



作为一个五年的医疗科技领域媒体,思宇医械的女性读者约30%,在我们的线下活动中,确实也很少有女性参加。三八节到来,特推出《The Healthcare Technology Report》今年发布的榜单“The Top 25 Women Leaders in Medical Devices of 2022”,供大家了解25位女性高管经历。
















The Healthcare Technology Report is pleased to announce The Top 25 Women Leaders in Medical Devices of 2022. With the medical device industry advancing at an unprecedented rate, new and exciting developments in robotics, materials science, *** ytics, and other technologies have accelerated the production of breakthrough devices that are improving outcomes for patients. Amid a global pandemic that has exacerbated complications in manufacturing and distribution, creative thinking has been crucial for medtech leaders as they devise proactive supply chain solutions in order to mitigate production delays and keep costs competitive. These women executives have demonstrated first-rate leadership in areas such as testing, telemedicine, orthopedics, surgery, wound care, and monitoring, among others.


Everly Health’s Cindy R. Kent has marked her first months as Chief Operating Officer by helping lead the company through incredible growth: in fact, Everly Health recently announced it has enabled more than 45 million COVID-19 tests since the onset of the pandemic in addition to countless additional tests to help screen and diagnose conditions such as STIs, colon cancer, diabetes, and more. Also ringing in the new business year in a big way is Chief Commercial Officer Niamh Pellegrini of Nevro Corp, who helped her company secure UnitedHealthcare coverage for its high-frequency 10 kHz therapy—the only FDA-approved spinal cord stimulation system for treating painful diabetic neuropathy.

Everly Health的辛迪·R·肯特(Cindy R.Kent)在担任首席运营官的头几个月帮助带领公司实现了惊人的增长:事实上,自从2019冠状病毒疾病爆发以来,除了4500万项检测之外,还包括了无数的辅助测试以帮助筛查和诊断诸如STI、结肠癌、糖尿病等疾病。Nevro Corp的首席商务官尼亚姆·佩莱格里尼(Niamh Pellegrini)也在新的业务年里大受欢迎,他帮助她的公司获得了联合医疗保险公司(United Healthcare)的高频10 kHz治疗服务,这是FDA批准的唯一一种治疗疼痛性糖尿病神经病变的脊髓 *** 系统。

The women on this year’s list have distinguished themselves through substantial contributions not only to their companies, but to the medical device industry as a whole. Each nominee was evaluated based on her leadership skills, professional acumen, and technology input, among other factors. Awardees were ultimately chosen using feedback submitted through the nomination entries while factoring in further research into each individual’s career achievements. Please join us in celebrating the achievements of The Top 25 Women Leaders in Medical Devices of 2022.



Trinh Clark, Henry Schein

‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍Title: Vice President of Technology Enablement, North America Distribution Group


Trinh Clark is Vice President of Technology Enablement for the North America Distribution Group of Henry Schein, a Fortune 500 company and the worlds largest provider of healthcare products and services to office-based dental and medical practitioners. Clark is responsible for all aspects of the distribution group’s technology solutions to enhance customers’ effectiveness to deliver better outcomes, increase internal productivity, and to contribute towards revenue growth, margin improvement, and customer satisfaction. A seasoned veteran in health care technology, Clark has nearly 25 years of industry experience and has served in a variety of leadership roles at Henry Schein. In 2017, she was appointed co-lead of Henry Schein’s Global Digital Commerce team to champion and advance digital commerce and digital marketing initiatives, and in 2018, appointed to the Transformation Management Office, a strategic initiative designed to satisfy the evolving needs of customers and fuel future growth through the creation of engaging and personalized digital customer experiences.

Trinh Clark是Henry Schein北美分销集团的技术支持副总裁。Henry Schein是一家财富500强公司,是世界上最大的医疗保健产品和服务提供商,为办公室牙科医生和医生提供服务。Clark负责分销集团技术解决方案的各个方面,以提高客户的效率,提供更好的结果,提高内部生产力,并为收入增长、利润提高和客户满意度做出贡献。克拉克是医疗技术领域经验丰富的老手,拥有近25年的行业经验,曾在亨利·舍恩担任过多种领导职务。2017年,她被任命为Henry Schein全球数字商务团队的联合负责人,以支持和推进数字商务和数字营销计划,2018年,她被任命为转型管理办公室的负责人,这是一项战略举措,旨在通过创造引人入胜的个性化数字客户体验来满足客户不断变化的需求,并推动未来的增长。

Prior to joining Henry Schein, Clark led the program management, customer relations, and marketing functions for eSurg, an award-winning online distributor of pharmaceutical, surgical, office, and medical supplies. In addition to her vast business contributions, Clark is a founding member of her company’s Diversity & Inclusion Council as well as Executive Sponsor of its Women’s Leadership Network and newly established Pan Asian employee resource group. She received her Bachelor of Arts in social sciences from the University of Washington.

在加入Henry Schein之前,Clark领导了eSurg的项目管理、客户关系和营销职能。eSurg是一家屡获殊荣的药品、外科手术、办公室和医疗用品在线分销商。除了巨大的商业贡献外,克拉克还是其公司多元化与包容性委员会的创始成员,也是其女性领导网络和新成立的 *** 员工资源小组的执行发起人。她获得了华盛顿大学社会科学学士学位。‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍


Valerie A *** ury,LifeScan

Title: President and Chief Executive Officer


Valerie A *** ury is President and Chief Executive Officer of LifeScan, a global leader in glucose monitoring and diabetes management. LifeScan is well known for its popular OneTouch brand, used by millions of consumers worldwide. A *** ury has complete responsibility for LifeScan’s business and operations, which has more than 2,000 employees worldwide. A *** ury has guided LifeScan’s mission to pioneer patient-centric technologies and foster cooperation and partnership within the healthcare industry. She has a depth of proven experience and expertise honed over 30 years of cross-functional leadership in guiding healthcare organizations through change in complex and challenging environments. A *** ury was recently appointed as a member of both the Audit Committee and the Compliance Reimbursement Committee for Tactile Systems Technology, a company focused on developing medical devices for the treatment of patients with underserved chronic diseases at home.

Valerie A *** ury是LifeScan的总裁兼首席执行官,LifeScan是血糖监测和糖尿病管理领域的全球领导者。LifeScan以其广受欢迎的OneTouch品牌而闻名,全球数百万消费者都在使用该品牌。A *** ury全权负责LifeScan的业务和运营,LifeScan在全球拥有2000多名员工。A *** ury指导LifeScan的使命,开拓以患者为中心的技术,促进医疗行业内的合作与伙伴关系。她拥有丰富的经验和专业知识,在30多年的跨职能领导下,她在指导医疗保健组织应对复杂和挑战性环境中的变化方面积累了丰富的经验和专业知识。阿斯伯里最近被任命为触觉系统技术审计委员会和合规补偿委员会的成员。触觉系统技术公司专注于开发医疗设备,用于在家治疗服务不足的慢性病患者。

Prior to LifeScan, A *** ury spent over 20 years with Johnson & Johnson, serving in various leadership roles of increasing responsibility across five different medical device and pharmaceutical businesses, including 10 years in the diabetes consumer medical device space, where she focused on strategic growth and talent development. A registered nurse, A *** ury has a passion for volunteeri *** and serves on the boards of various organizations. She has a bachelor’s degree in nursing from the Vanderbilt University School of Nursing and completed executive-level business, marketing, finance, and strategic management education programs at Xavier University, Penn State, and Harvard University.

