

【China Media Group releases list of top 10 international sci-tech news of 2021】2021国际十大科技新闻

The China Media Group released on Monday its list of this years top 10 science and technology news from around the world. It includes major events and breakthroughs, such as the availability of the FAST telescope to global scientists, China-Russia cooperation on international moon base and workings of AI system AlphaFold. Heres the list.

top 10 international sci-tech news of 2021 2021年十大国际科技新闻

breakthrough [ˈbreɪkθruː] n.突破,重大进展

major event 重大事件

availability [əˌveɪləˈbɪləti] n. 可用性,可得性

Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) 500米口径球面射电望远镜

aperture [ˈæpərtʃʊr] n.(照相机,望远镜等的)光圈,孔径

spherical [ˈsfɪrɪk] a.球形/面的

international moon base 国际月球基地

AI abbr. 人工智能(artificial intelligence)

1. Kunming Declaration adopted at COP15

The first part of the COP15 UN Biodiversity Conference was held from October 11 to 15 in southwest Chinas Kunming City. The conference saw the adoption of the Kunming Declaration. It commits to securing an effective post-2020 global biodiversity framework, reversing the current loss of biodiversity, and ensuring that biodiversity is put on a path to recovery by 2030.

COP15 abbr. 《生物多样性公约》缔约方大会第十五次会议 (15th Conference of the Parties)

the COP15 UN Biodiversity Conference COP15联合国生物多样性大会

commit [kəˈmɪt] v.(使)承诺,承担义务;郑重承诺

post- pref. 表示“后、在……之后”

post-2020 2020年后的

biodiversity [ˌbaɪoʊdaɪˈvɜːrsəti] n. 生物多样性

post-2020 global biodiversity framework 2020年后全球生物多样性框架

reversing the current loss of biodiversity 扭转当前生物多样性丧失

reverse v.撤销;反转

2. AI system AlphaFold predicts how proteins fold to get their 3D shapes

An AI system has solved a 50-year-old protein folding problem in hours. AlphaFold, created by DeepMind, can rapidly and accurately predict how proteins fold to get their 3D shapes. This complex problem had troubled researchers for decades. The breakthrough will help scientists design drugs and understand diseases.

AI system 人工智能系统

protein folding problem 蛋白质折叠问题

protein [ˈproʊtiːn] n.蛋白质

in hours 在几个小时内

rapidly and accurately predict 快速准确预测

accurately [ˈækjərətli] adv. 精确地,准确地

had troubled researchers for decades 困扰了研究人员几十年

design drugs 设计药物

3. Scientists publish the largest-ever 3D map of the universe

The team behind the Dark Energy Survey (DES) published the largest-ever 3D map of the universe in July. The map relies on the latest observations of a six-year long DES project. It reveals a complete expansion history of the universe over billions of years.

the largest-ever 3D map of the universe 有史以来最大的宇宙3D地图

3D abbr. 三维的(three dimensional);三维(three dimensions)

the Dark Energy Survey (DES) 暗能量调查

It reveals a complete expansion history of the universe over billions of years. 它揭示了宇宙几十亿年来的完整膨胀历史。【CATTI】

4. China and Russia team up on international moon base

China and Russia revealed their road map for a joint International Lunar Research Station (ILRS) in June. The plan guides their collaboration and development in the project. Chinese and Russian space officials noted that the ILRS might involve other stakeholders, other countries and private organizations.

road map 指导方针,指南

International Lunar Research Station (ILRS) 国际月球研究站

collaboration [kəˌlæbəˈreɪʃn] n. 合作,协作;勾结,通敌;合作成果

lunar [ˈluːnər] a.月亮的,月球的

stakeholder n. 股东,利益相关者

private organization 民间组织

5. Chinas FAST telescope opens to global scientists

Chinas Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST), the worlds largest single-dish radio telescope, opened to global scientists and began accepting observation applications from astronomers starting from March 31.

Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) 500米口径球面射电望远镜

aperture [ˈæpərtʃʊr] n.(照相机,望远镜等的)光圈,孔径

spherical [ˈsfɪrɪk] a.球形/面的

single-dish radio telescope 单碟射电望远镜

dish n.凹形容器

6. NASAs Perseverance rover lands on Mars

Perseverance, the biggest, most advanced rover ever sent into orbit by NASA, became the ninth U.S. spacecraft to successfully land on Mars in February. The six-wheeled rover had survived its perilous descent and arrived within its target zone inside Jezero Crater, a 45-kilometer-wide basin located on the planets northern hemisphere.

perseverance [ˌpɜːrsəˈvɪrəns] n.坚持不懈;不屈不挠

Perseverance, the biggest, most advanced rover ever sent into orbit by NASA “毅力”号是美国宇航局有史以来送入轨道的最大、最先进的漫游车。【CATTI】

rover n.巡视器 the six-wheeled ~ 六轮月球车

perilous [ˈperələs] a.危险的,艰险的;濒临灾难/ 毁灭的【TEM8】

descent [dɪˈsent] n.下降,降落

target zone 目标区

crater [ˈkreɪtər] n.(撞击或爆炸形成的)坑,弹坑

45-kilometer-wide 45千米宽的

basin [ˈbeɪsn] n.流域;盆地

hemisphere [ˈhemɪsfɪr] n.半球 northern ~ 北半球

7. Chinas antiviral medicine for COVID-19 gains international recognition

The Institute of Microbiology under the Chinese Academy of Sciences has developed an antiviral medicine for COVID-19, called JS016. The medication has been used for emergency treatment both domestically and overseas.

antiviral medicine 抗病毒药

antiviral [ˌæntiˈvaɪrəl] adj. 抗病毒的;抗滤过性病原体的n. 抗病毒物质(等于 antidote)

the Chinese Academy of Sciences 中国科学院

medication [ˌmedɪˈkeɪʃn] n. 药物,药品【TEM8】

has been used for emergency treatment both domestically and overseas 已经在国内外被用于紧急治疗

gains international recognition 获得国际认可

recognition [ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn] n. 承认,接受;表彰,赞誉

8. China builds worlds first integrated quantum communication network

Chinese researchers have made a crucial breakthrough in quantum communication, boosting the future development of secure satellite-based long-distance and global quantum communication networks. The network enabled the direct tran *** ission of confidential information among the users connected by the network for the first time.

make a crucial breakthrough in ··· 在···方面取得了重大突破

integrated quantum communication network 集成量子通信网络

integrated [ˈɪntɪɡreɪtɪd] a.综合的;完整的;互相协调的

quantum [ˈkwɑːntəm] n.量子

boost v. 使增长,推动

satellite-based long-distance and global quantum communication networks 基于卫星的广域量子通信网络系统

confidential [ˌkɑːnfɪˈdenʃl] a.机密的,保密的

the direct tran *** ission of ~ information 机密信息的直接传递

9. German physicists create worlds *** allest microsupercapacitor

German scientists have developed what they say is the *** allest micro supercapacitor in the world. Measured 0.001 cubic millimeters, the microsupercapacitor is being used in artificial blood vessels and can be used as an energy source for a tiny sensor system to measure pH.

microsupercapacitor n.微型超级电容器

micro super 超微

capacitor [kəˈpæsɪtər] n.电容器

mm abbr. 毫米(millimeter [ˈmɪlimiːtər])

0.001 cubic millimeters 0.001立方毫米

artificial [ˌɑːrtɪˈfɪʃ(ə)l] a.人工的;人造的 ~ blood vessels 人造血管

vessel n.(人或动物的)血管

sensor n.(探测光、热、压力等的)传感器,敏感元件 a tiny ~ system 微型传感器系统

pH abbr. 酸碱度符号(描述氢离子活度的)

10. Scientists make accurate measures of the first black hole detected

Astronomers from China, the U.S. and Australia have reported new observations on the first black hole ever detected, according to research published in February. Named Cygnus X-1, the black hole system contains a stellar-mass black hole with a 21 solar mass that rotates at a speed close to the speed of light, according to the study.

make accurate measures of 准确测量

accurate [ˈækjərət] adj. 准确的,精确的

black hole 黑洞

Cygnus [ˈsɪɡnəs] n.天鹅座

stellar [ˈstelər] a.星的;恒星的

stellar-mass black hole 恒星质量黑洞

rotate [ˈroʊteɪt] v.(使)旋转,(使)转动 ~ at a speed close to the speed of light 以接近光速的速度旋转
