



今天又看到一篇,英文文献我看的相对比较少 ,应该不止这篇,中文的我看了蛮多只发现了上面那一篇。

Zhou, Di, Yuan Qiu&Mingzhe Wang. 《Does Environmental Regulation Promote Enterprise Profitability? Evidence from the Implementation of China’s Newly Revised Environmental Protection Law》. Economic Modelling 102 (2021): 105585. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econmod.2021.105585.

*According to the Guidelines for Classification of Listed Companies (Amended in

2012), 17 industries, including coal mining and washing (B06); oil and gas

extraction (B07); mining and processing of ferrous metal (B08); mining and

processing of nonferrous metal (B09); mining and processing of nonmetal

minerals (B10); wine, beverage, and refined tea manufacturing (C15); textile

(C17); textile and garment (C18); leather, fur, and feather and its products, and

footwear (C19); paper and paper products (C22); petroleum processing, coking

and nuclear fuel processing (C25); chemical raw materials and chemical products

manufacturing (C26); pharmaceutical manufacturing (C27); chemical fiber

(C28), rubber and plastic products (C29); non-mental mineral product (C30);

ferrous metal *** elting and rolling processing (C31); nonferrous metal *** elting

and rolling processing (C32); and electricity and heat production and supply

(D44) are listed as heavily polluting industries. Considering that ferment industry

is just a part of food manufacturing industrys seven subsectors, this study

did not treat food manufacturing industry (C14) as a highly polluting industry.






这个答案最近看的人还挺多 分享一下同花顺划分的重污染行业分类 可以用作稳健性检验

B06 B07 B08 C13 C15 C18 C19 C22 C26 C27 C29 C30 C32 D44

(同花顺分类的重污染行业代码我无法直接从同花顺网站找到 这是从某篇c刊里找到的 这个我没保存忘了是哪篇 如果有朋友找到了同花顺重污染行业分类的直接来源 可以一起分享下呀 )
