

The ultimate inspiration for your next beach holiday has arrived.


An annual ranking of the 50 best beaches in the world reveals 2022s top strips of sand - and they are truly drool-worthy.


The wanderlust-sparking guide is by Big 7 Travel, which generated it by *** ysing Blue Flag locations, beaches social media popularity and the thoughts of its editorial team.

该指南由Big 7 Travel编写,该公司通过分析蓝旗景点、海滩在社交媒体上的受欢迎程度以及其编辑团队的想法来编写。

The top spot goes to Playa Conchal in Costa Rica, a tiny beach covered in crushed seashells thats described as paradise. Turquoise Bay in Australia - offering a truly blissful beach experience - comes second, while pristine Grace Bay in Turks and Caicos is third.

排名第一的是哥斯达黎加的Playa Conchal,一个被碎贝壳覆盖的小海滩,被人称为 "天堂"。澳大利亚的绿松石湾--提供 "真正幸福的海滩体验"--排名第二,而特克斯和凯科斯群岛的 "原始 "格雷斯湾排名第三。

Also making the top five are Floridas Siesta Beach (fourth) and Punta Mosquito in Mexico (fifth).


50. SEMINYAK BEACH, BALI, INDONESIA: ‘With a splendid coast of gold to dark sand and gorgeous sunsets, Seminyak Beach boasts one of the best beach vibes in Bali,’ Big 7 Travel says. It adds that the five-kilometre- (three-mile) long beach is ‘lined with sunset cocktail spots, luxury resorts and colourful bean bags, just steps away from the waves’

印尼巴厘岛塞米亚克海滩:"塞米亚克海滩拥有从金色到深色的灿烂海岸和绚丽的日落,是巴厘岛最好的海滩之一,"Big 7 Travel说。它说,这个五公里(三英里)长的海滩 "两旁是日落鸡尾酒场所、豪华度假村和五颜六色的豆袋坐垫,离海浪只有几步之遥" 。

49. KOEKOHE BEACH, HAMPDEN, NEW ZEALAND: The sandy beach at Koekohe is ‘mostly famous for one thing – the Moeraki Boulders’. Big 7 Travel explains: ‘The mysteriously round stones scattered across the beach weigh several tonnes and took millions of years to form.’ According to the travel site, early morning and late afternoon are the best times to capture the beach on camera, ‘when brilliant soft sunlight is cast across the rocks’

新西兰汉普顿KOEKOHE海滩:KOEKOHE的沙滩 "主要以一件事而闻名--莫拉基巨石"。Big 7 Travel 解释说。这些神秘的圆形石头散落在海滩上,重达数吨,经过数百万年才形成。据说,清晨和傍晚是拍摄海滩的最佳时间,"当灿烂柔和的阳光投射在岩石上时"。

48. ISLA ROBESON, SAN BLAS ISLANDS, PANAMA: ‘For castaway fantasies, it doesn’t get much better than Isla Robeson,’ says Big 7 Travel, adding: ‘Many claim it’s where Robinson Crusoe’s famous protagonist was shipwrecked.’ The isle is home to ‘crystal clear waters, swaying palm trees and talc-soft white sands’ and can be accessed via sailboat or water taxi

48.巴拿马罗伯逊岛圣布拉斯群岛,:"要想实现逃亡的幻想,没有比罗伯逊岛更好的了。许多人声称这里是《鲁滨逊漂流记》中著名的主人公船只遇难的地方。该岛拥有 "清澈的海水、摇曳的棕榈树和滑石粉的白沙",可以通过帆船或水上出租车前往。

47. YONAHA MAEHAMA BEACH, MIYAKOJIMA, JAPAN: This beach, set on the ‘little-known’ island of Miyakojima, is a ‘pristine seven-kilometre (four-mile) stretch of white sand, lapped by clear, crystalline waters’, according to Big 7 Travel. It continues: ‘While it might look like the stuff of desert island fantasy, there are plenty of facilities and activities to enjoy’

47. 日本MIYAKOJIMA的YONAHA MAEHAMA海滩:根据Big 7 Travel的报道,这个海滩位于 "鲜为人知 "的 Miyakojima岛,是一片 "原始的七公里(四英里)长的白沙,被清澈的晶莹海水所覆盖"。它继续说:虽然它可能看起来像荒岛幻想中的东西,但有大量的设施和活动可以享受。”

46. ELAFONISI BEACH, CRETE, GREECE: ‘This unusual pink beach was once a locals secret, says Big 7 Travel, but it has become an Instagram sensation in the past few years. Despite its popularity, touri *** hasn’t spoiled it. The pinkish colour of the sand comes from crushed seashell powder. Big 7 Travel adds that the beach is connected by a sandbar to an island nature reserve, so you can stroll along the shore and enjoy the view