在LifeScan之前,A *** ury在强生公司工作了20多年,在五个不同的医疗设备和制药企业担任各种领导角色,承担越来越大的责任,包括在糖尿病消费医疗设备领域工作了10年,她专注于战略增长和人才开发。阿斯伯里是一名注册护士,热爱志愿服务,并在各种组织的董事会任职。她拥有范德比尔特大学护理学院的护理学士学位,并在泽维尔大学、宾夕法尼亚州立大学和哈佛大学完成了高管级别的商业、营销、金融和战略管理教育课程。


Cindy R.Kent,Everly Health

Title: Chief Operating Officer


Cindy R. Kent is the Chief Operating Officer of Everly Health, the digital health company at the forefront of the virtual diagnostics-driven care industry and parent company of Everlywell, Everly Health Solutions (formerly PWNHealth), EverlyDx, and Natalist. Everly Health’s subsidiaries have earned industry accolades from Forbes, Fortune, and Fierce Healthcare. Everlywell was named one of Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies in 2019, one of Inc. Magazine’s Most Inspiring and Innovative Companies of 2020, and Best Challenger Health Brand by Adweek in 2021.

Cindy R.Kent是Everly Health的首席运营官。Everly Health是一家数字健康公司,位于虚拟诊断驱动的护理行业的前沿,也是Everlywell、Everly Health Solutions(前身为PWNHealth)、EverlyDx和Natalist的母公司。Everly Health旗下的子公司赢得了《福布斯》、《财富》和《激烈医疗》的行业赞誉。Everlywell被评为2019年度最快的创新公司之一,是《公司杂志》2020年度最令人振奋的创新公司之一,也是2021年度AdHead的最佳挑战者健康品牌。

Kent is a healthcare executive and corporate director widely recognized for her innovation across different sectors in healthcare. Prior to joining Everly Health, she was president of senior living operations at Brookdale Senior Living. Before that, Kent held roles of successive leadership at Eli Lilly, Medtronic, and 3M, where she consistently led strong revenue growth and margin expansion. She is a Henry Crown Fellow of The Aspen Institute, serves on the board of directors of cloud-based personalized healthcare provider Accolade, and previously served on the board of directors at Best Buy as the retailer made multi-billion dollar inroads into its consumer health strategy. Kent earned a Bachelor of Science in industrial engineering from Northwestern University as well as a Master of Divinity and Master of Business Administration from Vanderbilt University.

肯特是医疗保健执行官和公司董事,因其在医疗保健领域的创新而广受认可。在加入Everly Health之前,她是Brookdale senior living的高级生活运营总裁。在此之前,肯特曾先后在礼来、美敦力和3M担任领导职务,在那里她一直领导着强劲的收入增长和利润扩张。她是阿斯彭研究所(Aspen Institute)的亨利·克劳恩(Henry Crown)研究员,曾在基于云的个性化医疗服务提供商Accolade的董事会任职,此前曾在百思买(Best Buy)的董事会任职,百思买(Best Buy)在其消费者健康战略中投入了数十亿美元。肯特获得了西北大学工业工程理学学士学位,以及范德比尔特大学的神学硕士和工商管理硕士学位。


Renee Ryan, Cala Health

Title: Chief Executive Officer

Renee Ryan is the Chief Executive Officer of Cala Health, a bioelectronic medicine company transforming the standard of care for chronic disease. The company’s wearable neuromodulation therapies merge innovations in neuroscience and technology to deliver individualized peripheral nerve stimulation. Cala’s lead product, Cala Trio™, is the only non-invasive prescription therapy for essential tremor, the most prevalent movement disorder in the world.

Renee Ryan是Cala Health的首席执行官,这是一家改变慢性病护理标准的生物电子医药公司。该公司的可穿戴神经调节疗法融合了神经科学和技术的创新,以提供个性化的周围神经 *** 。Cala的主导产品Cala Trio™, 是治疗世界上最常见的运动障碍——原发性震颤的唯一非侵入性处方疗法。

Prior to Cala, Ryan led the health technology investments for Johnson & Johnson Innovation (JJDC) on the West Coast and Asia-Pacific for 8 years. While at J&J, she made over 15 new investments, including the Series A for Cala Health, and founded seven healthtech companies. Previously, she was a healthcare investment banker at Baird, Jefferies, and Goldman Sachs. Ryan continues to advise venture funds and entrepreneurs in addition to remaining passionate about advancing human healthcare. She received her Master of Business Administration from Columbia University and her Bachelor of Arts from Georgetown University.

在加入Cala之前,Ryan领导强生创新(JJDC)在西海岸和亚太地区的健康技术投资达8年之久。在强生工作期间,她进行了超过15项新投资,包括Cala Health的A系列,并创建了七家healthtech公司。此前,她曾在贝尔德、杰弗里斯和高盛担任医疗投资银行家。瑞安继续为风险基金和创业者提供建议,并对推进人类健康保持热情。她在哥伦比亚大学获得工商管理硕士学位,在乔治敦大学获得文学学士学位。


Kelly Feist, Ascom

Title: Managing Director

Kelly Feist serves as Managing Director for Ascom Americas and also serves on Ascom’s extended Executive Committee. As the top executive in the Americas, she is responsible for the sales performance, overall operations, and profitability of the business in the region. Feist joined Ascom from Philips Healthcare USA, where she served as the head of customer service in North America. Prior to this, she was the region’s first business leader for patient care and monitoring solutions. In both roles, Feist helped transform Philips from a capital equipment business model to a solutions-based and recurring revenue business model focusing on software, hardware, and business services.

Feist has significant experience in healthcare IT solutions across several functions, including sales, marketing, product management, and customer care. She is a member and regular contributor to Forbes Technology Council. Feist earned a Master of Business Administration from Vanderbilt University and an executive certificate from the Harvard School of Public Health.

Kelly Feist担任Ascom Americas的董事总经理,也是Ascom扩展执行委员会的成员。作为美洲地区的高管,她负责该地区的销售业绩、整体运营和业务盈利能力。Feist 在加入 Ascom 之前曾在 Philips Healthcare USA 担任北美客户服务主管。在此之前,她是该地区第一位患者护理和监测解决方案的业务负责人。在这两个职位上,Feist 帮助飞利浦将资本设备业务模式转变为基于解决方案的经常性收入业务模式,专注于软件、硬件和业务服务。

Feist 在医疗保健 IT 解决方案方面拥有丰富的经验,涵盖多个职能部门,包括销售、营销、产品管理和客户服务。她是福布斯技术委员会的成员和定期撰稿人。Feist 拥有范德堡大学工商管理硕士学位和哈佛大学公共卫生学院高管证书。


Niamh Pellegrini, Nevro Corp

Title: Chief Commercial Officer

Niamh Pellegrini is the Chief Commercial Officer at Nevro Corporation. Nevro is a global medical device company focused on providing innovative products that improve quality of life for patients suffering from debilitating chronic pain. Nevro has developed and commercialized the Senza spinal cord stimulation system, an evidence-based, non-pharmacologic neuromodulation platform for the treatment of chronic pain. In her role, Pellegrini is responsible for leading the global commercial success of Nevro. Most recently, the organization launched a new indication for the treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy. Nevro now provides the only SCS treatment option approved by the FDA for patients struggling with debilitating painful diabetic neuropathy and unable to find relief with currently available pharmacologic options.

