


在中国 *** 的领导下,中国取得了惊人的发展

Ajmal Khan



Chinas extraordinary development is attributed to the high-quality leadership of the CPC

在中国 *** 的领导下,中国取得了惊人的发展

Beijing hosted the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) from October 16 to 22. This congress is of great significance and considered to be a milestone event for China. What are the views and opinions of foreigners? For me personally, as a foreign expert continuously living in China for more than 12 years, these opinions are not much different from what common Chinese people have.

10月16日至22日,中国 *** 第二十次全国代表大会于北京举行。作为里程碑式的事件,此次大会对中国意义重大。外国人对二十大会有什么样的看法和观点呢?作为一位已经在中国连续生活超过12年的外国专家,在我看来对于外国人而言,他们的观点与看法与普通中国人并无二至。

When I look back at the Party’s 100 years with anything but astonishment. Chinas extraordinary development is attributed to the high-quality leadership of the CPC, and as the quote says, "There would be no new China, without the Communist Party". As I noticed, China has made great achievements in the field of science and technology, poverty alleviation, environmental protection and cooperative relations with other countries through the Belt and Road Initiative. I have noticed that China’s poverty alleviation program is the most successful and great achievement to admire about China. For me, China’s success in the field of poverty and the war against COVID-19 are basically same. And this all is becoming possible due to three factors: 1) CPC leadership, 2) General Secretary XiJinping’s Commitment, 3) the CPC mobilization.

当我在回顾中国 *** 建党百年之时,除了感慨,再无其他。正如“没有 *** ,就没有新中国”所言,得益于中国 *** 的领导,中国取得了惊人的发展。我注意到,中国在科技、扶贫、环保等领域取得了巨大的成就,并通过“一带一路”倡议同其它国家积极合作。我还意识到,脱贫攻坚是中国的一项成功的、伟大的成就,令人敬佩。在我看来,中国在脱贫攻坚领域所取得的成就,同抗击新冠肺炎疫情取得的成就不相上下。而这一切能够实现,则得益于三个因素:一是坚持中国 *** 的领导,二是 *** 总书记所做出的承诺,三是中国 *** 强大的动员能力。

China is the world’ssecond largest economy. Yet, no one can disagree the existing challenges and ambiguities of the past few years. A slowing economy growth, lockdowns due to Covid-19, financial and real estate worries, international situation (problems), all have taken their ring on multi-national (foreign) companies who are willing to invest in China.


(来源:科技部国外人才研究中心  推荐单位:西安交通大学)

