





“Fred lives in a remote rural area and for many years he was a full-time carer, looking after his mother. He says he didnt have a chance to meet people - so decided to pay for sex.”

“多年来,Fred一直住在偏远的乡下,他照顾着自己的母亲,是一个全职看护。他说没有机会认识别人,所以就决定花钱 *** 。”

"It really wasnt so much the sex as wanting female company and if you are not getting out and socialising then it is very difficult to think about how youre going to get that."



Robert has been married for many years.


"I ended up a highly sexed man married to a woman who really didnt enjoy sex - [or even] hugging, kissing and so on.”

“最后我这个 *** 焚身的男人娶了一个清心寡欲的女人,她甚至对拥抱、亲吻等等都不感兴趣。”

“Shes an excellent, excellent partner. In every other way we got on like a house on fire, but just not in bed."


"I wanted to hang on to my marriage," he says, "I wanted to do right as much as I could by my wife, so the obvious thing was to pay for it."

“我想要留住我的婚姻“,他说,“我想要在妻子面前尽量做好自己,所以(满足自己)最快的方法就是花钱 *** 。”


For the first 30 years of his life, former civil servant Graham thought he would never be the sort of man who would pay for sex.But one weekend in Amsterdam he found himself walking the streets of the red-light district with some men he had just met.

Graham曾经是一个公务员,在他人生的前30年里,根本没想过自己是那种会花钱 *** 的男人。然而,在阿姆斯特丹的一个周末,他跟着几个刚认识的男生走进了红灯区的街道。

He followed one girl to a red-lit booth and spent half an hour with her, chatting and having sex.

他跟着一个女生走进红色灯光的小房子,和她聊天、 *** ,共度了半小时。

Reflecting on his previous relationships and painful breakups, he wondered: "Maybe you dont need to do any of that. Maybe you can pay and have these just incredible moments of spontaneous, all over in half an hour… just… magic."



Robert, however, is motivated by more than a need for intimacy. He pays for sex to satisfy his fantasies.

然而亲密关系不是Robert花钱 *** 的主要动机,他是为了满足自己的幻想。

"I seek out interesting experiences - but I kid myself that this makes up for all those thousands of sessions of domestic sex that I cant have and never will have."

“我追求有趣的体验——我骗自己 *** 可以弥补成百上千次的夫妻性生活,我没有夫妻生活,也永远不会有。”

He describes himself as "a bit of an exhibitionist" and a "voyeur" and has arranged sex parties with groups.

他说自己“有点喜欢在人前做”也“喜欢看别人做”,而且还 *** 性派对。


Brian, who is in his 50s, says he is happily married. But he started paying for sex long before he met her. He says sex in his marriage lacked "a bit of excitement".

Brian已经50多岁了,他说自己婚姻幸福。但是遇到妻子之前,他就开始花钱 *** 了。他说婚姻的性生活缺乏“一些 *** ”。

Brian says he leads a double life. His family and friends are kept in the dark about the other side of him.


"I dont think they would like to think that I was getting involved in visiting working girls for sex because its not the thing that a respectable person does to be honest.

我想他们无法接受我会 *** 解决生理问题,因为说实话,这也不是体面人干的事儿。

"And to all other intents and purposes, I am."


最后用弗罗伊德和他大弟子荣格的分歧来结束今天的文章。弗罗伊德认为“力比多(libido)”是一种推动力,使得人类无穷无尽地追求 *** ,人类一切的文化、艺术以及社会成就皆归根于对 *** 的追寻,但在庞大的无意识冰山下,人类束手无策。荣格并不同意把所有问题都完全归结到“欲望”上,而是更深层地推进了这个理论,他认为人类共享一个精神本体,但必须用理智作领导,意志做辅助,欲望做服从。






