

藏品尺寸: 27.0g 3.8cm 26.9g 3.8cm 26.8g 3.9cm

藏品描述:张作霖大元帅纪念币为民国17年(公元1928年)天津造币总厂铸制,纪念币正面铸张作霖头像,上有“大元帅纪念币”六字,背面为“十八星旗与五色旗”,上有“中华民国十七年”七字,下列英文“ONE DOLLAR”对照,设计精美,具有非常鲜明的历史时代特色。

该纪念币有民国15年版本、民国16年、民 国17年版本。民国15年,日本人为了拉拢张作霖,于是就铸造发行了陆海军大元帅纪 念币,也有一种可能,就是张作霖为了登上 大元帅宝座而主动要求日本铸造的。 该纪念币上,芒日纹铸在了纪念币背面的顶 端,让它照耀嘉禾,暗寓日本势力将遍及全中国。该组纪念币分别为15年、16年、17年版本三种版本各一枚,人物塑造传神,雕工精美,五彩银光微现,保存极完美,完全未使用,十分难得。

Marshal Zhang Zuolins commemorative coin was coined by Tianjin Mint General Factory in the 17th year of the Republic of China (1928 A.D.). On the front of the coin was a head of Ling, with the six words "Marshals commemorative coin", on the back was "Eighteen Stars Flag and Five Colors Flag", with the seven words "Seventeen Years of the Republic of China", and the following English words "ONE DOLLAR" as a contrast, it was beautifully designed. It has very distinct characteristics of the historical era.

The commemorative coin has 15-year edition of the Republic of China, 16-year edition of the Republic of China and 17-year edition of the Republic of China. In the 15th year of the Republic of China, in order to attract Zhang Zuolin, the Japanese forged and issued a commemorative coin for Grand Admiral of the Army and Navy. It is also possible that Zhang Zuolin took the initiative to ask Japan to forge it in order to ascend the Grand Admirals throne. On the commemorative coin, the Mangri pattern is cast on the top of the back of the commemorative coin, which shines on Jiahe, implying that Japanese forces will spread all over China. The commemorative coins are one of three editions of 15, 16 and 17 years respectively. Characters are vividly portrayed, carved beautifully, colorful silver glittering, perfectly preserved, completely unused, and very rare.
