












最终这个制造业的尽调剧情以老员工和二代接班人的剧烈冲突收尾:“你搞什么上岗竞争、淘汰机制是不是就是为了开除我们找理由?”、“你接班搞什么数字化变革就算了,为什么要牺牲我们?”、“我们都是跟着老厂长一路打拼到今天的,你凭什么开除我们?” “将来机器人来了,是不是我们这些老员工都要下岗去喝西北风去?”








Recently, there is a hit drama called “Please call me Director”, which is quite hot among the young people. I believe that many readers of this network have seen it more or less. This drama mainly tells the story of Ning Meng (Tan Songyun) from a secretary to an investment director, encounter difficulties, and the former boss Lu Jieming (Lin Gengxin), career and love stories, is a workplace light comedy.

The show ranked second in prime time ratings on its premiere night, and it has been number one in the TV series broadcast index for several consecutive days with high attention and discussion. With so many dramas portraying the modern workplace, why does this show stand out?

On the one hand, the situation in the workplace is more realistic: for example, the department leader colleagues let the new person take the blame, rob the new person’s achievements. On the one hand, the drama introduced a large number of materials reflecting the changes of The Times: for example, the digital transformation and upgrading faced by the manufacturing industry, the bumpy road of introducing investment in new consumer brands, and the hostile takeover of Vanke with 300 billion market value by an insurance company. All of these make people in the workplace very “sympathetic”. All kinds of career setbacks and pitfalls encountered by the hero Ning Meng deeply draw the audience into the play: Look! Isn’t that who I am?

In episodes 12-14 of Call Me Director, two investors are approached by Dao Lemon about a manufacturing investment project and go to a manufacturing company to conduct due diligence. According to the scenes in the drama, the parts were filmed in Yuhang, Xiaoshan and Shaoxing. The Phoenix Industry in the article was set in an enterprise in Guali, Xiaoshan, and a fast hotel in Shaoxing where Lemon stayed.

No matter Xiaoshan, Keqiao or Yuhang Linping, these places are typical manufacturing clusters, and Shaoxing is an industrial cluster of textile industry. The Due Diligence project of Ningmeng is a home textile factory founded in the late 1990s, mainly producing textiles for mid – and low-end hotels. Under the careful operation of Yuan, the father of the entrepreneurial generation, it has transformed from a *** all workshop only producing fabrics into a private enterprise with an area of 30,000 square meters and assets of more than 100 million yuan.

The entrepreneurial generation regards the factory as a very important family and never gives up on any employee. He said that the home textile industry is a garment industry, is to bring people home and warm feelings, so in this industry more or less a little human touch.

After taking over the second generation, Mr. Ohara returned from studying in the United States and was relatively familiar with cutting-edge technologies and overseas markets. He believed that the original business philosophy and model of home textile factory could not keep up with the new situation of the world market. In the era of increasing labor cost and gradually transferring production capacity to Southeast Asia, manual labor should be replaced by automated production line, and digital reform should be carried out to reduce cost and increase efficiency.

The second generation hopes to upgrade the original production workshop into an automated intelligent factory through financing, introduce ERP, MES and other digital systems, improve the overall efficiency of operation, and expand overseas markets. It can be seen that this enterprise wants to build *** art factory, but also on ERP/MES system. At that time, as the representative of the capital, Lu Zong (Lin Gengxin) raised a question: Can the product quality be improved?

In recent years, more and more traditional manufacturing industries have begun to embark on the road of digital transformation. The question raised by Mr. Lu Zong (Lin Gengxin) represents a common question from all walks of life about the digital transformation and intelligent manufacturing of manufacturing industry: where is the value? Can the quality of products that consumers and customers are most concerned about be improved? The second generation replies that the biggest improvement is efficiency, and that the old ways won’t work when Labour is so expensive.

This reflects the knowledge blind spot of screenwriters and directors: Through MES (production and manufacturing execution System) to improve the management of production links, product quality can be improved, reduce defects, digitalization can not only improve efficiency. Here, in order to create the image of Ning Meng as a conscientious worker, the scripter arranges her to go to the front line of employees to understand their views in addition to sorting out financial statements.

In both of these episodes, the old staff gave a bad comment on the second generation’s reform: “The new factory director doesn’t understand a lot of what he says”, “He makes so many changes that the factory doesn’t know what it is going to become”. “Maybe in a couple of days, the supermarket has become intelligent into an unmanned supermarket, and I this old man should be laid off.”

In the end, the manufacturing drama ends with a bitter confrontation between veteran employees and their second-generation successors: “Are you running some sort of competition and elimination mechani *** just to justify firing us?” “And” Why sacrifice us when you take over the digital revolution?” “We have all worked our way up to this day with the old factory director. How can you di *** iss us?” “When robots come in the future, are we going to have to lay off our old employees and go to the west wind?”

In the traditional manufacturing enterprises in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, nepoti *** is serious. Many of the enterprises are family enterprises and people rule seriously. These old employees who criticize the second generation may also be their elders or relatives, occupying the moral high ground. Objectively, it also reflects that the quality and age of employees are a great challenge for digital and intelligent transformation projects in manufacturing enterprises where workers are generally too old. Some processes may depend on employee experience, if not handled well, it is likely to affect the original production of the enterprise.

After due investigation, the capital decided to give up the investment: the reasons given are that the employee layoffs may affect the corporate image, there will be a large amount of costs for the resettling of the laid-off workers, and the labor disputes and lawsuits that may occur. The investors think the risks are too great. According to the author’s understanding of Zhejiang manufacturing industry, as well as most private enterprises in China, the after-effects of layoffs mentioned by the capital side are not a problem in private enterprises at all.

I have heard that a private enterprise with a scale of hundreds of billions of dollars does not offer compensation for layoffs, but instead finds some disguised means to force employees to leave. Let alone this *** all textile factory with a revenue of one billion yuan? What’s more, some private companies with abusive management di *** iss middle and senior management without going through the notice and termination process, and the boss simply asks security guards to remove the employee.

In the actual situation, many manufacturing enterprises do not pay social security to the front-line workshop employees, and even use external human resource agencies for labor contracts. This is one of the reasons why labor costs are low in China. Personally, I think either the scriptwriter and director do not know enough about China’s manufacturing industry, or the capital just made an excuse. The actual reason under this excuse is that the second-generation entrepreneur has poor management ability and does not deal with the problem of good people. And it’s repeatedly suggested that it’s a human problem.

Why can’t the second generation manage? The fact that the boss directly confronts the workers on the shop floor without the involvement of other top or middle managers suggests that the second generation lacks effective management talent. Generally speaking, IT is an effective way to introduce production directors, IT directors, automation directors, lean directors and HR directors with new ideas and concepts to optimize the internal management structure of the enterprise, gradually change the thinking of front-line employees through managers, recruit young workers and carry out gentle digital reform through legal and compliance asses *** ent and elimination system.

Secondly, if it is a family business, such a situation means that after the death of the first generation (it is revealed in the TV series that the first generation has passed away, it is likely that the second generation will have to return to take over after the death), the company is controlled by other members of the family or the old management team. The second generation does not actually take power, and the actual management of the company is still in the hands of the powerful officials of the father’s generation.

No matter the management concept and work style of the second generation is not sophisticated, or the power of the second generation is not on the ground, which is taboo for the capital side: the development of the enterprise is in a situation of out of control.
