
朝统一战争百度百科(王朝统一战争)  第1张

Ten-Point Programme for the Great Unity of the Whole Nation for the Reunification of the Country


The Ten-Point Programme for the Great Unity of the Whole Nation for the Reunification of the Country, advanced by President Kim Il Sung at the Fifth Session of the Ninth Supreme People’s Assembly of the DPRK on April 6, Juche 82 (1993), constitutes a great charter for national unity.

金日成主席于1993年4月6日在朝鲜第九届最高人民会议第五次会议上提出的“全民族大团结、实现祖国统一的十点纲领”构成了民族团结的伟大 *** 。

It clarifies the general goal and foundations for the ideals of great national unity and sets forth clearly the principles and concrete ways for achieving the great national unity.


The gist of the programme is as follows:


A unified state, independent, peaceful and neutral, should be founded through the great unity of the whole nation.一个统一的、独立的、和平的、中立的国家,应该通过全民族的大团结来建立。Unity should be based on patrioti *** and the spirit of national independence.团结应建立在爱国主义和民族独立精神的基础上。Unity should be achieved on the principle of promoting co-existence, co-prosperity and common interests and subordinating everything to the cause of national reunification.团结就是要坚持共生共荣、共同利益,一切服从祖国统一大业的方针。All political disputes that foment division and confrontation between fellow countrymen should be ended and unity should be achieved.一切煽动同胞分裂对抗的政治纷争,都应该结束,都应该团结起来。The fear of invasion from both south and north, and the ideas of prevailing over communi *** and communization should be dispelled, and north and south should believe in each other and unite.消除南北侵略的恐惧,超越共产主义和共产化的思想,南北相信,团结起来。The north and south should value democracy and join hands on the road to national reunification, without rejecting each other because of differences in ideals and principles.北方和南方应珍视民主,在实现国家统一的道路上携起手来,不因理想和原则的差异而相互排斥。The north and south should protect the material and spiritual wealth of individuals and organizations and encourage their use for the promotion of great national unity.北方和南方应保护个人和组织的物质和精神财富,鼓励利用这些财富促进民族大团结。Understanding, trust and unity should be built up across the nation through contact, exchange visits and dialogue.通过接触、互访、对话,在全国范围内建立理解、信任和团结。The whole nation, north, south and overseas, should strengthen its solidarity for the sake of national reunification.为了国家统一,整个民族,无论是北方、南方还是海外,都应该加强团结。Those who have contributed to the great unity of the nation and to the cause of national reunification should be honoured.那些为民族大团结和国家统一事业作出贡献的人应该受到尊敬。
