

Taylor Swift这首《Shake it off》,大家对它应该很熟悉了,那你知道,这首歌主要是讲什么的吗?可不要光听歌不学习哦!快点击视频一起来看看吧!



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歌词:I stay out too late, got nothing in my brain.


I stay out too late 我在外面呆的很晚

Informally speaking, to stay out is to go out and stay away from home, especially at night.

口头上来说 stay out指的是"去外面玩 不在家" 特别是指晚上的时候

If you stay out too late, you are going out and not coming back until its very late at night.

如果是说stay out too late 指的就是 在外面一直玩 夜里很晚了才回来

Got nothing in my brain 我脑袋里一片空白

The brain is the organ in your head. 大脑 是你脑袋里的一个器官

This could be an insult meaning that someone is stupid or that they dont know anything.

这可能是一种侮辱性的说法 意味着某人是愚蠢的 什么也不懂

Also, notice that this is a grammatical error.

不过注意 这是一个语法错误

It should be, "l have got nothing in my brain."

正确说法应该是l have got nothing in my brain

However, as we see here, it is common for natives to bend the language and break the grammar rules.

然而 以英语为母语的人 通常讲话都不太注重语法

歌词:I go on too many dates.


go on too many dates 我经常和男孩子出去约会

A date is a meeting with a person, with a romantic intention.

date就是指和某人的约会 双方都带着有可能成为男女朋友的意图

So, to go on a date is to go to a movie, have dinner, etc. with someone you are romantically interested in.

所以 to go on a date通常的意思就是 和你喜欢的人出去看电影 吃饭

-He went on a date with someone he met in class.


The word date can also be used to describe the person you are meeting.

date还可以作为名词 用来表示"你正在约会的这个人"

-His date showed up(appeared)late, but they ended up having a great time.

-他的约会对象迟到了 可他们还是度过了愉快的一天

歌词:But I keep cruising, cant stop, wont stop moving...


keep cruising 持续向前

Literally, the verb to cruise refers to the action of sailing about in an area without a precise destination, especially for pleasure.

按字面意思来说的话 动词cruise指的就是 为了自我放松 而进行的一场没有目的地的远行

We can also use it as a noun, take a cruise.

我们也可以把它当成一个名词 take a cruise

In the song, Taylor makes a more informal use of the word as a slang expression, which means to walk or drive around with no clear destination, at a low speed.

在这首歌里 泰勒·斯威夫特利用这个单词衍生出了俚语 字面意思是 持续在这条路上巡航向前 衍生出来的含义就是 持续毫无目的的寻觅男朋友(俚语)

-Want to take a cruise with me down to the park later?


歌词:Cause the players gonna play play play, and the haters gonna hate hate hate


players gonna play 播放器开始播放了

The idea that the chorus is conveying is that, no matter what, people are going to behave according to their values.

这首歌的副歌想传达的意思是 不管如何 每个人都会按照他自己的价值观行事

Taylor is basically saying that people wont change.

泰勒·斯威夫想表达的是 人们是不会轻易改变自己的

In this context, Taylor refers to a different kind of player.

在这首歌里 player不是指播放器

As a slang word, a player is someone who tricks people, most often a man who is very good at making women like him.

作为一个俚语 这里的player是指某人玩弄/戏弄另一个人 通常是指那些善用花言巧语 让女人轻易爱上对方的那类男人

The problem with players, as Taylor suggests here, is that they make women feel like they are romantically interested, when really they are only interested in sex.

是指那些让女人误认为他们喜欢她 而实际上他们只是想要和你上床的男人

Shes saying that players are Just going to play, and you cant expect them to want to commit to a more serious relationship.

歌词里唱到 players are just going to play 意思就是 永远不要指望这种男人和你确认一段正式的关系

haters gonna hate 看什么都不顺眼

In this line, you are already familiar with the word hate as the opposite of love.

这句歌词里 相信你认识hate这个单词 它是love的反义词

But to hate is also often used with a different connotation, often as the phrasal verb

to hate on (something/someone), which is to criticize and be hard towards someone

because you dont like them and not because of any reasonable justification.

但是hate也常常有不同的含义 通常会出现这个短语 to hate on(something/someone)

通常是用来批判那些你不需要任何理由 就对他没有好印象的人

People who hate on other people are called haters.

hater是指那些讨厌另一个人的人 叫仇恨者

-Shes a controversial celebrity. She has many fans and many haters.

-她是一个有争议的人 她有很多粉丝 但也有很多讨厌她的人

-When she uploaded a video of herself singing, a lot of people hated on her in the comments.

-当她上传了她自己唱歌的视频后 有很多人在评论区抨击她

-I told her not to listen to the haters.

-我告诉她 不要去听那些讨厌她的人说的话

歌词:I shake it off, I shake it off


shake it off 摆脱 不受束缚

As a slang phrasal verb, to shake (something) off means to forget about someone or something, to let go, to get over it, to move on.

作为一个俚语 shake something off表示"忘记/摆脱某事或某人" 让某事/某人随风飘走 克服困难

You can shake off someone whos annoying or upsetting you.


-What can I do to shake him off.


It also means to free oneself of something; get rid of something.


-I shook off my fear of rejection and asked her out on a date.

-我让自己克服了被拒绝的恐惧 约了她出来

However, there is a double meaning here.

不过在这首歌里 shake有双重意思

Shake it can mean to dance, as a command.

shake可以表示摇摆 跳舞

-The music at this club is great! Lets shake it!

-这家俱乐部的音乐真棒 让我们跳起来吧

As we see in the music video, Taylor and others are using dance and music to shake off, or forget about, their problems.

就像我们看到的MV一样 可以表示:泰勒·斯威夫和其他人只是在跳舞 也可以表示:他们借跳舞来忘掉他们的困难和烦恼