Prior to joining Nevro, Pellegrini served as vice president of global commercial operations at Abbott Vascular and as CEO and president at Autonomic Technologies. She has also held leadership positions in business development, strategy, sales, and marketing with Thoratec Corporation and Johnson & Johnson. Pellegrini currently serves on the board of directors of Acutus Medical. She earned a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Business Administration from Santa Clara University.

Niamh Pellegrini是Nevro Corporation的首席商务官。Nevro是一家全球性的医疗设备公司,致力于提供创新产品,改善患有衰弱性慢性疼痛的患者的生活质量。Nevro开发并商业化了Senza脊髓 *** 系统,这是一种用于治疗慢性疼痛的循证非药物神经调节平台。在她的职位上,Pellegrini负责领导Nevro的全球商业成功。最近,该组织推出了一种治疗疼痛性糖尿病神经病变的新适应症。Nevro现在为患有衰弱性疼痛性糖尿病神经病变且无法通过目前可用的药物选择找到缓解的患者提供FDA批准的唯一SCS治疗方案。

在加入Nevro之前,Pellegrini曾担任Abbott Vascular的全球商业运营副总裁以及Autonomic Technologies的首席执行官兼总裁。她还曾在 Thoratec Corporation 和 Johnson & Johnson 担任业务开发、战略、销售和营销方面的领导职务。Pellegrini目前是Acutus Medical的董事会成员。她拥有圣克拉拉大学的理学学士学位和工商管理硕士学位。


Karen Parkhill, Medtronic

Title: Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Karen Parkhill is Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Medtronic, a global leader in healthcare technology. In addition to serving on the companys Executive Committee, she is responsible for leading the global finance organization and key supporting functions, including treasury, controllership, tax, internal audit, investor relations, corporate strategy, and business development. In late 2020, she also assumed leadership of the IT organization. Bolstered by her deep expertise and broad-based experience, Parkhill’s unique leadership style balances sincere compassion for her colleagues and her team with a singular focus on driving meaningful outcomes. She consistently displays an unwavering commitment to Medtronic’s mission and values, and adheres to the highest standards of ethical principles. She also helped guide Medtronic through the financial challenges of the global pandemic, including impacts posed by the recent resurgence.

Parkhill joined Medtronic in 2016 with a long and established career in the financial services sector. Her experience leading during the financial crisis of 2008 helped shape her approach to guiding Medtronic through the unprecedented financial and health challenges of the pandemic, and her leadership played a critical role in helping Medtronic successfully navigate these uncertain times. Parkill received a Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Science from Southern Methodist University as well as a Master of Business Administration from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

Karen Parkhill是医疗保健技术全球领导者美敦力的执行副总裁兼首席财务官。除了在公司执行委员会任职外,她还负责领导全球财务组织和关键支持职能,包括财务、财务控制、税务、内部审计、投资者关系、企业战略和业务发展。2020年底,她还担任了IT组织的领导。凭借其深厚的专业知识和广泛的经验,Parkhill独特的领导风格平衡了对同事和团队的真诚同情,并专注于推动有意义的成果。她始终如一地致力于美敦力的使命和价值观,并坚持最高标准的道德原则。她还帮助指导美敦力应对全球大流行的财务挑战,包括近期疫情复苏带来的影响。

Parkhill于2016年加入美敦力,在金融服务领域拥有长期而成熟的职业生涯。她在2008年金融危机期间的领导经验帮助她塑造了指导美敦力应对大流行带来的前所未有的财务和健康挑战的方法,她的领导能力在帮助美敦力成功度过这些不确定的时期方面发挥了关键作用。Parkill 拥有南卫理公会大学的工商管理学士学位和理学学士学位,以及芝加哥大学布斯商学院的工商管理硕士学位。


Victoria E. Carr-Brendel,

Advanced Bionics at Sonova


Title: Group Vice President of Cochlear Implants, President of Advanced Bionics

Victoria Carr-Brendel is the Group Vice President of Cochlear Implants and President of Advanced Bionics at Sonova, and a member of the Sonova management board. Advanced Bionics is widely recognized for developing the most advanced cochlear implant systems in the world. Under Carr-Brendel’s leadership, it has seen unprecedented growth and introduced a number of first-to-market products, including the first CI sound processors to connect to virtually any Bluetooth-enabled device and the first CI solution designed for children.

Carr-Brendel has almost 30 years of medical device development experience, having served in multiple leadership roles in different medical device companies prior to joining Sonova. She was keynote speaker at Sonova’s 2019 International Women’s Day, and at MiniTec during the 2021 Medical Device & Manufacturing Expo & Conference. She was named one of the Top 25 Women Leaders in Medical Devices in 2020, a finalist for LA Times Woman of the Year in 2021, and voted one of the Top 25 Medical Device Executives of 2019. She recently joined the board of directors for the Medical Device Manufacturing Association, and has been a member of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering since 2014. Carr-Brendel holds a Ph.D. in immunology/microbiology from the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Victoria Carr-Brendel是Sonova人工耳蜗集团副总裁兼Advanced Bionics总裁,也是Sonova管理委员会成员。Advanced Bionics因开发世界上最先进的人工耳蜗系统而广受认可。在 Carr-Brendel 的领导下,它实现了前所未有的增长,并推出了许多率先上市的产品,包括第一款可连接到几乎任何支持蓝牙设备的 CI 声音处理器,以及第一款专为儿童设计的 CI 解决方案。



Katie Szyman, Edwards Lifesciences

Title: Corporate Vice President and General Manager of Critical Care

Katie Szyman is the Corporate Vice President and General Manager of Critical Care at Edwards Lifesciences, the global leader of patient-focused innovations for critical care and surgical monitoring as well as structural heart disease. Since joining Edwards in 2015, Szyman has brought new technologies to market that impact the lives of millions of patients each year. She initiated a shift in the business from descriptive monitoring products to predictive and AI-driven products and *** art recovery technologies that aid clinicians in decision making with the goal of helping patients return home to their families faster.

Before joining Edwards, Szyman spent over 20 years at Medtronic, ultimately serving as its senior vice president and president of the global diabetes business, overseeing research, development, operations, sales, and marketing for the company’s insulin infusion pumps and continuous glucose monitoring systems. She serves on the boards of Outset Medical, Inari Medical, and the Edwards Lifesciences Foundation. Szyman graduated from the University of St. Thomas with a bachelor’s degree in accounting and international business, and subsequently earned her Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School.