46. 希腊CRETE的ELAFONISI海滩:"这个不寻常的粉红色海滩曾经是当地人的秘密,"Big 7 Travel说,"但在过去几年里,它已经成为Instagram上的一个热点。尽管它很受欢迎,但旅游业并没有破坏它。沙子的粉红色来自于粉碎的贝壳粉。Big 7 Travel 说,这个海滩由一个沙洲连接到一个岛屿自然保护区,所以你可以 "沿着海岸漫步,欣赏美景。”

45. PUNTA DEL’ESTE, SOUTHEASTERN URUGUAY: Of this stunning spot, Big 7 Travel says: ‘Come summer, Uruguay’s favourite beach is rolling in fun-loving celebrities, but mere mortals like us can enjoy it too.’ It notes that the stretch of sand is technically two beaches – Playa Mansa and Playa Brava. ‘A giant sculpture of a half-buried hand with fingers (pictured) peeking out of the sand divides the two beaches,’ it adds

45. 乌拉圭东南PUNTA DELESTE: 对于这个迷人的地方,Big 7 Travel说:"到了夏天,乌拉圭最受欢迎的海滩会有很多热爱生活的名人,但像我们这样的凡人也可以享受它。它指出,这片沙滩在技术上是两个海滩--曼萨海滩和布拉瓦海滩。一只半埋的手的巨大雕塑从沙子里探出头来(如图),将这两个海滩分开。

44. CHAMPAGNE BEACH, ESPIRITU SANTO, VANUATU: According to Big 7 Travel, this spot - one of the world’s most ‘picturesque’ beaches - has ‘clear blue waters and sparkling sand’. And bathers don’t go hungry. ‘Once you’ve worked up an appetite swimming, you’ll be grateful for all those fresh fruit stalls, freshly prepared crab and lobster and cute beachside shacks too,’ adds the travel site

44. 瓦努阿图埃斯皮里图-桑托香槟海滩。根据Big 7 Travel的说法,这个地方是世界上最 "风景如画 "的海滩之一,拥有 "清澈的海水和闪亮的沙滩"。沐浴者不会感到饥饿。一旦你游完泳有了胃口,你就会感谢那些新鲜的水果摊、新鲜的螃蟹和龙虾以及可爱的海滨小屋,"该旅游网站补充说。

43. DIANI BEACH, KWALE COUNTY, KENYA: ‘One of the most beautiful destinations in Kenya, Diani Beach is a private resort located on the south coast of Mombasa,’ Big 7 Travel says. The beach is described as ‘uncrowded and intimate’, and an ‘idyllic spot’ on which to while away a few days

43. 肯尼亚瓜勒县迪亚尼海滩:"迪亚尼海滩是肯尼亚最美丽的目的地之一,是位于蒙巴萨南海岸的一个私人度假村,"Big 7 Travel 说。该海滩被描述为 "人迹罕至,亲密无间",是一个可以消磨几天时间的 "田园诗般的地方"。

42. MYSTIC BEACH, VANCOUVER ISLAND, CANADA: According to Big 7 Travel, Mystic Beach, located on the southern coast of Vancouver Island, is one of Canada’s most enchanting beaches. ‘Set along the Juan de Fuca Trail [ a 47km-/29-mile long hiking trail], the white sandy beach is set against lush forest, with a picturesque waterfall cascading right into the brilliant blue sea,’ the travel site reveals. It adds that Canada has some 15,000 miles (24,140km) of beaches to offer

42. 加拿大温哥华岛神秘海滩。据Big 7 Travel介绍,位于温哥华岛南部海岸的神秘海滩是加拿大 "最迷人 "的海滩之一。沿着胡安-德-富卡小径[一条47公里/29英里长的徒步旅行小径],白色的沙滩与郁郁葱葱的森林相映成趣,一个风景如画的瀑布直泻到湛蓝的大海中,"该旅游网站透露说。它补充说,加拿大有大约15,000英里(24,140公里)的海滩。

41. EAGLE BEACH, ORANJESTAD, ARUBA: ‘This show-stopping Caribbean beach is a two-kilometre (1.2-mile) stretch of sugar-white sand lined with divi-divi trees and thatched umbrellas,’ Big 7 Travel notes. The travel site continues: ‘The turquoise waters are crystal clear and, unlike neighbouring resorts, the tourists are in short supply here. It’s far from isolated though, with *** all bars and restaurants peppered along the front’

