1. 五年级英语小短文30 字左右带翻译
At home in the yard. The Jones family is at home in the yard today. The sun is shining, and the birds are singing. It's a beautiful day! Mr. Jones is reading the newspaper. Mrs. Jones is drinking juice. Sally and Ken Jones are playing with the dog. Jim Jones is playing the guitar. And Tom Jones is sleeping. The Jones family is very happy today. It's beautiful day, and they're at home in the yard. 在院子里 今天琼斯家庭在院子里。
太阳照耀着,鸟儿们歌唱着。这是美好的一天! 琼斯先生正在看报纸。
吉米琼斯正在弹吉他,汤姆琼斯正在睡觉。 琼斯家庭今天非常高兴。
这是美好的一天,因为他们在院子里。 Today is Sunday. It is sunny. I don't go to school. I want go shopping. I get up at 6:30 in the morning.I have some cereal and an egg for breakfast. I go out at 8:00. The shop is near . I go there on foot. Many people are in the shop. I buy a pencil . At 12:00 I go home for lunch. I have some vegetable and meat for lunch. I read a book in the afternoon. I eat some noodles and fruit for supper. After supper, I do my homework. then I watch TV. Later, I play on the puter. I lie on my bed. I listen to the radio. I have a happy day.今天是星期天天气很好我不去上学,我想去购物,我在早上6:30起床我吃了一些馒头和一个鸡蛋我在8点出去商店很近我步行去的有很多人在商店我买了一支铅笔在12点我回家吃午饭午饭我吃了一些蔬菜和肉在下午我看了一本书晚饭我吃了面条和水果我做家庭作业然后看电视后来我玩电脑我又躺在床上听收音机我度过快乐的一天 你选篇自己喜欢的吧。
2. 写一篇小学五年级的作文
Being polite doesn't cost you a penny. It's just mon sense, manners and making others feel appreciated. If you're lacking in manners, or struggling to be polite at all times, this guide is for you. Steps Smile when you introduce yourself. Always say "good morning" to people you meet in the morning. Home and fx. in work, school and somewhere Always use your manners in every situation. If you are given an object, a letter, gifts or pliments always say thank you. This shows you appreciate that someone has taken the time to give you a gift, or notice you. If you are asking for something, always say please. Stay calm when you speak and never shout. If you burp in a public place, always say "Pardon me." Help others if they're in need. Whether it's a senior citizen struggling with heavy shopping bags, or your mother who is looking tired mopping the floor, offer to help. If someone kindly turns your gesture down, *** ile politely and walk away. Only use your phone if it's an emergency, or you need to check something with someone. If you want to talk on your phone, only do so when you're in your bedroom,home or in place where you are alone. Never talk on your phone while you're driving. Not only is this bad manners and very dangerous, it's also illegal in many places and a bad idea. Instead, purchase a headset, so you can easily and safely chat while driving. If you're eating, keep your phone out of reach. Be polite to all genders, religions, races and people of all ages. If someone is older than you, or of a different religion, be just as polite as you would be to someone who was your age or your religion. Pay attention to speakers at meetings. Keep your voice at an appropriate level for the conditions you are in. Try to be very understanding at times. If a friend is in need, offer them some gum and ask if they want to talk about it with them. This not only makes you look kind, but it is a very sympathetic act. Tips Help out your parents. Stay calm when you speak. Open doors to people who are entering or exiting a place with you. Switch off your phone when you enter a hospital, a church or house of worship, a job interview or your car. Warnings Never shout. Keep in mind there is such a thing as being too polite. You should be kind, but don't be uptight with all the "polite" rules. As with everything else, there is a happy medium beeen the o extremes。
