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China’s leadership puts peoples health first

As a foreign employee of Xinhua News Agency, I feel a lot after participating in the sessions of the 20th CPC National Congress.

The CPC announced a series of decisions to lead China to a new journey of comprehensive modernization and measures to build a prosperous, democratic, civilized, harmonious, and beautiful modern socialist country.

Undoubtedly, China’s sustained and rapid development in the past 40 years has attracted worldwide attention. Since coming to China in 2006, I have witnessed rapid changes in all aspects of Chinese society, including infrastructure, economy, community, and environment. These achievements have benefited not only Chinese people but also foreigners in China.

China’s economy has increased in the past few years, ranking second in the world with a scale of 114 trillion yuan (about 16 trillion US dollars), accounting for 18.5% of the global economy. As a result, China’s political and economic status on the international stage has continuously improved. Economic development is also reflected in the living standards of the Chinese people. In 2021, the per capita disposable income of national residents increased to 35,128 yuan, tens of millions of people were lifted out of absolute poverty, and a country with a population of 1.4 billion has built a well-off society in an all-round way, which is an unprecedented miracle in human history.

In recent years, I have witnessed China’s phased transformation from “Made in China” to “Intelligent Manufacturing in China,” then to “High-quality Development” and supply-side structural reform, and witnessed China’s manufacturing industry leaping to the world’s top level. As a result of ongoing efforts, China’s industrial added value increased from about 20 trillion yuan in 2012 to 37.3 trillion yuan (about 5.38 trillion US dollars) in 2021.

I also witnessed Beijing winning the glory that no other city in the world has ever had, i.e., the 2008 Summer Olympic Games and the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. Before and after the Olympic Games, China vigorously developed the sports program and launched the “Healthy China” initiative and other related measures, significantly improving people’s health. As a result, in 2019, the average life expectancy of Chinese people reached 77.3 years.

The tremendous development of E-commerce and online shopping in China has dramatically changed my lifestyle. Nowadays, we can buy almost all commodities through the internet. Moreover, online shopping provides competitive prices and saves people time and energy. As a result, China’s economy, especially in consumption, has been promoted. In 2021, the national online retail sales reached 13,088.4 billion yuan, an increase of 14.1% over 2020.

Thanks to China’s grand opening up to the global market and the increase in imports from foreign markets, some commodities that were not accessible to foreigners in China are now available. The data shows that in 2021, China’s imports reached 17.37 trillion yuan, an increase of 21.5%. Last year, Shanghai’s China International Import Expo turnover reached 72.62 billion US dollars.

China has made significant progress in infrastructure construction in the past few years, including constructing many subways, bridges, and roads. For example, when I first came to China in 2006, there were only four subway lines in Beijing, but now the subway network covers most of the areas in Beijing, and the expansion of the subway network in the capital is still advancing.

I have also experienced profound changes in China’s internet. 5G technology has enabled China’s network development to reach the highest level globally and has driven significant changes in high-speed rail, aviation, and port networks. By December 2021, the number of internet users in China had increased to 1.03 billion, and the internet penetration rate reached 73%, exceeding the global average. By the end of 2021, China’s high-speed rail operation mileage was more than 40,000km, and the world’s largest high-speed rail network had been established.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, China’s highly organized response mechani *** and precise prevention and control measures have amazed the world. The Chinese leadership puts people’s health first, provides medical assistance to overseas Chinese, fights the pandemic, and makes every effort to prevent the pandemic from spreading in China. China has also taken the initiative to develop COVID-19 vaccines and cooperated with many countries to help them produce vaccines and make vaccines a global public product.

China’s achievements in improving environmental conservation are also commendable. For example, in recent years, the air quality in China has improved significantly. In addition, China attaches great importance to increasing the forest coverage and greening rate, protecting and developing the wetlands, creating nature reserves, and protecting endangered species. Meanwhile, China has not neglected climate issues and environmental protection, striving to build a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system and put forward two goals, Carbon Emission Peak and Carbon Neutrality. These efforts highlight the image of a responsible power and embody the in-depth practice of the concept of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind.

The cooperation between Arab countries and China has a long history, which can be traced back to the beginning of the Ancient Silk Road. They have built a bridge of friendship. As time flies, Arab-Chinese exchanges have always been active.

With their unique historical heritage and geographical location, the Arab countries have become an essential part of the “Belt and Road Initiative” by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013. In addition to the League of Arab States, 19 Arab countries have signed cooperation documents with China to join the initiative.

Today, China-Arab cooperation is developing rapidly, and China is the largest trading partner of Arab countries. In 2021, the bilateral trade between China and Arab countries was about US $330 billion, an increase of 37% over 2020, while nearly half of China’s oil demand came from Arab countries. In addition, China and Arab countries have achieved fruitful cooperation in new fields, such as digital economy, 5G communication network and aerospace, and traditional fields, such as trade and energy.

With China’s continuous progress in science, technology, industry, environmental protection, and other fields and Arab countries’ advantages in resources, geographical location, and market, China-Arab cooperation will usher in a broader development space.

China is a great country and an important tributary in the long river of human civilization. I wish great China prosperity, progress, and continued success to stride forward the goal of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. China is becoming a pillar for world peace, the pioneer of development, the bridge of cooperation, and a model of ongoing struggle and self-improvement of human society.


二十大宣布了 *** 带领中国走向全面现代化新征程道路上的系列决策,以及为建设富强、民主、文明、和谐、美丽的社会主义现代化国家将要采取的举措。











*** 国家和中国的合作源远流长,可以追溯到古丝绸之路的开端,双方之间架起了友谊的桥梁。历经光阴荏苒,阿中交往始终蓬勃向前。

*** 世界凭借独有的历史遗产和地理位置,成为中国国家主席 *** 2013年提出的共建“一带一路”倡议的重要组成部分。除 *** 国家联盟外,已有19个 *** 国家与中国签署共建“一带一路”合作文件。

当前,中阿合作发展迅猛,中国是 *** 国家最大的贸易伙伴。2021年中阿双边贸易额约3300亿美元,比2020年增长37%,而中国石油需求近一半来自 *** 国家。中阿双方在数字经济、5G通信网络、航天等新领域,以及在贸易、能源等传统领域的合作都取得了丰硕成果。

我相信,随着中国在科技、工业、环保等各领域不断进步,结合 *** 国家在资源、地理位置和市场等方面的优势,中阿合作将迎来更广阔的发展空间。


(来源:科技部国外人才研究中心  推荐单位:新华社)