41. 阿鲁巴州奥兰杰斯塔德的老鹰海滩:"这个引人注目的加勒比海滩是一片两公里(1.2英里)长的糖白色沙滩,两旁是迪维树和茅草伞",Big 7 Travel 指出。绿松石的海水清澈见底,与邻近的度假村不同,这里的游客很少。但这里远非与世隔绝,沿途遍布着小酒吧和餐馆。

40. SANTA MONICA BEACH, SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA: Describing this stretch of sand, which is just south of Downtown Los Angeles, Big 7 Travel says: ‘Between its soft sand, gorgeous views and views overlooking the iconic Pacific Park amusement park, it’s no surprise that it’s so popular with both locals and tourists’

40.加州圣莫尼卡 圣莫尼卡海滩:Big 7 Travel 在描述这片位于洛杉矶市中心南部的沙滩时说:"在柔软的沙滩、绚丽的景色和俯瞰标志性的太平洋公园游乐园的景观之间,它受到当地人和游客的欢迎也就不奇怪了。”

39. TUSAN CLIFF BEACH, SARAWAK, MALAYSIA: According to Big 7 Travel, this beach ‘is all sugar-white sand, gently sloping dunes and colourful seashells’. Plan an evening-time visit between September and December when, providing the conditions are right, ‘the sea turns a neon blue due to dinoflagellates [tiny organi *** s that can be bioluminescent] lighting up the waves

39. 马来西亚沙捞越TUSAN CLIFF海滩:根据Big 7 Travel的报道,这个海滩 "全是糖白色的沙子,缓缓倾斜的沙丘和五颜六色的贝壳"。计划在9月至12月期间在傍晚时分前往,如果条件合适,"由于甲藻类(可能是生物发光的微小生物)照亮了海浪,海水会变成霓虹蓝色。”

38. GRUMARI BEACH, RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL: According to Big 7 Travel ‘those in the know’ in Rio de Janeiro hotfoot to Grumari Beach. It says: ‘Backed by bottle-green rainforest, the beach boasts fine golden sands and emerald green waters’

巴西里约热内卢格鲁马里海滩:据Big 7 Travel所称,里约热内卢的 "知情者 "热衷于前往格鲁马里海滩。它说:"该海滩以瓶状绿色的雨林为背景,拥有金色的细沙和翡翠色的海水。”

37. THE SAADIYAT PUBLIC BEACH, AL SAADIYAT ISLAND, ABU DHABI: Big 7 Travel praises the ‘stunning looks’ of this 400m- (1,312ft) long beach, which boasts ‘white sandy shores and crystal clear waters’ as well as beach yoga classes and water-sports activities. ‘To reach the beach, it’s a short stroll along a wooden boardwalk through native wildlife. Look out for hawk *** ill turtles - they use the beach as their nesting ground,’ says the travel site

37. 阿布扎比,萨迪亚特岛萨迪亚特公共海滩,。Big 7 Travel对这个400米(1312英尺)长的海滩的 "迷人景色 "大加赞赏,它拥有 "白色的沙岸和清澈的海水",以及海滩瑜伽课程和水上运动活动。要到达海滩,需要沿着木质栈道漫步,穿过本地野生动。Big 7 Travel说:"注意鹰嘴海龟--它们把海滩作为它们的筑巢地。”

36. SEVEN MILE BEACH, GRAND CAYMAN ISLAND, CAYMAN ISLANDS: Big 7 Travel calls this one of the most famous beaches in the world. It says: ‘With sparkling waters and coral sands it’s so perfect it almost doesn’t look real.’ Sunsets on the beach are said to be ‘unforgettable’

36. 加曼群岛大加曼岛七英里海滩:Big 7 Travel称这是 "世界上最著名的海滩之一"。它说:"波光粼粼的水面和珊瑚沙,它是如此完美,似真似幻。海滩上的日落"令人难忘"。

35. LE MORNE BEACH, SOUTHWESTERN MAURITIUS: Of this beach, which sits under the ‘majestic’ Le Morne mountain, Big 7 Travel says: ‘Combining miles of white sand with soaring casuarina trees surrounded by turquoise waters, it’s one of the island’s most stunning sights.’ It adds that it’s popular with windsurfers and kite surfers

35. 毛里求斯西南部勒莫恩海滩:对于这个位于 "雄伟的 "勒莫恩山下的海滩, Big 7 Travel说:"这里有数英里长的白沙和高耸的腰果树,周围是碧绿的海水,是该岛最迷人的风景之一。这里很受帆板运动者和风筝冲浪者的欢迎。

