


“The stories of these ten people capture some of the most memorable scientific events in 2018,” says Natures chief features editor, Rich Monastersky, “and they force us to confront difficult questions about who we are, where we have come from, and where we are going.”


曹原 Credit: Corinna Kern for Nature


Physicist Yuan Cao was only 21 when he helped discover a trick to make graphene capable of conducting electricity without resistance, launching a new area of physics.


graphene[græfiːn] : n.石墨烯


Cao admits that his situation is unusual, but says he isn’t special. After all, he did spend a full four years at university: “I just skipped some of the boring stuff in middle school.”



Cao loves to take things apart and rebuild them. At heart, he is “a tinkerer”, his supervisor says.


“Every time I go in, it’s a huge mess, with computers taken apart and pieces of telescope all over his desk.”


Despite his youth and shy manner, colleagues say that Cao’s maturity shines through in his persistence.



“He wasn’t happy, but he just rolled up his sleeves and continued working,”



“There are so many things we can do,” says Cory Dean, a physicist at Columbia University in New York City. “The opportunities at hand now are almost overwhelming.”





薇薇安·斯隆 Credit: Stefanie Loos for Nature

Palaeogeneticist Viviane Slon helped make one of 2018’s most surprising discoveries when she and her colleagues sequenced DNA from a 90,000-year-old bone and found that it came from the offspring of a union between a Neanderthal mother and a father from the extinct human group known as Denisovans.


Another physicist, Jess Wade, made news through her remarkable efforts to raise the profile of women and people of color in science, including by writing hundreds of Wikipedia entries for female scientists.

物理学家杰斯·维德为提高女性和有色人种在科学界的地位付出了巨大努力,包括为女性科学家创建数百条 *** 词条。

罗伯特·简·史密斯 Credit: Artur Eranosian/European Commission

Robert-Jan Smits made waves in publishing by launching Plan S, a bold effort to make more scientific papers open access.


Open data was also central to the work of Barbara Rae-Venter, who used public genome data to help identify the Golden State killer, who committed multiple murders in California during the 1970s and 1980s.


genome [dʒiːnəʊm] : n.基因组;染色体组

安东尼·布朗 Credit: Timothy Archibald for Nature

Another data set preoccupied astronomer Anthony Brown, whose team coordinated the release of a massive trove of information from the Gaia spacecraft, which has tracked more than a billion stars.



Credit: Noriko Hayashi for Nature

Meanwhile, Makoto Yoshikawa led the Hayabusa2 mission at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency to visit a dumpling-shaped asteroid to collect samples and then return them to Earth.



瓦莱丽·马松-德尔莫特 Credit: Laurence Geai for Nature

Climate researcher Valérie Masson-Delmotte had a key role in the stark report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which warned that nations might have only a dozen years before Earth’s temperature reaches a point that would transform ecosystems and destroy many coral reefs.

气候研究专家瓦莱丽·马松-德尔莫特在 *** 间气候变化专门委员会发布的重要报告中起到了关键作用。该报告警告称,距离地球气温达到转变生态系统、破坏大量珊瑚礁的程度只剩下十几年的时间。

Credit: Vincent Paul Yon

Bee Yin Yeo, Malaysia’s minister of energy, science, technology, environment and climate change, is featured for leading environmental efforts to reduce single-use plastics.


值得一提的是,《自然》年度十大人物只是选取当年对科学界产生最大影响力的人物,并不一定是正面形象。2017年的榜单中就出现了一名"反派"--美国总统特朗普任命的环保署署长斯科特·普鲁特(Scott Pruitt)。这名气候变化怀疑论者入职后瓦解了奥巴马 *** 的一系列环保遗产。今年榜单中的"反派"则是"基因编辑婴儿"事件的主角、南科大副教授贺建奎。


Chinese scientist He Jiankui captured global attention last month when he announced he had edited the genomes of twin baby girls. This drew widespread condemnation over concerns that he had ignored ethical considerations and exposed the infants to potential risks.


He, who is now not speaking to the press, disappeared from the world stage as quickly as he had emerged.


来源:http://co *** o *** agazine.com、《自然》杂志网站、中国科学报、北京时间