Katie Szyman是Edwards Lifesciences的公司副总裁兼重症监护总经理,Edwards Lifesciences是重症监护和手术监测以及结构性心脏病以患者为中心的创新的全球领导者。自 2015 年加入 Edwards 以来,Szyman 将新技术推向市场,每年影响数百万患者的生活。她启动了业务的转变,从描述性监测产品转向预测性和人工智能驱动的产品和智能恢复技术,帮助临床医生做出决策,目标是帮助患者更快地回家与家人团聚。

在加入 Edwards 之前,Szyman 在美敦力工作了 20 多年,最终担任其高级副总裁兼全球糖尿病业务总裁,负责监督公司胰岛素输液泵和连续血糖监测系统的研究、开发、运营、销售和营销。她是Outset Medical,Inari Medical和Edwards Lifesciences Foundation的董事会成员。Szyman毕业于圣托马斯大学,获得会计和国际商务学士学位,随后在哈佛商学院获得工商管理硕士学位。


Nancy Lurker, EyePoint Pharmaceuticals

Title: Chief Executive Officer, Board Director

As President, Chief Executive Officer, and Board Director, Nancy Lurker leads EyePoint Pharmaceuticals’ mission to improve the lives of people facing serious eye disorders. With over 30 years in the pharmaceutical industry, she has driven scientific and commercial innovation across public and private companies to bring innovative therapies and solutions to patients.

Prior to joining EyePoint, Lurker filled the same triple role of president, CEO, and board director for PDI, a NASDAQ-listed healthcare commercialization company now named Interpace Diagnostics Group. Before joining PDI, she was SVP and chief marketing officer at Novartis Pharmaceuticals. She also served as president and CEO of ImpactRx, a privately held healthcare information company. Prior to ImpactRx, Lurker was group VP of global primary care products for Pharmacia Corporation, and a member of its U.S. Executive Management Committee. She began her career as a senior medical representative at Bristol Myers Squibb, where she quickly rose to senior director of worldwide cardiovascular franchise management, overseeing numerous successful drug launches. Lurker has served on numerous boards across public and private companies as well as advocacy organizations. She holds a Bachelor of Science in biology from Seattle Pacific University and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Evansville.

作为总裁,首席执行官兼董事会董事,Nancy Lurker领导EyePoint Pharmaceuticals的使命是改善面临严重眼部疾病的人们的生活。她在制药行业拥有30多年的经验,推动了公共和私营公司的科学和商业创新,为患者带来创新的疗法和解决方案。

在加入EyePoint之前,Lurker担任PDI的总裁,首席执行官和董事会董事,PDI是一家在纳斯达克上市的医疗保健商业化公司,现在名为Interpace Diagnostics Group。在加入PDI之前,她是诺华制药公司的高级副总裁兼首席营销官。她还曾担任私营医疗保健信息公司ImpactRx的总裁兼首席执行官。在加入ImpactRx之前,Lurker是Pharmacia Corporation全球初级保健产品的集团副总裁,也是其美国执行管理委员会的成员。她的职业生涯始于百时美施贵宝(Bristol Myers Squibb)的高级医疗代表,在那里她迅速晋升为全球心血管特许经营管理高级总监,监督了许多成功的药物发布。Lurker曾在公共和私营公司以及倡导组织的众多董事会任职。她拥有西雅图太平洋大学生物学学士学位和埃文斯维尔大学工商管理硕士学位。


Eileen Maus, Renovia

Title: Chief Executive Officer

Eileen Maus brings 20 years of healthcare experience to Renovia, a women-led company that develops digital therapeutics for women’s pelvic floor disorders. Renovia’s flagship product, the leva® Pelvic Health System, is an FDA-cleared prescription device that can help women strengthen their pelvic floor muscles effectively for the treatment of stress, mixed, and urgency urinary incontinence (UI), including overactive bladder. leva offers a non-invasive, drug-free way for women to train and strengthen their pelvic floor muscles at home in just five minutes a day, making first-line treatment accessible to the nearly 20 million with bothersome UI. leva is the first femtech product in the Digital Therapeutics Alliance product library, has multiple clinical trials and published data supporting its efficacy, and is the 2021 recipient of a Medical Device Network Sector Excellence award.

Maus grew her passion for women’s health at CYTYC Corporation (now Hologic), where as vice president of commercial operations (surgical division), she was a key contributor to its rapid growth from $8 to $700 million. She also served as chief commercial officer for Constitutional Medical Investors, a portfolio company of Warburg Pincus. She received her Bachelor of Science from LaSalle University.

艾琳·莫斯(Eileen Maus)为Renovia带来了20年的医疗保健经验,Renovia是一家由女性领导的公司,为女性盆底疾病开发数字疗法。Renovia的旗舰产品leva® Pelvic Health System是一种FDA批准的处方设备,可以帮助女性有效地加强骨盆底肌肉,以治疗压力,混合和急迫性尿失禁(UI),包括膀胱过度活动症。leva为女性提供了一种非侵入性,无药物的方式,每天只需五分钟即可在家中训练和加强骨盆底肌肉,使近2000万人可以通过麻烦的UI获得一线治疗。leva是数字治疗联盟产品库中的第一个femtech产品,拥有多项临床试验和已发表的数据支持其功效,并且是2021年医疗设备网络卓越奖的获得者。

Maus在CYTYC公司(现为Hologic)培养了她对女性健康的热情,在那里担任商业运营(外科部门)副总裁,她是其从800万美元快速增长到7亿美元的关键贡献者。她还曾担任Warburg Pincus的投资组合公司Constitution Medical Investors的首席商务官。她拥有 *** 尔大学的理学学士学位。


Dianne Keen-Kim, Natera

Title: Vice President of Laboratory Affairs and Quality Assurance

Dr. Dianne Keen-Kim is the Vice President of Laboratory Affairs and Quality Assurance for Natera, a leader in personalized genetic testing and diagnostics transforming how critical health care decisions are made. Her responsibilities include oversight of clinical testing within Natera’s clinical laboratories, the company’s quality strategy, patient safety, and clinical trial results. Dr. Keen-Kim has more than 20 years of experience automating and scaling laboratory operations while also leading teams to produce innovative and impactful products. Her business acuity, patient-centric approach, and leadership have directly contributed to Natera’s success, and her dedication to placing patients at the core of her work is an inspiration in the field of genomic medicine.

Dr. Keen-Kim is board-certified in molecular genetics, cytogenetics, and as a High Complexity Laboratory Director by the American Board of Medical Genetics and Genomics, American Board of Bio *** ysis, and American Society of Clinical Pathology. She is the inventor or co-inventor on multiple U.S. issued patents, serves as an adjunct clinical professor at Stanford University School of Medicine’s Department of Pathology, volunteers in the leadership of Women In Biology (WIB) and Women of Natera, and is active in multiple industry organizations. Dr. Keen-Kim completed fellowships at University of California, Los Angeles, holds a PhD in genetics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and earned a Bachelor of Science in biological sciences from Carnegie Mellon University.