34. KA’ANAPALI BEACH, MAUI, HAWAII: Big 7 Travel reveals that Kaanapali Beach is consistently ranked as one of the world’s most beautiful beaches. It adds: ‘One of Kaanapali Beach’s most famous attractions is the daily cliff-diving ceremony off Puu Kekaa, or Black Rock. Held every evening at sunset, a cliff diver lights the torches along the cliff, and soars into the water’

34. 哈瓦伊岛毛伊岛卡阿纳帕利海滩:Big 7 Travel透露,卡阿纳帕利海滩一直被评为世界上最美丽的海滩之一。它还说:"卡阿纳帕利海滩最著名的景点之一是每天在Puu Kekaa(或称黑岩)附近举行的悬崖跳水仪式。每天傍晚日落时分,一个悬崖跳水者点燃悬崖上的火把,然后飞入水中。”

33. NAAMA BAY, SHARM EL SHEIKH, EGYPT: ‘Naama Bay offers white sandy beaches and the wildlife-rich azure waters of the Gulf of Aqaba,’ says Big 7 Travel. According to the travel site, visitors can see Saudi Arabia’s coastline from the beach

33. 埃及沙姆沙伊赫的纳马湾:"纳马湾提供白色的沙滩和亚喀巴湾丰富的野生动物的蔚蓝水域,"Big 7 Travel说。据该旅游网站称,游客可以从海滩上看到沙特 *** 的海岸线。

32. CALA PREGONDA, MENORCA, SPAIN: ‘The whole of this easternmost Balearic Island is a Unesco Biosphere Reserve, so there’s beauty at every turn but Cala Pregonda is something special,’ Big 7 Travel reveals. It adds that the sand on the beach has a ‘rusty hue, which complements the still, turquoise waters’

32. 西班牙梅诺卡(MENORCA)的卡拉-普雷贡达(Cala Pregonda):"这个巴利阿里群岛最东边的岛屿是联合国教科文组织的生物圈保护区,因此这里处处都是美景,但卡拉-普雷贡达(Cala Pregonda)却很特别",Big 7 Travel 透露。它说,海滩上的沙子有一种 "铁锈色,与静止的绿松石水域相得益彰"。

31. FIG TREE BAY, PROTARAS, CYPRUS: This sandy beach faces an uninhabited islet - Fig Tree Bay Island – which you can swim to from the shore. ‘The beach has golden sand, lively beach bars and plenty of umbrellas to shelter from the sun,’ Big 7 Travel notes, though it warns that the beach can get busy at times

31. 塞浦路斯普拉塔拉斯的无花果树湾: 这个沙滩面对着一个无人居住的小岛--无花果树湾岛,你可以从岸上游过去。海滩上有金色的沙子、热闹的海滩酒吧和大量的遮阳伞,"Big 7 Travel 指出,尽管它警告说海滩有时会变得很热闹。

30. SEVEN MILE BEACH, NEGRIL, JAMAICA: ‘This idyllic beach has palms swaying in the breeze, clear blue waters and fresh coconuts to sip on,’ says Big 7 Travel.

30. 泽西岛内格里尔的七英里海滩:"这个田园诗般的海滩有棕榈树在微风中摇曳,清澈的蓝色海水和新鲜的椰子可以品尝,"Big 7 Travel 说。

29. PRAIA DO CAMILO, LAGOS, PORTUGAL: It’s a hefty 200 steps down (and an unrelenting clamber back up) to reach this beautiful beach, but you won’t be disappointed, Big 7 Travel promises. It lies near the Ponta da Piedade, a ‘landmark rock formation with grottoes and rock arches’

29. 葡萄牙LAGOS的PRAIA DO CAMILO, : "要到达这个美丽的海滩,需要走下200级台阶(再往上爬也不容易),但你不会失望的,"Big 7 Travel承诺说。它位于Ponta da Piedade附近,是一个 "有石窟和岩石拱门的标志性岩层"。

28. PRAIA BANANA, SAO TOME & PRINCIPE: This beach, which sits 150 miles (241km) west of mainland Africa, starred in a hugely popular 1990s Bacardi advert, Big 7 Travel reveals. It says: It’s the ultimate tropical island escape, complete with coconut-filled palm trees, white sand and bath-water warm sea. There’s even a *** all bar hidden beneath the trees

28. 圣多美和普林西比的巴拿那海滩:这个海滩位于非洲大陆以西150英里(241公里),是20世纪90年代百加得广告中的主角。这是一个终极的热带岛屿度假胜地,充满椰子的棕榈树、白色的沙滩和温暖的海水。甚至还有一个隐藏在树下的小酒吧。

27. AO TANOT BAY, KOH TAO, THAILAND: Detailing this beautiful beach, Big 7 Travel says: ‘It’s uncrowded with warm, blue water and soft sand. Snorkelling is excellent here, with a great variety of coral and some fairly large fish that can be seen as soon as you dip your toes into the water’