3. 优美的句段大全五年级30字左右
路是走出来的,每个人都有一条属于自己的路,“走自己的路,让别人说去吧!”,不要犹豫,迈开大步,走上我们自己的路,历史证明,走自己的路才能取得成功.你也可以投稿 ——题记 乌鸦,放弃走自己的路,学习鹰,到头来只能徒劳无获又失去自己的本领;白头翁,放弃走自己的路,学习其它鸟类,到头来只能学得一头白发,仍一事无成;中国的过去,放弃走自己的路,学习日本,苏联,结局都是失败.晚清的国人们,愚昧无知,封建,传统的旗帜仍高高飘扬. *** 的输入,国土的分裂,国权的丧失.终于,一群有思想的人民站起来了,“师夷长技以制夷”,原以为,中国有救了,但是,他们忘了自己的路,一成不变地学习外夷.最终,路是打开了,但是没有走上几步,便又倒下了.,。
4. 不太长,适合五年级同学写硬笔书法的古文
一 吾日三省 1 教学相长2 吾日三省3 薛谭学讴4 学弈5 乐羊子求学6 一字之师7 凿壁偷光8 胸有成竹 9 读书要三到10 王冕读书二 用心良苦 11 伯牙破琴12 烛之武退秦师13 邹忌问美14 曾子杀猪15 孟母戒子16 越石父17 陶母责子18 师说19 家诫20 吴人孙山三 舍生取义 21 精卫填海22 舍生取义23 三过家门24 嗟来之食25 子罕不受玉26 闻鸡起舞27 陋室铭28 居安思危29 岳阳楼记30 蜀鄙二僧四 顺理成章 31 挥斧如风32 鲁侯养鸟33 人有亡斧者34 九方皋相马35 晏子使楚36 惊弓之鸟37 一字千金38 蔡伦造纸39 曹冲称象40 卖油翁五 智慧人生 41 两小儿辩日42 管庄子刺虎 ……六 破釜沉舟七 亡羊补牢八 四面楚歌九 南辕北辙十 是非对错。
5. 3篇30字左右的小学5年级英语作文要题目
【小学英语作文】 Impolite Jack(没礼貌的杰克)日期:2009-07-11 14:46:31 点击:90 好评:0 题目:Impolite Jack(没礼貌的杰克) 台南市新兴国中一年二班洪志凯 Yesterday was a sunny day. Jack's father took him to a zoo. Jack came to the crocodile pen. He saw a huge crocodile crawling in the pond. He felt excited. Jack took some snac。
【小学英语作文】 My Favorite Teacher(我最喜爱的老师)日期:2009-07-11 14:45:03 点击:238 好评:0 题目:My Favorite Teacher(我最喜爱的老师) 台中市大业国中一年四班,张琬婕 Among all my teachers, Miss Ju Mei-yian is my favorite. She has taught Chinese at my junior high school for more than one year. They said she will also teach me nex。 【小学英语作文】 Desert Island(荒岛)日期:2009-07-11 14:42:06 点击:48 好评:0 题目:Desert Island(荒岛) 台中市惠文中学,一年一班,粘雅筑 It was a Saturday morning, and the weather was nice. My friends and I went to a beach by ship, because we wanted to travel there. In the beginning, the weather was very good, but。
【小学英语作文】 Summer Camp(夏天露营)日期:2009-07-11 14:40:40 点击:113 好评:0 题目:Summer Camp(夏天露营) 中坜国中 1年7班 罗婉瑜 On Saturday, we went camping, with our teachers. First we pitched the tent. Then our older brothers and older sisters played game with us. At noon, we all had a delicious lunch followed。 【中学英语作文】 My Family(我的家)日期:2009-07-10 15:16:43 点击:246 好评:0 题目:My Family(我的家) 嘉义县 同济国中 国二乙班 叶玟希 There are elve people in my family. They are my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, sister, o brothers, uncles, aunts and me. I'm a junior high school student. I'm fifteen。
【小学英语作文】 Learning Through My Idol(向偶像学习)日期:2009-07-08 22:19:37 点击:129 好评:0 题目:Do You Have an Idol?(你有偶像吗?) 高雄市阳明国中一年十班苏芳立 Do you have an idol? Everyone has his or her own idols. Maybe they are your parents or yourself or stars. My idol is Nicolas Tse. He is so handsome and he sings very w。 【小学英语作文】 我的妈妈My Mother(我的母亲)日期:2009-07-07 20:07:35 点击:317 好评:0 题目:My Mother(我的 母亲)我的妈妈 花坛国中,李佳容 Almost everyone has his own mother. It's lucky for me because I have a cute Mom. My mother has long black hair, a big nose, nice skin, and she's forty years old this year. The most impo。
6. 优美的句段大全五年级30字左右
路是走出来的,每个人都有一条属于自己的路,“走自己的路,让别人说去吧!”,不要犹豫,迈开大步,走上我们自己的路,历史证明,走自己的路才能取得成功.你也可以投稿 ——题记 乌鸦,放弃走自己的路,学习鹰,到头来只能徒劳无获又失去自己的本领;白头翁,放弃走自己的路,学习其它鸟类,到头来只能学得一头白发,仍一事无成;中国的过去,放弃走自己的路,学习日本,苏联,结局都是失败.晚清的国人们,愚昧无知,封建,传统的旗帜仍高高飘扬. *** 的输入,国土的分裂,国权的丧失.终于,一群有思想的人民站起来了,“师夷长技以制夷”,原以为,中国有救了,但是,他们忘了自己的路,一成不变地学习外夷.最终,路是打开了,但是没有走上几步,便又倒下了.,。
我的梦想 宽敞的家有幸福的阳光
带上爹娘 开着车看看世界的模样
我的梦想 和亲爱的人一起来分享
爱伴身旁 和孩子一起快乐的歌唱
我的梦想 插上金思维的翅膀
大声宣扬 我要活得更加敞亮
我的梦想 为你绽放最耀眼的光芒
乘风破浪 再苦再累我要更加坚强
金思维 梦想开始的地方
我和你 传播美丽与健康
金思维 传承中国的力量
我和你 实现祖国的梦想