




GaWC全称 Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) Research Network,中文翻译为全球化与世界级城市研究协会。

GaWC是一个以欧美学者组成的学术机构,以英国拉夫堡大学为基地。GaWC以先进生产 *** 业公司在世界各大城市中的办公网络为指标,对世界707座城市进行排名。


What GaWC is AboutCreated in the Geography Department at Loughborough University, this network focuses upon research into the external relations of world cities. Although the world/global city literature is premised upon the existence of world-wide transactions, most of the research effort has gone into studying the internal structures of individual cities and comparative *** yses of the same. Relations between cities have been neglected by world cities researchers; the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) Research Network has been formed to aid in rectifying this situation.Today the network operates as the leading thinktank on cities in globalization and has diversified into related subjects where concern for inter-city relations intersects with research on issues concerning, for instance, international business, sustainability, urban policy, and logistics.

What GaWC is AboutCreated in the Geography Department at Loughborough University, this network focuses upon research into the external relations of world cities. Although the world/global city literature is premised upon the existence of world-wide transactions, most of the research effort has gone into studying the internal structures of individual cities and comparative *** yses of the same. Relations between cities have been neglected by world cities researchers; the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) Research Network has been formed to aid in rectifying this situation.Today the network operates as the leading thinktank on cities in globalization and has diversified into related subjects where concern for inter-city relations intersects with research on issues concerning, for instance, international business, sustainability, urban policy, and logistics.

What GaWC is AboutCreated in the Geography Department at Loughborough University, this network focuses upon research into the external relations of world cities. Although the world/global city literature is premised upon the existence of world-wide transactions, most of the research effort has gone into studying the internal structures of individual cities and comparative *** yses of the same. Relations between cities have been neglected by world cities researchers; the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) Research Network has been formed to aid in rectifying this situation.Today the network operates as the leading thinktank on cities in globalization and has diversified into related subjects where concern for inter-city relations intersects with research on issues concerning, for instance, international business, sustainability, urban policy, and logistics.

资料来源 https://www.lboro.ac.uk/gawc/group.html


国际性、为人熟知。积极参与国际事务且具影响力。相当大的人口。重要的国际机场,作为国际航线的中心。先进的交通系统,如高速公路及/或大型公共交通网络,提供多元化的运输模式。 *** 市要吸引外来投资,并设有相关的移民社区。西方城市要设有国际文化和社区。国际金融机构、律师事务所、公司总部(尤其是企业集团)和股票交易所,并对世界经济起关键作用。先进的通讯设备,如光纤、无线网络、流动电话服务,以及其他高速电讯线路,有助于跨国合作。蜚声国际的文化机构,如博物馆和大学。浓厚的文化气息,如电影节、首映、热闹的音乐或剧院场所;交响乐团、歌剧团、美术馆和街头表演者。强大而有影响力的媒体,着眼于世界。强大的体育社群,如体育设施、本地联赛队伍,以及举办国际体育盛事的能力和经验。在近海城市中,拥有大型且繁忙的港口。

资料来源 https://www.lboro.ac.uk/gawc/rb/rb300.html


世界级城市Alpha一线城市Alpha++Alpha+AlphaAlpha-Beta二线城市Beta+BetaBeta-Gamma三线城市Gamma+GammaGamma-Sufficiency自给型城市High Sufficiency 高度自足城市Sufficiency 自足城市

世界级城市Alpha一线城市Alpha++Alpha+AlphaAlpha-Beta二线城市Beta+BetaBeta-Gamma三线城市Gamma+GammaGamma-Sufficiency自给型城市High Sufficiency 高度自足城市Sufficiency 自足城市

世界级城市Alpha一线城市Alpha++Alpha+AlphaAlpha-Beta二线城市Beta+BetaBeta-Gamma三线城市Gamma+GammaGamma-Sufficiency自给型城市High Sufficiency 高度自足城市Sufficiency 自足城市

世界级城市Alpha一线城市Alpha++Alpha+AlphaAlpha-Beta二线城市Beta+BetaBeta-Gamma三线城市Gamma+GammaGamma-Sufficiency自给型城市High Sufficiency 高度自足城市Sufficiency 自足城市

世界级城市Alpha一线城市Alpha++Alpha+AlphaAlpha-Beta二线城市Beta+BetaBeta-Gamma三线城市Gamma+GammaGamma-Sufficiency自给型城市High Sufficiency 高度自足城市Sufficiency 自足城市




GaWC榜单则从13条评级标准综合分析,涉及城市的国际影响力、人口、国际机场与航线、多元化的交通运输方式、外资吸引力、国际大企业集团的机构总部、通讯设备、大学等文化机构、文化活动、体育活动、媒体影响力以及港口,是对高端生产 *** 企业在城市的集聚程度的反映。


跨国公司主导推动了全球城市网络体系的构建,基于相关理论,GaWC开创性地根据175家(最初为100家)顶级的生产 *** 业跨国公司,包括会计(25)、广告(25)、金融/保险(75)、法律(25)、和管理咨询(25)五大行业。




根据权威机构GaWC(Globalization and World Cities Study Group and Network)的最新全球城市排名,伊斯坦布尔位列全球700多个城市里的第30名,共有50个超级大都市入选了最新世界一线城市。

和2年前的排名一样,伦敦和纽约仍旧牢牢占据榜单的前2名,并且是全球仅有的A++城市。 香港、上海和北京分别排在第3,5,6位;广州和深圳位列第34和46。伊斯坦布尔排名第30,高于广州和深圳。


Alpha ++

1 伦敦

2 纽约

Alpha +

3 香港

4 新加坡

5 上海

6 北京

7 迪拜

8 巴黎

9 东京


10 悉尼

11 洛杉矶

12 多伦多

13 孟买

14 阿姆斯特丹

15 米兰

16 法兰克福

17 墨西哥城

18 圣保罗

19 芝加哥

20 吉隆坡

21 马德里

22 莫斯科

23 雅加达

24 布鲁塞尔


25 华沙

26 首尔

27 约翰内斯堡

28 苏黎世

29 墨尔本

30 伊斯坦布尔

31 曼谷

32 斯德哥尔摩

33 维也纳

34 广州

35 都柏林

36 台北

37 布宜诺斯艾利斯

38 旧金山

39 卢森堡

40 蒙特利尔

41 慕尼黑

42 德里


44 波士顿

45 马尼拉

46 深圳

47 利雅得

48 里斯本

49 布拉格

50 班加罗尔
