27. 泰国KOH TAO的AO TANOT BAY, Big 7 Travel 在介绍这个美丽的海滩时说:"这里人迹罕至,海水温暖湛蓝,沙滩柔软。这里的浮潜非常好,有各种各样的珊瑚和一些相当大的鱼,只要你把脚趾头浸入水中就能看到。

26. MAUNDAYS BAY, WESTERN ANGUILLA: ‘This is picture-perfect Caribbean territory.’ So declares Big 7 Travel of this beach, which boasts ‘white-sand shores and clear, azure waters’. The travel site adds: ‘For an extra special outing, head here at night to see the glittering lights from neighbouring St Martin island. It’s beautiful’

26. 安圭拉西部的毛戴斯湾:"这是一幅完美的加勒比海领土。Big 7 Travel 这样评价这个海滩,它拥有 "白色的沙岸和清澈、湛蓝的海水"。该旅游网站还说:"如果想有一次特别的出游,可以在晚上到这里来看看邻近的圣马丁岛的闪亮的灯光。很美 ”

25. TUNNELS BEACH, KAUAI, HAWAII: This is billed as the ultimate snorkelling spot, with the picturesque backdrop of Mount Makana and lush jungles. Big 7 Travel says: Lava tubes form the many underwater caverns here, which gives the beach its name. It adds that the water can get rough during winter, so visitors should keep an eye on the tides ”

25. 夏威夷州考艾岛的隧道海滩:这里被称为 "终极浮潜点,背靠风景如画的马卡纳山和茂密的丛林"。Big 7 Travel说:"熔岩管形成了这里的许多水下洞穴,这也是海滩的名字。它补充说,冬季水面可能会变得波涛汹涌,所以游客应该留意潮汐情况。”

24. HORSESHOE BAY, SOUTHAMPTON, BERMUDA: This stretch of sand is ‘probably the most photographed beach in Bermuda’, Big 7 Travel says, adding: ‘Named for its curving shape, the popular Horseshoe Bay Beach showcases Bermuda’s trademark crystal blue waters and pink sands.’ Visit for yourself and you’ll find that there are ‘hidden caves and tucked-away coves to explore’

24. 百慕大南安普顿马蹄湾:这片沙滩 "可能是百慕大出镜率最高的海滩",Big 7 Travel说。这一海滩因其弯曲的形状而得名,受欢迎的马蹄湾海滩展示了百慕大标志性的水晶蓝水和粉红色的沙滩。自己去看看,你会发现有隐藏的洞穴和隐蔽的小海湾可以探索。

23. MAFIA ISLAND, MAFIA ARCHIPELAGO, TANZANIA: ‘This sublimely serene beach boasts pinch-me-Im-dreaming white sands, turquoise waters and sprawling tidal flats,’ says Big 7 Travel, adding: ‘Below the surface, it’s just as dreamy with its unique coral grove, mangrove and marine channel ecosystems teeming with fish, including whale sharks’

23. 坦桑尼亚马菲亚-阿尔基佩拉戈的马菲亚岛:"这个崇高宁静的海滩拥有让人如痴如醉的白沙、碧绿的海水和广阔的滩涂,"Big 7 Travel说,"在海面下,它的独特的珊瑚林、红树林和海洋通道生态系统也同样梦幻,里面有许多鱼类,包括鲸鲨。”

22. BAZARUTO ARCHIPELAGO, MOZAMBIQUE: This ‘aquamarine paradise’ encompasses five islands off the coast of the town of Vilanculos, Big 7 Travel reveals, adding: ‘Untouched and idyllic, the sugar-white stretches of sand give way to miles of colourful coral reefs.’ The travel site notes that the islands are popular with ‘turtles, dolphins, rays, whales, sharks and over 2,000 fish species’

22. 莫桑比克BAZARUTO ARCHIPELAGO:这个 "海蓝色的天堂 "包括了Vilanculos镇海岸外的五个岛屿,Big 7 Travel透露:"未受污染的田园风光,糖白色的沙滩让位给数英里长的彩色珊瑚礁。该旅游网站指出,这些岛屿深受 "海龟、海豚、鳐鱼、鲸鱼、鲨鱼和超过2000种鱼类 "的欢迎。

21. PATNEM BEACH, GOA, INDIA: Big 7 Travel describes Patnem Beach as a beautiful and somewhat secluded stretch of sand thats lined with palm trees and beach huts

