



文中这咸丰重宝当十虽历尽岁月沧桑,但此币品相以及纹理依然清晰,老铜材质上乘,包浆自然厚重;其次,用手触之,浮感明显,立体感特强,体现生产工艺要求之高;由此看来,清 *** 当时是何其重视此咸丰重宝当十,重视程度不言而喻;再者,其艺术水准、防伪能力迄今没有被超越;就该币本身而言,其艺术价值远超其文物价值;近年来,咸丰重宝收藏市场火热,一枚小小的铜钱,往往能在艺术品拍卖市场上引起炙热的竞买场面,珍稀铜钱动辄成交价格达到上百万甚至几百万元,乃至更高,值得广大客户珍藏或做艺术投资!

Huaxia civilization has a long history and culture. Every stage of historical and social development is the footprint of our countrys growth. Coins are also an important part of this civilization. In its specific historical period, coins occupy an important position. It represents the monetary culture of our country, reflecting the rise and fall of our history, economy, and finance, and has high artistic ornamental value and cultural relic value.

In the article, "Xianfeng Zhongbao is ten" carving mother money is a standard model money produced by the central and local finances when a large number of coins were cast in ancient times. It is used by the emperor for validation. Since ancient times, the present world has passed down, and the number is extremely rare. Very precious! It has always been regarded as a priceless treasure by collectors; Moreover, the time for regional regimes to issue currency is also quite short. In addition to the narrow circulation area, the value of the money cast is even more expensive.

In this article, Xianfeng Zhongbao, although he has experienced many years of vicissitudes, the phase and texture of this coin are still clear, the old copper material is superior, and the pulp is naturally heavy; Secondly, with the hand touch, the floating sense is obvious, the three-dimensional sense is particularly strong, reflecting the high production process requirements; From this point of view, the Qing government at that time was what he attached importance to this Xianfeng treasure, and the degree of emphasis was self-evident; Moreover, its artistic level and Anti-Counterfeiting ability have not been surpassed so far; As far as the currency itself is concerned, its artistic value far exceeds its cultural relic value; In recent years, Xianfeng Chongbao collection market is hot, a *** all copper coin, often can cause hot competition in the art auction market, the rare copper money is often sold at a price of millions or even millions of yuan, or even higher, It is worth collecting or investing in art!
