金宝贝音乐课每次开始前都会唱一首问候歌,hello song,请问是怎么唱的
hello song hello song
do you like song? we all like song we all like song
song song the buetiful song
boys and girls all like song.
[img]金宝贝早教音乐 when I build my house的歌词
"Hey,Jenney,what are you doing?"
"OH,I'm building my house,Danney,and it's a great big job,would you want to help?"
"Sure! you want me to help you?Sure!I'm love to help.Great!"
When I build my house,
I'll need some wood,
and I saw the wood when i build my house.
I will saw the wood,saw the wood, saw the wood when I bulid my house.
when I build my house that so much to do,
It's nice for you come along to help me to.
When I build my house,
I'll need some nails,
and I hammer the nails,
when I bulid my house.
I'll hammer the nails,hammer the nails,hammer the nails when I bulid my house,
saw the wood,saw the wood,saw the wood when I build my house.
when I build my house that so much to do,
It's nice when you come along to help me to.
When I build my house,
I'll need some bricks,
and I lay the bricks,
when I bulid my house.
I'll lay the bricks,lay the bricks,lay the bricks when I build my house,
hammer the nails,hammer the nails,hammer the nails when I bulid my house,
saw the wood,saw the wood,saw the wood when I build my house.
when I build my house that so much to do,
It's nice when you come along to help me to.
When I build my house,
I'll need some paint,
and I paint the walls,
when I bulid my house.
I'll paint the walls,paint the walls,paint the walls when I build my house,
lay the bricks,lay the bricks,lay the bricks when I build my house,
hammer the nails,hammer the nails,hammer the nails when I bulid my house,
saw the wood,saw the wood,saw the wood when I build my house.
when I build my house that so much to do,
It's nice when you come along to help me to.
Then I went through,
I'll go inside,
and I'll look pride what I have done,
"Well,look what I did!"
"Yeah,it's great!"
I painted the walls,painted the walls,painted the walls when I build my house,
ley the bricks,ley the bricks,ley the bricks when I build my house,
hammered the nails,hammered the nails,hammered the nails when I bulid my house,
saw the wood,saw the wood,saw the wood when I build my house.
when I build my house that so much to do,
"Thank you for you helping me to build my house!"
"Your are *** !"
It's nice when you come along to help me to.
在育乐课要结束时,又会一起唱着寻找金宝贝的歌(We Want Gymbo)—— We want we want gymbo, We want we want gymbo Gymbo is a red clown, green clown, yellow clown Gymbo is a clown he never wears a frown He’s got a *** ile on his face He rocks this place Giving you kisses all over your face 在这样欢乐的气氛下找到了金宝贝手偶,然后让金宝贝亲亲每个小朋友,再让大家一起来跳舞唱结束歌(Gymbo dance)—— Gymbo the clown goes up and down, up and down, up and down, Gymbo the clown goes up and down, all day long Gymbo the clown goes side to side, side to side, side to side Gymbo the clown goes side to side, all day long Gymbo the clown goes twist twist twist, twist twist twist, twist twist twist, Gymbo the clown goes twist twist twist, all day long。 Gymbo The Clown goes peek a boo,peek a boo,peek a boo, Gymbo The Clown goes peek a boo,all day long Gymbo The Clown goes shhh shhh shhh,shhh shhh shhh,shhh shhh shhh Gymbo The Clown goes shhh shhh shhh,all day long 这是一位细心的妈妈自己记下的。因为金宝贝是双语教学,所以歌词都是英语的。但是金宝贝上音乐课不会刻意让孩子去咬文嚼字学习每句话的发音,还是以培养孩子的乐感,让孩子掌握节奏和旋律为主的。所以希望你也不要太刻意去让孩子背歌词哦