21. 印度果阿的帕特尼姆海滩Big 7 Travel 介绍说,帕特尼姆海滩是一片美丽而隐蔽的沙滩,"两旁是棕榈树和海滩小屋"。

20. SEAGRASS BAY, LAUCALA ISLAND, FIJI: This jaw-dropping bay lies on a private resort island, so access is limited. According to Big 7 Travel, its set on a tropical jungle section of the island, with lush vegetation and wild-growing coconuts as a natural backdrop to the white sandy coastline

20. 菲济LAUCALA岛海草湾:这个 "令人瞠目结舌 "的海湾位于一个私人度假岛屿上,所以进出受到限制。根据Big 7 Travel的报道,它位于 "岛屿的热带丛林部分,茂密的植被和野生椰子作为白色沙滩海岸线的自然背景。”

19. KEEM BAY, ACHILL ISLAND, MAYO, IRELAND: ‘Keem Bay is a breathtaking rural and sheltered beach surrounded by cliffs on Ireland’s largest island,’ says Big 7 Travel. It notes that the beach’s ‘gleaming white sand rivals tropical islands and the water is superbly clear’. According to the travel site, it’s beautiful even on a rainy day – and there are plenty of those in Ireland

19. 爱尔兰马约省阿奇尔岛基姆湾:"基姆湾是爱尔兰最大岛屿上一个令人惊叹的乡村和被悬崖包围的海滩,Big 7 Travel说。它指出,这个海滩的 "闪亮的白沙可以与热带岛屿媲美,水也非常清澈"。根据该旅游网站的说法,即使是在雨天,这里也很美--在爱尔兰有很多这样的雨天。

18. HYAMS BEACH, NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA: Hyams Beach is just three hours south of Sydney, but between its pine forests and white sands, it feels worlds apart,’ says Big 7 Travel, adding that it’s an excellent spot for snorkelling and is popular with stingrays too.

18. 澳大利亚新南威尔士州海姆斯海滩:"海姆斯海滩在悉尼以南仅三小时车程,但在其松树林和白沙之间,给人以天壤之别的感觉," Big 7 Travel说,它是浮潜的绝佳地点,也是黄貂鱼的乐园。

17. NAVAGIO BEACH (OR SHIPWRECK BEACH), ZAKYNTHOS, GREECE: This beach is named after the 198O shipwreck that lies on it, Big 7 Travel reveals. It adds that the beach, accessible only by boat, is ‘lapped by turquoise waters and backed by soaring cliffs’

17. 希腊扎金索斯的纳瓦吉奥海滩(或沉船海滩)。Big 7 Travel程,这个海滩是以198O年的沉船命名的,只能乘船进入,"被碧绿的海水拍打着,后面是高耸的悬崖"。

16. PIG BEACH, BIG MAJOR CAY, EXUMA, THE BAHAMAS: Big 7 Travel says that ‘no one quite knows’ how the pigs arrived on this Insta-famous beach, since Big Major Cay is uninhabited and pigs aren’t native to the island. Fancy visiting it for yourself? The travel site reveals: ‘You can book a day trip boat ride to see this beach’s pristine waters and swim alongside piglets’

16. 巴哈马群岛埃克苏马岛BIG MAJOR CAY的猪海滩:Big 7 Travel说,"没有人知道 "猪是如何来到这个Insta-famous海滩的,因为BIG MAJOR CAY无人居住,猪也不是该岛的原住民。想自己去看看吗?该旅游网站说,你可以预订一日游的船,看看这个海滩的原始水域,和小猪一起游泳。

15. PORTO SANTO BEACH, MADEIRA, PORTUGAL: Big 7 Travel bills this as ‘one of the world’s most beautiful beaches’. It reveals: ‘This nine-kilometre- (5.5-mile) long golden beach boasts crystal-clear, azure-warm waters backed by rolling sand dunes. As if that’s not enough, it’s also well-known for its therapeutic hot sand therapy’

15. 葡萄牙MADEIRA的PORTO SANTO BEACH: Big 7 Travel 称这里是 "世界上最美丽的海滩之一"。这个9公里长的金色海滩拥有水晶般清澈、蔚蓝温暖的海水,背后是连绵的沙丘。如果这还不够,它还因其热沙疗法而闻名。

14. ANSE SOURCE DARGENT, LA DIGUE, SEYCHELLES: Of this ‘magical’ beach, Big 7 Travel says: ‘Beloved for its shallow warm waters and shimmering sand, you’ll need to walk through the old L’Union Estate coconut plantation to access the beach.’ It adds that you ‘may even spot a sea turtle swimming off the shore if you’re lucky’

