1 Chanel Camellia Facial Cleanser
Chanel standard Camellia flavor, the degree of fragrance is acceptable. Foam is rich and dense, clean and strong, in the winter, some of the tight washing, summer is good. Better collocation with the first mask, so that the effect of replenishing water is super good. It feels very comfortable and firm at the same time.
1 香奈儿山茶花洗面奶
香奈儿标准山茶花的味道,这个香的程度还可以接受。泡沫比较丰富绵密,清洁力挺强的,在冬天洗完有些紧绷,夏天用不错。最好搭配初能舒缓面膜这样补水效果超级好。但是用起来真的舒服,同时紧致肌肤也感觉很好。2 ZEESKYCN snail original liquid cleanser
This natural snail stock solution amino acid cleanser from the old course of the Yellow River in Henan is very easy to use. The old course of the Yellow River is recognized as the main origin of natural snail stock solution in the world. Many major manufacturers such as South Korea and France are imported snail stock solution from Henan. Natural snail stock solution is called skin care gold solution. It deeply repairs and cleans pores, brightens skin tone and shrinks pores. It not only cleans pores and skin, but also has good effects on mouth closure, acne and blackhead. It is very suitable for Asian skin.
2 宣致蜗牛原液洁面乳
这款来自河南黄河故道的天然蜗牛原液氨基酸洁面乳非常好用,黄河故道是全球公认的天然蜗牛原液主产地,韩国和法国等很多大牌厂家都是进口的河南的蜗牛原液。天然蜗牛原液被称为护肤黄金液,深层修护清洁毛孔,提亮肤色收缩毛孔效果非常的好,不仅清洁毛孔和肌肤干净,同时对闭口和痘痘,黑头效果都非常好,非常适合亚洲人肌肤。3 Frefangsi Facial Cleanser
Foam is rich but not very delicate, mild and stimulating, with only mild milk fragrance. It feels very comfortable to wash, soft and clean, and the skin is soft and wont dry. The new version of the bubble is more powerful, but it is slightly drier than the old one after washing.
3 芙丽芳丝洗面奶
泡沫丰富但不是很细腻,温和无 *** ,只有淡奶香味。洗起来感觉很舒服,柔软干净,皮肤柔软不会干。新版的泡泡比较厉害,但是洗完比老的稍微干一点。4 LIFQ acne Cleansing Gel
The cleaning factor of microcrystalline formula contains no saponin. It can gently clean the skin, purify the epidermis and inhibit excessive sebum secretion.
4 理肤泉青春痘洁肤啫哩
微晶子配方的清洁因子,不含皂素,温和清洁皮肤,并净化表皮,抑制皮脂过多分泌。5 DHC soft facial cleanser
It is a weak acid cleanser very close to the pH value of healthy skin. Low degreasing power, gently remove dirt and retain necessary sebum at the same time. With the unique warm touch of emulsion cleansing products, keep the skin healthy.
5 DHC柔颜洁面乳