


California city mountain, located at the foot of the square mountain, human and natural landscape is excellent, designers make full use of color, material and light and shadow combination, to create a family of five daily.


Mr.X and his wife first met, the site has entered the construction stage, the original design plan layout is unreasonable, in order to build an ideal house, they made the most crazy and rational move, overthrew the original everything, get rid of the shackles, will be the idea of the home fully entrusted to the SKH interior design team.


What they need is not a fantasy, but a demonstration that is both realistic and rational.


Wrong start, may not have a perfect ending, life is not what things are certain.Are all in touch, waiting, slowly looking for...


It is in this opportunity to find, you can let the mountain this project in SKH rebirth, landing perfect, real scene.


The living room real scene ▽


The sitting room carried the feeling of a home, say thetemperament that shows whole house, just like a scene opens beautiful, the theme that enters step by step...



Three generations, family of five,children are the age of wrestling, climbing up and down,the living room will be one of her main activities.So on the choice of furniture, besides beautiful reach colour photograph to coordinate besides,still considered safe element.Choose warm and comfortable cloth art sofa, the intervention of 1000 bird case high-backed chair sends out an elegant breath,chair of yellow persimmon is echo with carpet photograph, rickety addedtripping tong qu.


Go up from the stair that the sitting room leads to dining-room and door cover embed lamplight, diffuse gives the faint and indistuse of light, *** all detail makes whole space be in harmony be versed in a comprehensive study holds ritual feeling concurrently again...


The brightness of sitting room auxiliary illuminant already enough, slam the door gets rid of the advocate lamp of thousand and identical, the lamp below sofa upper part chose a indicative hope and beautiful bubble, bring the childhood like dream for our little princess.


Restaurant real scene ▽


Western hutch is an organic whole with dining-room, more convenient and practical, the marble tea table of table and sitting room is same, pour round horn, clean and agile, safe, contemporary feeling is very.


Chinese and Western kitchen real scene ▽


Chinese and western kitchen storage, to meet the daily needs of a family of five. Ark of edge of log color eat and western hutch photograph are united in wedlock, do not have disobliging feeling, lamplight detail is carried out reach thedesignated position, the function puts a regulation neatly.


After cooking, through the window, you can appreciate the hidden personality and beauty in the courtyard. In the exquisite details of the restaurant, you can release the real life more perfectly.


Princesss house real scene ▽


We hope that childrens childhood is a memory, there is temperature. The bed of pink silky nap, high and dreamy, the princess dream that carried every little girl when...


Elder room real scene ▽


Elder room, modern, relaxed, delicate. The lamp below ark of end view reservation is chic and have emotional appeal, curtain and setting hard bag be in harmony is an organic whole, do not have too much discourse, connect the design of wall lamp and dimension find a place for just good...


Master bedroom real scene ▽


Advocate lie flatlet, without a messy line, coping stainless steel surrounds an edge to echo with bed setting photograph, can seeknatural law again in the frame. Carpet warmth takes zen idea again, the color that connects a fish we should weigh carefully, when infusing this space, let it appear particularly natural reach clever...


Guest bedroom real scene ▽


Stair well planned ▽


Stair line is concise, baluster armrest is contemporary do not break again refined, local metope is worn with lamplight, revealed realistic reason in romance. White droplight discretion is strewn at random,hang meantime below, just like the angel that falls into the world, gave this family infuse more beautiful follow expect...


This set of works is named "the most crazy reason" because Mr. X and his wife made such a crazy stop loss at the beginning of the article, which not only reversed the ending of the family but also created a beautiful life. Just go, just do it, because we are living in a crazy time today. Reality is even crazier than theory...


Let SKH team serve for you in reality, accompany you have been crazy...


Beauty is the balm of the soul, and beauty is the meaning of life. As the famous artist wu guanzhong said, "the most important problem for China is not illiteracy but beauty blindness". For this reason, we are not only doing the design work, but also doing the dissemination and popularization of beauty, making life better is the startingpoint and refuge of our SKH friends.

项目名称 | 南京 景枫你山

项目地址 | 南京江宁科学园弘景大道

设计团队 | 观享际·SKH室内设计团队

建筑面积 | 448 ㎡

合作形式 | 全程托管

项目摄影 | 郑雷

用材品牌 | 科勒卫浴、U+智能、梅亚奇全屋定制、金玉名家瓷砖、慕思床垫、天东门窗、久扬地板、玛利洛家具、巨卓家具、莱蔻家具、智山仁水园林、方太电器、百色熊进口漆、SKH软装







2018 中国空间设计大赛“鹏鼎奖”中国十大当红别墅设计师

2018 光华龙腾奖 中国装饰设计业十大杰出青年提名奖

2018 年度 40 UNDER 中国(南京)设计杰出青年 评委

2018 中国优秀青年室内设计师提名

2018 中国金堂奖 优秀住宅公寓设计奖

2018 中国金堂奖 娱乐空间设计奖

2018 金外滩奖 最佳精装房奖

2017 光华龙腾奖 中国装饰设计业十大杰出青年提名奖

2017 中国人文设计大赛 最佳创意设计奖(住宅公寓类)

2017 中国金堂奖 优秀住宅公寓设计奖

2017 喜舍杯 中国住宅设计总评榜 年度优秀别墅设计奖

2017 台湾六艺奖 居住空间类 金奖提名奖

2017 金创意奖国际空间设计大奖 十大知名设计师奖

2017 第五届金创意奖 国际空间设计大赛 样板房空间设计类创意设计奖

2017 第五届金创意奖 国际空间设计大赛 特聘实战设计导师

2017 艾特国际空间设计大奖 最佳样板房设计提名奖

2017 IDS国际设计先锋榜 住宅空间金奖提名奖

2016 中国芒果别墅空间最佳创意奖

2016 中国金堂奖优秀住宅公寓设计

2016 中国(南京)室内设计新势力榜十佳设计师

2016 喜舍杯·中国住宅设计总评榜年度十佳别墅设计奖

2016 全国第七届筑巢奖

2016 第四届ID+G金创意奖国际空间设计大赛-别墅豪宅空间设计铜奖

2015 中国金堂奖优秀住宅公寓设计

2014 中国金堂奖别墅类优秀作品奖



2013 中国侨汇杯-建E网第一届室内设计大赛 复赛评委

2013 中国年度大师工作营优秀学员席

2013 中国金陵国际家居室内设计师名师堂义工名誉副主席

2013 中国金堂奖购物空间类优秀作品奖

2013 江苏省室内设计陈设设计大奖赛银奖

2012 中国金堂奖别墅类优秀作品奖

2011 年度南京市好享家杯室内设计大奖赛 别墅工程类 一等奖

2011 年度凤凰新势力南京十大室内设计师

2010 年度南京市银牌优秀设计师称号

2007 年度作品收录于第三届中国国际艺术设计观摩展

2007 年度入围于全国室内设计“十大新锐人物"

2005 年度南京市最受欢迎十佳室内设计师

2005 年度第五届江苏省室内设计大奖赛二等奖

2003 年度第四届江苏省室内设计大奖赛 金奖








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