塞舌尔拉迪格岛的昂斯源德昂特:对于这个 "神奇 "的海滩,Big 7 Travel说:"它因其浅浅的暖水和闪亮的沙子而受到欢迎,你需要穿过古老的LUnion Estate椰子种植园才能到达海滩。它说,"如果你幸运的话,你甚至可以看到一只海龟在岸边游泳"。

13. PLAYA NEGRA, VIEQUES, PUERTO RICO: This black-sand beach is one of the most dramatic in the world, says Big 7 Travel. It adds that it’s a short hike to get to this secluded spot but that it’s well worth the effort

13. 秘鲁维基斯的内格拉海滩:Big 7 Travel说,这个黑沙海滩是 "世界上最引人注目的海滩之一"。它补充说,要到达这个僻静的地方需要徒步旅行,但 "非常值得"。

12. ZLATNI RAT, BRAC, CROATIA: Big 7 Travel declares this the most spectacular of all Croatia’s beaches, and notes that it’s not just its unusual shape that makes it so beautiful and unique. The travel site reveals: The pebble beach is surrounded by crystal-clear sea, that goes from turquoise blue to dark blue... decades-old pine trees provide shade, but you won’t want to get out of the warm waters here

12.克罗地亚布拉克岛金角沙滩: Big 7 Travel宣称这是克罗地亚所有海滩中最壮观的,并指出这不仅仅是它不寻常的形状使它如此 "美丽和独特"。该。卵石滩被清澈的海水包围着,从绿松石蓝到深蓝色......几十年的松树提供了阴凉,但你不会想离开这里的温暖水域。”

11. WHITEHAVEN BEACH, WHITSUNDAY ISLAND, WHITSUNDAY ISLANDS, AUSTRALIA: ‘Stretching across seven kilometres (four miles), this brilliant white silica-sand beach is among one of the purest in the world,’ Big 7 Travel says. The travel site adds that the sand on the beach doesn’t retain heat, ‘so it’s a fantastic place to walk barefoot, even on a hot day’

11. 澳大利亚白芒岛白海文海滩:"绵延7公里(4英里),这个明亮的白色硅砂海滩是世界上最纯净的海滩之一,"Big 7 Travel说。该旅游网站补充说,海滩上的沙子不会保留热量,"因此,即使在炎热的日子里,它也是一个可以赤脚行走的好地方。”

10. REYNISFJARA BEACH, VIK I MYRDAL, ICELAND: Game of Thrones fans may recognise this beach from season seven of the hit HBO fantasy series, Big 7 Travel reveals. It says: With enormous basalt stacks that rise out of the sea and unusual black sand, this is an unforgettable beach

10. 冰岛的 VIK I MYRDAL的REYNISFJARA BEACH,: Big 7 Travel透露,《权力的游戏》的粉丝可能会认出这个海滩是HBO热播奇幻剧的第七季的取景地。"巨大的玄武岩堆积物从海中升起,还有不寻常的黑沙,这是一个令人难忘的海滩。

9. BOULDERS BEACH, WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA: A whole colony of as many as 3,000 African penguins nest on this beach – and the best time to see them is during the summertime, Big 7 Travel reveals. The beach is protected by Cape Nature Conservation and visitors are forbidden from getting close to the penguins - instead, the seabirds can be viewed from walkways that stretch over the sand

9. 南非西开普省布尔达斯海滩:Big 7 Travel透露,有多达3000只非洲企鹅在这个海滩上筑巢,而看到它们的最佳时间是在夏季。这片海滩受到开普敦自然保护区的保护,游客被禁止接近企鹅--相反,可以从延伸到沙滩上的人行道上看到这些海鸟。

8. PEDN VOUNDER, CORNWALL, ENGLAND: ‘G7 put the global spotlight on Cornwall last year and this year the region has seen sky-high bookings. Despite the crowds, Pedn Vounder is still one of the UK’s most beautiful beaches,’ says Big 7 Travel. The travel site adds: ‘Combining crystal-clear blue water and white sand, it’s proof that you don’t need to hotfoot to the Caribbean for a tropical island-inspired getaway’

8. 英国康沃尔的PEDN VOUNDER: "去年G7将全球的焦点放在了康沃尔,今年该地区的预订量达到了天价。尽管人潮汹涌,Pedn Vounder仍然是英国最美丽的海滩之一,"Big 7 Travel说。该旅游网站补充说:"结合了清澈的蓝水和白色的沙子,它证明了你不需要急匆匆去加勒比海,就能享受到热带岛屿式的度假。”

7. SAN FRUTTUOSO, LIGURIA, ITALY: Big 7 Travel calls this stunning shoreline, which features a Benedictine monastery, an ‘intimate pale pebbled beach, squeezed between turquoise waters and lush mountains’. It says: ‘Like most of the best things in life, you’ll need to put a bit of legwork in to enjoy it though. It’s a two-hour hike [from the village of San Rocco] or a thrilling boat ride from ritzy Portofino’