Dianne Keen-Kim博士是Natera的实验室事务和质量保证副总裁,Natera是个性化基因检测和诊断领域的领导者,致力于改变关键医疗保健决策的制定方式。她的职责包括监督Natera临床实验室的临床试验,公司的质量战略,患者安全和临床试验结果。Keen-Kim博士拥有20多年的自动化和扩展实验室操作的经验,同时还领导团队生产创新和有影响力的产品。她的商业敏锐度,以患者为中心的方法和领导力直接促成了Natera的成功,她致力于将患者置于工作的核心,这是基因组医学领域的灵感来源。

Keen-Kim博士是分子遗传学,细胞遗传学的董事会认证,并被美国医学遗传学和基因组学委员会,美国生物分析委员会和美国临床病理学会评为高复杂性实验室主任。她是多项美国颁发专利的发明人或共同发明人,担任斯坦福大学医学院病理学系的 *** 临床教授,是女性生物学(WIB)和女性Natera领导层的志愿者,并活跃于多个行业组织。Keen-Kim博士在加州大学洛杉矶分校完成了奖学金,拥有麻省理工学院的遗传学博士学位,并在卡内基梅隆大学获得了生物科学学士学位。


Jill Schiaparelli, Avation Medical

Title: Chief Executive Officer and President

Jill Schiaparelli is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Avation Medical, a medical technology company innovating patient-friendly wearable nerve stimulation therapies. Schiaparelli is passionate about bringing cutting-edge medical technologies to markets to help improve the lives of patients. With more than 20 years of experience in the healthcare industry, she has honed her expertise in leading innovative healthcare organizations, driving them to success with her deep knowledge of global medical device commercialization, emerging technologies, strategic marketing, healthcare consumeri *** , and patient care pathway modeling.

Schiaparelli has held leadership roles with major healthcare companies such as Johnson & Johnson and Baxter. She has also served as an executive at high-growth, innovative companies like ApaTech (U.K.), which she helped sell to Baxter, AxoGen, where she assisted its up-list to NASDAQ, InteloMed, where she launched the CVInsight™ Monitoring and Informatics System, and Neurotechnology Innovations Translator, an incubator and investment vehicle to launch and grow companies in the neuromodulation space. Schiaparelli received a Master of Business Administration in finance and business management from the Stern School of Business at New York University and a Bachelor of Science in finance and international management from the Questrom School of Business at Boston University.

Jill Schiaparelli是Avation Medical的总裁兼首席执行官,Avation Medical是一家医疗技术公司,致力于创新患者友好的可穿戴神经 *** 疗法。Schiaparelli热衷于将尖端医疗技术推向市场,以帮助改善患者的生活。凭借在医疗保健行业20多年的经验,她在领导创新医疗保健组织方面磨练了自己的专业知识,凭借对全球医疗设备商业化,新兴技术,战略营销,医疗保健消费主义和患者护理途径建模的深入了解,推动他们取得成功。

Schiaparelli曾在强生公司和百特等主要医疗保健公司担任领导职务。她还曾在ApaTech(英国)等高增长的创新公司担任高管,她帮助将其出售给Baxter,AxoGen,在那里她协助其上榜到纳斯达克,InteloMed,在那里她推出了CVInsight™监测和信息学系统,以及Neurotechnology Innovations Translator,这是一个孵化器和投资工具,用于启动和发展神经调节领域的公司。Schiaparelli拥有纽约大学斯特恩商学院的金融和商业管理工商管理硕士学位,以及波士顿大学Questrom商学院的金融和国际管理理学学士学位。


Erin Jacobson, Inspire Medical Systems

Title: Zone Vice President of Sales

Erin Jacobson is the West Zone Vice President of Sales for Inspire Medical Systems, a fast-growing medical device company that offers a sleep apnea treatment for those unable to use CPAP. In her current role, Jacobson has responsibility for the commercial sales strategy, execution, and market expansion in the western half of the U.S., spanning 27 states and over 125 field sales professionals. During her two-year tenure, Inspire has doubled its workforce due to robust market expansion and company growth.

Before joining Inspire in 2019, Jacobson spent nearly 15 years at Boston Scientific in the cardiac rhythm management and electrophysiology division. While there, she was part of the Women’s Leadership Network, which advances diversity and inclusion initiatives. Jacobson has also served as a team captain with Inspire for the American Heart Association’s Annual Heart Walk and is an avid supporter of Heart to Home Furnishings, a nonprofit organization that was co-founded by her father. She received a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of St. Thomas and her Master of Science in social work from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Erin Jacobson是Inspire Medical Systems的西区销售副总裁,Inspire Medical Systems是一家快速发展的医疗设备公司,为那些无法使用CPAP的人提供睡眠呼吸暂停治疗。在她目前的职位上,Jacobson负责美国西半部的商业销售战略,执行和市场扩张,横跨27个州和超过125名现场销售专业人员。在她两年的任期内,Inspire由于强劲的市场扩张和公司增长,其员工人数翻了一番。

在2019年加入Inspire之前,Jacobson在波士顿科学公司的心律管理和电生理学部门工作了近15年。在那里,她是女性领导力网络的一员,该网络推动了多元化和包容性倡议。雅各布森还曾担任美国心脏协会年度心脏漫步的Inspire的队长,并且是由她父亲共同创立的非营利组织Heart to Home Furniture的狂热支持者。她拥有圣托马斯大学心理学学士学位和威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校社会工作理学硕士学位。


Rosalind Beasley, Dot Compliance

Title: Vice President of Digital Innovation

Rosalind Beasley is Vice President of Digital Innovation at Dot Compliance Inc, where she leads new product introductions and serves as a life science industry and quality domain expert. In her role, Beasley runs the company’s innovation lab, which explores new and cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, process mining, RPA, and more, ultimately leading to practical inclusion in Dot Compliance products. She also serves as an industry thought leader, helping customers develop their digital transformation strategy to maximize their investment in enterprise cloud GxP solutions.

Beasley is a pioneer in digital transformation and quality in the cloud. In 2011, she co-founded 123Compliance and introduced one of the first multi-tenant, cloud-based complaint management, quality management, document management, and training solutions to the life sciences industries. In the face of adversity, she did this at a time when the life sciences industry wasnt ready to embrace the cloud for GxP solutions. 123Compliance turned the industry upside down and went on to be a success. Beasley has a Master of Business Administration from the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business.

Rosalind Beasley是Dot Compliance Inc的数字创新副总裁,负责新产品的推出,并担任生命科学行业和质量领域专家。在她的职位上,Beasley负责管理公司的创新实验室,该实验室探索新的和尖端的技术,如人工智能,流程挖掘,RPA等,最终导致Dot Compliance产品的实际应用。她还担任行业思想领袖,帮助客户制定数字化转型战略,以最大限度地提高他们对企业云GxP解决方案的投资。

Beasley 是云中数字化转型和质量的先驱。2011 年,她共同创立了 123Compliance,并向生命科学行业推出了首批多租户、基于云的投诉管理、质量管理、文档管理和培训解决方案之一。面对逆境,她这样做的时候,生命科学行业还没有准备好为GxP解决方案拥抱云。123Compliance颠覆了整个行业,并取得了成功。Beasley拥有南加州大学马歇尔商学院的工商管理硕士学位。


Suzanne Meyer, Vein360

Title: Chief Executive Officer

Suzanne Meyer is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Vein360, a medical device company specializing in the sustainable remanufacturing of cardiovascular devices. Vein360 was founded to help vein practices recover costs and operate sustainably through single-use device reprocessing and device recovery solutions. Since its founding in 2019, Vein360 has delivered millions of dollars in savings to its customers while preventing tens of thousands of medical devices from accumulating in landfill.

