Main Theme (3:50)
15. Fez: Adventure (3:30)
16. Portal: Still Alive (3:09)
17. Little Big Planet: Orb of Dreamers (The Co *** ic Imagisphere) (3:38)专辑曲目:
01. A tenuous pact
02. Anaralah belore
03. Eternitys end
04. Journey to kalimdor
05. The betrayer and the sun king
06. The visions the lich king overture
07. Children of the worldstone
08. En taro adun
09. Eradicate and evolve
10. Last angel(bonus track)
11. Legacy of terror
12. No matter the cost
13. The eternal conflict
14. The hyperion overture
15. Victorious but not unscarred以上引自VeryCD。