7. 意大利利古里亚的圣弗鲁托索:Big 7 Travel 称这个以本笃会修道院为特色的迷人海岸线为 "亲密的淡色鹅卵石海滩,被挤压在绿松石水域和郁郁葱葱的山脉之间"。它说:"就像生活中的大多数美好事物一样,你需要花点时间来享受它。从圣罗科村出发,需要两个小时的徒步旅行,或者从繁华的波托菲诺乘船前往,非常 *** 。”

6. SECRET LAGOON, MINILOC ISLAND, EL NIDO, PALAWAN, PHILIPPINES: This idyllic spot has crystal-clear water and tropical jungle

6. 菲律宾巴拉望岛米尼罗克岛的秘密泻湖:这个田园诗般的地方有 "清澈的水和热带丛林 ”

5. PUNTA MOSQUITO, HOLBOX, MEXICO: Holbox has only appeared on most people’s travel radar in the past few years, but we still think its sandy stretches are Mexico’s best-kept beach secret, says Big 7 Travel. One of these stretches is Punta Mosquito (above), a sandbank of pristine white sand. According to the travel site, Holboxs shorelines offer ‘crystalline lagoons, lush mangroves and reams of powdery white sand’

5. 墨西哥霍尔博斯的PUNTA MOSQUITO:"霍尔博斯在过去几年才出现在大多数人的旅游雷达上,但我们仍然认为它的沙地是墨西哥保存得最好的海滩秘密,"Big 7 Travel说。其中一个沙滩是Punta Mosquito(上图),这是一个原始白沙的沙岸。根据该旅游网站,霍尔博斯的海岸线有 "晶莹的泻湖、茂盛的红树林和成片的白沙"。

4. SIESTA BEACH, SARASOTA, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES: Famed for its quartz-crystal powdery sand and soft lapping waves, you’ll find it close to impossible to leave this beautiful beach, Big 7 Travel declares. It adds that nearby Siesta Key Village is worth exploring too

4. 美国佛罗里达州萨拉索塔市西斯塔海滩(Siesta Beach):Big 7 Travel宣称:"以其石英晶体的粉状沙子和柔软的海浪而闻名,你会发现几乎不可能离开这个美丽的海滩。它补充说,附近的西斯塔基村也值得探索。

3. GRACE BAY, TURKS AND CAICOS: Big 7 Travel calls this the shining jewel of the Turks and Caicos Islands and says: The entire beach is just over three kilometres (1.8 miles) long, with no pollution – just pure, white sand and clean water. Not only that, but a barrier reef protects Grace Bay from the ocean swells of the Atlantic, so you can swim with ease, the travel site reveals

3. 特克斯和凯科斯群岛的恩典湾: Big 7 Travel称这是 "特克斯和凯科斯群岛的闪亮明珠","整个海滩只有三公里多(1.8英里)长,没有污染--只有纯净的白沙和干净的水。不仅如此,旅游网站还透露,恩典湾有一个大堡礁,保护它不受大西洋海浪的影响,所以你可以放心地游泳。

2. TURQUOISE BAY, EXMOUTH, AUSTRALIA: ‘Think turquoise waters, the softest white sand and sparkling views over Ningaloo Reef, famed for its whale sharks,’ Big 7 Travel says of this breathtaking spot. ‘It’s every bit as beautiful underwater too, with coral gardens teeming with marine life,’ it adds

2. 澳大利亚埃克斯芒斯的图尔库斯湾:"想一想绿松石水域、最柔软的白沙和因鲸鲨而闻名的宁格鲁礁的闪亮景色,"Big 7 Travel 这样描述这个令人惊叹的地方。它的水下也同样美丽,珊瑚花园里充满了海洋生物,"

1. PLAYA CONCHAL, GUANACASTE, COSTA RICA: There’s no getting around it, Costa Rica is the hottest destination to visit right now. Not only does it offer staggering biodiversity, this eco-friendly destination boasts one of the best beaches in the world, says Big 7 Travel of the gold medal winner.

1. 哥斯达黎加瓜纳卡斯特的孔查尔海滩:"无可厚非,哥斯达黎加是目前最热门的旅游目的地。它不仅提供了惊人的生物多样性,这个生态友好的目的地还拥有世界上最好的海滩之一,"Big 7 Travel这样评价这个金牌得主。



vibes:感应; 气氛; 环境;

idyllic: 田园诗般的 ; 平和美丽的 ; 完美无瑕的


hotfoot :急匆匆


