

Here we are,我们在此地,

Riding the sky,翱翔于天际,

Painting the night with sun,绘夜空以晨旭,

You and I, Mirrors of light,你和我 交相辉映,

Twin flames of fire,如两团火焰,

Lit in another time and place,闪亮在彼时彼地,

I knew your name,我曾知你生名,

I knew your face,也曾忆你音容,

Your love and grace,与你爱和魅力,

Past and present now embrace,过往与现在汇聚,

Worlds collide in inner space,世界激荡于内心,

Unstoppable, the song we play,我们奏响的歌 永不停息,


Burn the page for me,忘记我的过去,

I cannot erase the time of sleep,沉睡时光我无法抹去,

I cannot be loved so set me free,我不能被爱 所以放我自由,

I cannot deliver your love,我不能接受你的爱,

Or caress your soul so,也无法抚慰你(的灵魂) 那,

turn that page for me,就让过往逝去,

I cannot embrace the touch

that you give,我不能接受你的拥抱,

I cannot find solice in your words,也找不到安慰的话语,

I cannot deliver you your love,我不能回应你的爱意,

or caress your soul,也不能抚慰你(的灵魂),

Age to age,年复一年,

I feel the call,我感到那呼唤,

Memory of future dreams,未来梦想的记忆,

You and I, riding the sky,你和我 相依比翼,

Keeping the fire bright,让火焰永不熄

,From another time and place,在彼时彼地,

I know your name,我知你生名,

I know your face,将你容颜记,

Your touch and grace,和你的怀抱和魅力,

All of time can not erase,时间也无法抹去,

What our hearts remember stays,我们记得要留在哪里,

Forever on a song we play,永远留在 我们的那首歌里,


Burn the page for me,忘记我的过去,

I cannot erase the time of sleep,沉睡时光我无法抹去,

I cannot be loved so set me free,我不能被爱 所以放我自由,

I cannot deliver your love,我不能接受你的爱,

Or caress your soul so,也无法抚慰你(的灵魂) 那,

turn that page for me,就让过往逝去,

I cannot embrace the touch that you give,我不能接受你的拥抱,

I cannot find solice in your words,也找不到安慰的话语,

I cannot deliver you your love,我不能回应你的爱意,

or caress your soul,也不能抚慰你(的灵魂)。