Meyer is a seasoned healthcare professional in the field of biomedical engineering, and has held several leadership roles in companies which develop innovative, outcome-focused product solutions for the healthcare industry. Most recently, her dual passion for engineering and the environment led her to create a world-class sustainability solution for vein clinics across the U.S. Meyer has fused her education and experience to drive down healthcare costs without compromising the quality of care for the patients and physicians she serves. She earned her master’s degree in biomedical engineering from the University of South Florida.

Suzanne Meyer是Vein360的创始人兼首席执行官,这是一家专门从事心血管设备可持续再制造的医疗设备公司。Vein360的成立是为了帮助静脉实践通过一次性设备再处理和设备回收解决方案来恢复成本并可持续运营。自2019年成立以来,Vein360已为其客户节省了数百万美元,同时防止了数以万计的医疗设备堆积在垃圾填埋场。



Noemi Ray, PaceMate

Title: Vice President of Product Operations

Noemi Ray is a Co-Founder and the Vice President of Product Operations at PaceMate, a cardiac medical technology company. PaceMate provides an innovative digital cardiology technology—a cloud-based platform that monitors and manages implanted cardiac devices, allowing physicians to track real-time data from their patients as they go about their lives. As a leader within her company, Ray brings a wealth of experience across medical fields, including as a clinical specialist, pharmacy manager, and registered nurse, in addition to being hands-on with medical sales and marketing. She is part of the pioneering team behind PaceMate LIVE, her company’s signature customized cardiac implantable electronic device monitoring software and service.

Before founding PaceMate, Ray was a clinical specialist in cardiac rhythm management for St. Jude Medical, an emergency department RN with CHRISTUS Health, and a sales/marketing manager for Ray’s Pharmacies. Her career as a medical professional began in 2005 as a sales representative with Takeda Pharmaceuticals. Now with PaceMate, Ray aims to add a unique level of compassion to the brand, setting a standard of equality in the medical workspace that shines through in the company’s customer service, mission, and core values. She received a Bachelor of Science in registered nursing from Louisiana State University-Alexandria as well as a Bachelor of Arts from Northwestern State University.

Noemi Ray是心脏医疗技术公司PaceMate的联合创始人兼产品运营副总裁。PaceMate提供了一种创新的数字心脏病学技术,这是一个基于云的平台,可以监控和管理植入的心脏设备,使医生能够在患者一生中跟踪他们的实时数据。作为公司内部的领导者,Ray在医疗领域拥有丰富的经验,包括临床专家,药房经理和注册护士,以及医疗销售和营销方面的实践经验。她是PaceMate LIVE背后的开拓团队的一员,PaceMate LIVE是其公司的标志性定制心脏植入式电子设备监测软件和服务。

在创立PaceMate之前,Ray是St. Jude Medical的心律管理临床专家,CHRISTUS Health的急诊科RN,以及Rays Pharmacies的销售/营销经理。她作为医疗专业人员的职业生涯始于2005年,担任武田药品工业株式会社的销售代表。现在,通过PaceMate,Ray旨在为品牌增添独特的同情心,在医疗工作空间中设定平等的标准,并在公司的客户服务,使命和核心价值观中闪耀。她拥有路易斯安那州立大学亚历山大分校注册护理学理学学士学位以及西北州立大学文学学士学位。


Laura Schulz, GhostProductions Medical Animation and VR

Title: Chief Executive Officer

Laura Schulz is the Chief Executive Officer of Ghost Productions, a medical animation studio and virtual reality developer dedicated to providing high-end medical device marketing and surgical simulation training programs for medical device manufacturers. Schulz replaced the company’s founder, Stephan Kuslich, as CEO in spring of 2020 after increasing efficiency and capacity during her tenure as Ghost’s project manager. Ghost Productions was founded in 1994, and has won several awards for its high-quality, medically accurate content, including a Gold Digital Health Award for its “COVID-19 PSA,” a Bronze Digital Health Award for “Wraith VR Surgical Simulator Demonstration,” and a Gold Aster Medical Device Marketing Award for the DePuy Trauma Animation “Heal.” Ghost Productions has clients all throughout the U.S. and Europe, including Johnson & Johnson, Zimmer Biomet, DePuy Synthes, Medtronic, Stryker, Smith and Nephew, Boston Scientific, and Integra Life Sciences.

Previously, Schulz held leadership positions in the advertising photography industry. She is a certified SCRUM Master, and has a Bachelor of Arts in advertising photography from The Brooks Institute.

Laura Schulz是Ghost Productions的首席执行官,Ghost Productions是一家医疗动画工作室和虚拟现实开发商,致力于为医疗设备制造商提供高端医疗设备营销和手术模拟培训计划。舒尔茨在2020年春季接替公司创始人斯蒂芬·库斯利希(Stephan Kuslich)担任首席执行官,此前她在担任Ghost项目经理期间提高了效率和产能。Ghost Productions成立于1994年,因其高质量,医学上准确的内容而赢得了多个奖项,包括其"COVID-19 PSA"的金数字健康奖,"Wraith VR手术模拟器演示"的铜数字健康奖,以及DePuy创伤动画"Heal"的金紫苑医疗设备营销奖。Ghost Productions的客户遍布美国和欧洲,包括Johnson & Johnson,Zimmer Biomet,DePuy Synthes,Medtronic,Stryker,Smith and Nephew,Boston Scientific和Integra Life Sciences。

此前,舒尔茨曾在广告摄影行业担任领导职务。她是经过认证的 SCRUM 大师,并拥有布鲁克斯学院的广告摄影文学学士学位。


Susan Niemeier, Ivenix

Title: Chief Nursing Officer

Susan Niemeier is the Chief Nursing Officer of Ivenix, a medical technology company with the vision to eliminate infusion-related patient harm. Ivenix provides the Ivenix Infusion System™, which includes a next-generation large-volume infusion pump, administration sets, and software tools for patients requiring an intravenous infusion within a hospital. As a major leader within the company, Niemeier brings a wealth of experience across functional teams including clinical practice, product development, professional service operations, marketing, and sales.

Prior to her current role, Niemeier was the chief nursing executive at Capsule, now part of Philips. She also served in executive and senior management roles at Radianse, a real-time location system company, and Ascension, one of the leading non-profit healthcare systems in the U.S. Niemeier has made significant contributions to medical technology development throughout her career. She is an established thought leader on innovation, and has extensive knowledge in device development, medication safety, performance improvement, and research. Her research interests center on nursing practice, nursing vitality, and emerging technologies that support safe and effective care. Niemeier received her Bachelor of Science in nursing from the University of Missouri and her Master of Healthcare Administration from Saint Louis University.

