



Love Warrio


The sky is covered by clouds

A thunderstorm is coming

Tiredness and pain keep weakening me

I’m almost desperate

This close to desperate

But I am too proud to say it

Get up from my feet I’m walking and walking

I’m a warrior for your love

Moon light spread on my shoulder

Blood is rushing through my veins

Lead me to the sky

I’m not afraid to die

This is like a test

I’m not that kind of girl

What do you think of me

This question’s enemy

It’s like an enemy

To me

Sick and tired my heart is always broken

Silver warrior with out destination

I’m not able to explain the reason

tell me tell me tell me

I’m a bird I’m flying across the river

This is my land I’ll never surrender

I’m so wounded I can’t find my lover

Save me save me save me

Get up my love my love

Get up my love my love

Wake up my love my love


Get up my love my love

Get up my love my love

Wake up my love my love


My love is full, my love is pure

My love is blind, my love is deaf

My love is a child

A child who likes to cry

My love is a question

But you are not the answer

Sick and tired my heart is always broken

Silver warrior with out destination

I’m not able to explain the reason

tell me tell me tell me

I’m a bird I’m flying across the river

This is my land I’ll never surrender

I’m so wounded I can’t find my lover

Save me save me save me

Get up my love my love

Get up my love my love

Wake up my love my love


Get up my love my love

Get up my love my love

Wake up my love my love


Love Warrior 战 歌词

Love Warrior 战





编曲:Jean-Francois Maljean

The sky is covered by clouds

A thunderstorm is coming

Tiredness and pain keep weakening me

I’m almost desperate

This close to desperate

But I am too proud to say it

Get up from my feet I’m walking and walking

I’m a warrior for your love

Moon light spread on my shoulder

Blood is rushing through my veins

Lead me to the sky

I’m not afraid to die

This is like a test

I’m not that kind of girl

What do you think of me

This question’s enemy

It’s like an enemy

To me

Sick and tired my heart is always broken

Silver warrior with out destination

I’m not able to explain the reason

tell me tell me tell me

I’m a bird I’m flying across the river

This is my land I’ll never surrender

I’m so wounded I can’t find my lover

Save me save me save me

Get up my love my love

Get up my love my love

Wake up my love my love


Get up my love my love

Get up my love my love

Wake up my love my love


My love is full, my love is pure

My love is blind, my love is deaf

My love is a child

A child who likes to cry

My love is a question

But you are not the answer

Sick and tired my heart is always broken

Silver warrior with out destination

I’m not able to explain the reason

tell me tell me tell me

I’m a bird I’m flying across the river

This is my land I’ll never surrender

I’m so wounded I can’t find my lover

Save me save me save me

Get up my love my love

Get up my love my love

Wake up my love my love


Get up my love my love

Get up my love my love

Wake up my love my love



Love Warrior战的歌曲鉴赏

尚雯婕酝酿了长达一年之久的外文歌曲《Love Warrior 战》,歌曲中大量运用了极具中国少数民族音乐特色的“侗族神曲”,配以缥缈迷幻的“电子+钢琴”。

毋庸置疑,《Love Warriors 战》确实是一首让人惊艳的歌曲。前奏的锣鼓让人想起《功夫熊猫》的中西结合的韵味,背后的侗族山歌又把歌曲拉入神秘的西南边陲,尚雯婕的英文念白又营造出一种亦古亦今、或中或洋的魅力。主歌部分略带轻佻的咬字,看似漫不经心的旋律,直到副歌时“Wake Up My Love”情绪转入高涨,但依然能看见尚雯婕此时的优雅与自得。整首歌曲一直穿行在电子合成器与民族音乐的如水交融中,谁说唱英文就没有中国的味道?

《Love Warriors 战》这首歌将侗族大歌这种极具中国民族特色的音乐巧妙的嵌入到流行歌曲中,既洋气又有新鲜感,尚雯婕独特的嗓音,深厚的英文功底,这首歌中极为特别的咬字方式以及富有磁性的旁白,一下子就抓住了听众的耳朵。很多人惊呼原来尚雯婕有这样的创作能力,原来民族的与世界的音乐相结合能够做出如此惊艳的作品。当我们瞪大眼睛托住下巴的同时,开始对这个个性独立的女生有所期待,期待她能给当今情歌遍地的乐坛带来怎样的影响,我们开始发现原来她的音乐和她的造型一样的给力。

love warrior是什么意思? 除了他是尚雯婕的歌 ,我想要这个英文的解释 !

love warrior这首歌的中文名字是《战》,直译过来就是爱的战士,而纵观整首歌,讲的是一位为爱浴血奋战越战越勇的女战士的内心世界,而这首歌所表达的意思在它的粤语版《阿修罗》中得到了进一步生活,亲可以去听听看!这首歌连昔日天后王菲都在微博上分享过了!