Susan Niemeier是Ivenix的首席护理官,Ivenix是一家医疗技术公司,其愿景是消除与输液相关的患者伤害。Ivenix 提供 Ivenix 输液系统™,其中包括下一代大容量输液泵、给药套件和软件工具,适用于需要在医院内静脉输注的患者。作为公司内部的主要领导者,Niemeier在临床实践,产品开发,专业服务运营,营销和销售等职能团队中拥有丰富的经验。

在担任现职之前,Niemeier 是 Capsule 的首席护理主管,现在是飞利浦的一部分。她还曾在实时定位系统公司Radianse和美国领先的非营利性医疗保健系统之一Ascension担任执行和高级管理职务,Niemeier在其整个职业生涯中为医疗技术发展做出了重大贡献。她是创新方面的知名思想领袖,在设备开发、药物安全、性能改进和研究方面拥有丰富的知识。她的研究兴趣集中在护理实践,护理活力和支持安全有效护理的新兴技术。Niemeier拥有密苏里大学护理学理学学士学位和圣路易斯大学医疗保健管理硕士学位。


Kate Lee, Bigfoot Biomedical

Title: Senior Vice President, Regulatory and Quality Affairs

Kate Lee is the Senior Vice President of Regulatory and Quality Affairs for Bigfoot Biomedical, a U.S. medtech company developing innovative insulin delivery solutions for people with type-1 and type-2 diabetes. In her senior role, Lee is responsible for Bigfoot’s regulatory compliance and quality processes as well as the company’s human factors team. Amid the challenges of a global pandemic, she led the company to receive its first 510k FDA clearance in May 2021 for the Bigfoot Unity™ System, which features connected *** art pen caps for disposable insulin pens that recommend doses for people relying on multiple daily injection therapy.

Lee has more than 25 years of medical industry experience. Prior to joining Bigfoot Biomedical, she was an independent consultant and also served as senior director of regulatory affairs and director of catheter engineering for Hansen Medical. She has additionally held various roles with increasing responsibility in R&D, and is a co-inventor on multiple patents. Lee received her Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from Harvard University and a Master of Science in mechanical engineering from Stanford University.

Kate Lee是Bigfoot Biomedical的法规和质量事务高级副总裁,BigfootBiomedical是一家美国医疗技术公司,为1型和2型糖尿病患者开发创新的胰岛素输送解决方案。在她的高级职位上,Lee负责Bigfoot的监管合规和质量流程以及公司的人为因素团队。在全球大流行的挑战中,她带领该公司于2021年5月获得了Bigfoot Unity™系统的首批510k FDA许可,该系统具有用于一次性胰岛素笔的连接智能笔帽,可为依赖多次每日注射治疗的人推荐剂量。

Lee拥有超过25年的医疗行业经验。在加入Bigfoot Biomedical之前,她是一名独立顾问,并曾担任Hansen Medical的法规事务高级总监和导管工程总监。此外,她还担任过各种职务,在研发方面的责任越来越大,并且是多项专利的共同发明人。Lee拥有哈佛大学机械工程理学学士学位和斯坦福大学机械工程理学硕士学位。


Suzon Lommel, Viveve Medical

Title: Senior Vice President, Regulatory and Quality Affairs

Suzon Lommel is the Senior Vice President of Regulatory and Quality Affairs at Viveve Medical, a global women’s health care company and a leader in development of advanced medical technologies and procedures that address significant areas of unmet need in women’s health, including urinary incontinence and intimate wellness solutions. In a career that spans more than 30 years, Lommel has extensive experience in establishing and directing regulatory and quality systems in the medical device industry. She has played an instrumental lead role in the strategic planning and development of numerous innovative and disruptive technologies from early-stage development to global commercialization.

Prior to joining Viveve, Lommel was global vice president of regulatory and quality affairs at Ulthera, now part of Merz Aesthetics. She has also served in executive or senior management roles at Breathe Techniques, FoxHollow Technologies, Advanced Stent Technologies, and Boston Scientific. She has coordinated regulatory strategies including IDE, PMA, and 510k submissions, and has worked closely with regulators at the FDA as well as international regulatory and licensing organizations. An avid animal lover and volunteer, Lommel has worked for years with Puppy Rescue Mission, an organization dedicated to helping military personnel bring pets home from war zones. She received her degree in physics from Moorpark College in California.

Suzon Lommel是全球女性保健公司Viveve Medical的法规和质量事务高级副总裁,也是先进医疗技术和程序开发的领导者,这些技术和程序解决了女性健康中未满足的重要需求领域,包括尿失禁和亲密健康解决方案。在超过30年的职业生涯中,Lommel在建立和指导医疗器械行业的监管和质量体系方面拥有丰富的经验。她在众多创新和颠覆性技术的战略规划和开发中发挥了重要作用,从早期开发到全球商业化。

在加入Viveve之前,Lommel是Ulthera的全球监管和质量事务副总裁,现在是Merz Aesthetics的一部分。她还曾在Breathe Techniques,FoxHollow Technologies,Advanced Stent Technologies和Boston Scientific担任执行或高级管理职务。她协调了包括IDE,PMA和510k提交在内的监管策略,并与FDA的监管机构以及国际监管和许可组织密切合作。作为一名狂热的动物爱好者和志愿者,Lommel多年来一直与小狗救援任务合作,该组织致力于帮助军事人员将宠物从战区带回家。她拥有加州穆尔帕克学院的物理学学位。


Karen Bannick McQuoid, Bannick

Title: Chief Executive Officer

Karen Bannick McQuoid is the Chief Executive Officer of Bannick, a primary device group founded in 1998 to provide clinical, medical writing, quality, regulatory, and auditing guidance to medical device companies. Building on her passion to bring safe and effective technology to patients around the world, McQuoid has practiced her unique combination of biostatistics, clinical study, and exceptional regulatory skills in the medtech industry for over 30 years. She and her expert team provide strategic guidance and development of deliverables to manufacturers, getting new medtech to the market and ensuring post-market safety. Her expertise in development of European clinical evaluations is well recognized, as is her insightful strategic guidance in clinical and regulatory matters.

Before opening Bannick, McQuoid worked in the medical device industry as a biostatistician, regulatory manager, and clinical professional. She is a fellow of the Regulatory Affairs Professional Society (RAPS), regulatory affairs-certified (RAC), and served as a member of the Ethics Committee for RAPS. She is a member of Medical Alley, and helped develop clinical and regulatory groups and workshops. She is also a member of the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA), a past president of its North Central Chapter, and currently serves on the AMWA Budget & Finance committee. McQuoid is an invited speaker for RAPS, Medical Alley, and AMWA. She received a degree in biostatistics and statistics from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, and later earned Master of Arts degrees in health and human services as well as management from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota.

Karen Bannick McQuoid是Bannick的首席执行官,Bannick是一家成立于1998年的主要设备集团,为医疗设备公司提供临床,医学写作,质量,监管和审计指导。基于她为全球患者带来安全有效技术的热情,McQuoid在医疗技术行业实践了她独特的生物统计学,临床研究和卓越的监管技能组合超过30年。她和她的专家团队为制造商提供战略指导和可交付成果的开发,将新的医疗技术推向市场并确保上市后安全。她在欧洲临床评估开发方面的专业知识得到了广泛认可,她在临床和监管事务方面富有洞察力的战略指导也得到了广泛认可。

在开设Bannick之前,McQuoid曾在医疗器械行业担任生物统计学家,监管经理和临床专业人员。她是法规事务专业协会(RAPS)的会员,法规事务认证(RAC),并曾担任RAPS道德委员会的成员。她是Medical Alley的成员,并帮助开发了临床和监管小组和研讨会。她还是美国医学作家协会(AMWA)的成员,其中北部分会的前任主席,目前在AMWA预算和财务委员会任职。McQuoid是RAPS,Medical Alley和AMWA的受邀演讲者。她获得了明尼苏达大学双城分校的生物统计学和统计学学位,后来又获得了明尼苏达圣玛丽大学健康与人类服务以及管理学硕士学位。


Karin Dahllöf, Monivent AB

Title: Chief Executive Officer

Karin Dahllöf is Chief Executive Officer of Monivent AB, a young Swedish medtech company dedicated to improving the care given to newborn babies in need of respiratory support at birth. Monivent has developed a unique solution that provides continuous feedback during manual ventilation, allowing the caregiver to make necessary adjustments and thus ensuring an effective yet gentle treatment. Since joining Monivent in 2018, Dahllöf has used her broad commercial experience and leadership in the medical technology field to move the company from a startup to an established business.

Dahllöf has extensive expertise in global product management, marketing, and sales of medical technology devices, with over 30 years of experience in medical technology. Prior to Monivent, she held leadership and commercial roles in international companies including HemoCue AB (a Danaher company), CellaVision AB, EKF Diagnostics, and Vidacare B.V. (acquired by Teleflex). She received her bachelor’s degree in biomedical laboratory science from Gothenburg University.

Karin Dahllöf是Monivent AB的首席执行官,Monivent AB是一家年轻的瑞典医疗技术公司,致力于改善对出生时需要呼吸支持的新生儿的护理。Monivent开发了一种独特的解决方案,可在手动通气期间提供连续反馈,使护理人员能够进行必要的调整,从而确保有效而温和的治疗。自2018年加入Monivent以来,Dahllöf利用其在医疗技术领域的广泛商业经验和领导能力,将公司从初创公司转变为成熟企业。

Dahllöf在全球产品管理、营销和医疗技术设备销售方面拥有丰富的专业知识,在医疗技术领域拥有超过30年的经验。在加入Monivent之前,她在国际公司担任领导和商业职务,包括HemoCue AB(丹纳赫公司),CellaVision AB,EKF Diagnostics和Vidacare B.V.(被Teleflex收购)。她拥有哥德堡大学生物医学实验室科学学士学位。


Laetitia Cousin, SeaSpine

Title: Vice President of Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance

Laetitia Cousin serves as Vice President of Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance for SeaSpine, a medtech company focused on the design, development, and commercialization of surgical solutions for the treatment of patients suffering from spinal disorders. In her role, Cousin ensures the consistently excellent quality of the company’s comprehensive portfolio, which includes various orthobiologics and spinal implant solutions as well as its market-leading surgical navigation system. Seaspine products are marketed in the U.S. and in approximately 30 countries worldwide through a committed network of increasingly exclusive distribution partners.

Before joining the SeaSpine team, Cousin spent 16 years in progressively senior positions at NuVasive, ultimately rising to fill a position similar to her current one: vice president of regulatory and clinical affairs and quality assurance. She has built up nearly two decades of medical technology experience, primarily in regulatory affairs, quality assurance, and premarket clinical studies, and has demonstrated excellence in scaling, influencing, and strategically guiding global regulatory, quality, and clinical teams in the spinal device and tissue industry. Cousin received a Bachelor of Science in biological sciences from the Florida Institute of Technology.

Laetitia Cousin担任SeaSpine的法规事务和质量保证副总裁,SeaSpine是一家医疗技术公司,专注于设计,开发和商业化用于治疗脊柱疾病患者的手术解决方案。在她的职位上,Cousin确保了公司综合产品组合始终如一的卓越品质,其中包括各种骨科生物制剂和脊柱植入物解决方案以及其市场领先的手术导航系统。Seaspine产品通过日益排他性的分销合作伙伴的忠实网络在美国和全球约30个国家/地区销售。

在加入SeaSpine团队之前,Cousin在NuVasive担任了16年的高级职位,最终晋升为与她目前的职位相似的职位:监管和临床事务以及质量保证副总裁。她积累了近二十年的医疗技术经验,主要从事法规事务、质量保证和上市前临床研究,并在扩展、影响和战略指导脊柱设备和组织行业的全球监管、质量和临床团队方面表现出色。Cousin 拥有佛罗里达理工学院生物科学学士学位。


Rebecca New, Bleep

Title: Chief Executive Officer

Rebecca New is Chief Executive Officer of Bleep, maker of DreamPort®, the only clinically proven leak-free PAP (positive air pressure) solution on the market used to treat conditions such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). 30-50% of PAP users are not compliant due to headgear/mask complaints. Poor compliance is linked to hypertension, decline in mental health, motor vehicle accidents, and diabetes. As the only headgear-free solution, DreamPort® was independently rated a top CPAP in 2021, with a greater than 80% patient referral rate. In 2021, the National Institute of Health awarded Bleep a SBIR Grant Award for PAP Innovation.

New has extensive experience helping healthcare companies including Thermo Fisher Scientific/Patheon, Novo Nordisk, and Bristol-Myers Squibb capitalize on rapidly growing market segments and execute transformational business strategies. Her leadership successes have been widely recognized by FiercePharma, Putnam Media, and the Triangle Business Journal, where she has been cited as a top senior executive. New volunteers with government and private groups to help leaders and influence policy, including working as a founding member of American Health Policy Institute and NC State Women in Tech. She received a Master of Science in industrial labor relations and a Bachelor of Science in economics, marketing, and finance from Cornell University.

Rebecca New是DreamPort的制造商Bleep的首席执行官,DreamPort®是市场上唯一经过临床验证的无泄漏PAP(正气压)解决方案,用于治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(OSA)等疾病。30-50%的PAP用户由于头盔/口罩投诉而不符合要求。依从性差与高血压、心理健康下降、机动车事故和糖尿病有关。作为唯一的无头盔解决方案,DreamPort®在2021年被独立评为CPAP最高,患者转诊率超过80%。2021年,美国国立卫生研究院授予BleepSBIR拨款奖,以表彰PAP创新。

New在帮助赛默飞世尔科技/Patheon、诺和诺德和百时美施贵宝等医疗保健公司利用快速增长的细分市场并执行转型业务战略方面拥有丰富的经验。她的领导成功得到了FiercePharma,Putnam Media和Triangle Business Journal的广泛认可,她被引用为高级管理人员。 *** 和私人团体的新志愿者帮助领导者和影响政策,包括担任美国卫生政策研究所和北卡罗来纳州科技女性的创始成员。她拥有康奈尔大学劳资关系理学硕士学位和经济、市场营销和金融学理学学士学位。
