

Which is the best attack submarine in the world? Which is the greatest and deadliest modern attack submarine and why? Our Top 10 *** ysis is based on the combined score of offensive weapons, stealthiness, and some other features.


The main mission for this type of boats is to engage hostile submarines and ships. It must have good sonar in order to detect enemy submarines. Also it is extremely important for these boats to approach enemy boats and warships undetected. After engagement it is even more important to leave the area undetected by hostile anti-submarine ships and maritime patrol aircraft. Some of the latest attack submarines can launch cruise missiles against ships and land targets. So stealthiness and armament are the main factors deciding which attack submarine is the best.


This list only includes nuclear-powered attack submarines, that are currently in service around the world. Boats that are still being developed or are under construction are not present here.


Currently top 10 attack submarines in the world are these:


Nr.1 Seawolf class (USA)



Entered service: 1997


Diving depth: 487 m


Torpedo tubes: 8 x 660 mm

鱼雷发射管规格:8 x 660 mm

Weapons: Mk.48 torpedoes, Sub-Harpoon anti-ship missiles and Tomahawk cruise missiles


The boats of the Seawolf class are the most advanced but also the most expensive hunter-killer submarines in the world. These submarines were intended to restore the technological edge which the US Navy had enjoyed over the Soviets from 1945 until the mid-1980s, when espionage and the cynical trading practices of some US allies somewhat eroded it.


The Seawolf class boats were intended to seek and destroy the latest Soviet ballistic missile submarines, such as the Typhoon class and attack submarines such as the Akula class.


Initially 12 boats of the class were planned. However these advanced submarines were too pricey even for the United States to build and maintain on the post-Cold War era budget. Eventually production was stopped with only three Seawolf class submarines built. All of these boats are currently in service. The US Navy switched to much cheaper design of Virginia class attack submarines.


The Seawolf class submarines are arguably the quietest submarines in the world ever constructed. It is exceptionally quiet even at high speeds. Most submarines need to keep their speed down to as little as 5 knots to avoid detection by passive sonar arrays, while the Seawolf class are credited with being able to cruise at 20 kots and still be impossible to locate. A Seawolf at 25 knots makes less noise than an older Los Angeles class submarine tied up alongside the pier.


These boats can operate at greater depths than existing US submarines and can also operate under the polar ice cap. Also these are faster than most other submarines.


These submarines have eight 660 mm torpedo tubes. These tubes are used to launched Mk.48 torpedoes and Sub-Harpoon anti-ship missiles. Torpedo tubes are also used to launch Tomahawk land attack cruise missiles with a range of 1 700 km. A mix of 50 torpedoes, Sub Harpoons and Tomahawks can be carried.


Nr.2 Virginia class (USA)



Entered service: 2004


Diving depth: over 250 m


Vertical launched tubes: 12


Torpedo tubes: 4 x 533 mm

鱼雷发射管规格:4 x 533 mm

Weapons: Mk.48 torpedoes, Sub-Harpoon anti-ship missiles, Tomahawk cruise missiles.


The US Navys Virginia class nuclear-powered attack submarine is as a successor to the Los Angeles class boats. It was designed as a *** aller, cheaper and more versatile alternative to the advanced but extremely expensive Seawolf class. A total of 30 of Virginia class nuclear-powered attack submarines are planned.


The Virginia class submarines incorporate newly designed anechoic coating, isolated deck structures and new design of propulsor to achieve low acoustic signature. It is claimed that noise level of the Virginia is equal to that of the Seawolf class.


The Virginia class submarines are fitted with 12 vertical launch system (VLS) tubes. These are used to launched Tomahawk land attack cruise missiles with a range of 1 700 km. Also there are four 533 mm torpedo tubes. These are used to fire a total of 26 Mk.48 heavyweight torpedoes and Sub-Harpoon anti-ship missiles.

“弗吉尼亚”级核潜艇设有12个垂直发射管(VLS),用于发射战斧对地攻击巡航导弹,射程达1700公里。同时,还设有4个533 mm鱼雷发射管,总计可发射26枚Mk.48重型鱼雷和潜射反舰导弹。

These boats can be also used for special operations. It is the first US submarine to employ a built-in Navy SEAL staging area allowing a team of 9 men to enter and leave the submarine.


Nr.3 Astute class (United Kingdom)



Entered service: 2010


Diving depth: over 150 m


Torpedo tubes: 6 x 533 mm

鱼雷发射管规格:6 x 533 mm

Weapons: Spearfish torpedoes, Sub-Harpoon anti-ship missiles, Tomahawk cruise missiles.


The first Astute class nuclear-powered attack submarine was commissioned with the Royal Navy in 2010. So far 7 boats of the class are planned. These will replace the older Swiftsure class attack submarines.


The Astute class boats are significantly stealthier and carry more weapons than the previous boats of Trafalgar class.


These attack submarines are fitted with six 533 mm torpedo tubes. These are used to launch Spearfish torpedoes, Sub-Harpoon anti-ship missiles and Tomahawk cruise missiles. A mix of 36 missiles and torpedoes are carried.


The Tomahawk Block IV land attack cruise missiles have a range of 1 700 km and can target enemy ships as well as land targets.

其中,战斧Block IV对地攻击巡航导弹射程1700公里,既可攻击敌舰,也可打击陆上目标。

Nr.4 Graney class (Russia)



Entered service: 2013


Diving depth: ~ 300 m


Vertical launch tubes: 24


Torpedo tubes: 8 x 650 mm

鱼雷发射管规格:8 x 650 mm

Weapons: various torpedoes, anti-ship and cruise missiles.


The Project 885 Yasen (NATO designation Graney class) is the latest Russian nuclear-powered attack submarine. The lead boat, Severodvinsk, was laid down in 1993 however the project was stopped due to funding problems. It was commissioned with the Russian Navy only in 2013. The second boat of the class is built to improved project. Currently at least 6 of these boats are planned. These will become a successor to the older Akula class submarines.


Despite all improvements the Graney class boats are only slightly quieter than improved Akula class boats.


The Severodvinsk has 24 vertical launch tubes for various cruise missiles. Cruise missiles include the P-800 Oniks (SS-N-26), which has a range of about 300 km.


Also there are eight 650 mm torpedo tubes for torpedoes and anti-ship missiles. It is reported that a total of 30 torpedoes and anti-ship missiles are carried.

同时,还设有8根650 mm鱼雷发射管,可发射鱼雷和反舰导弹。据报道,该潜艇总共可以携带30枚鱼雷和反舰导弹。

Nr.5 Sierra II class (Russia)



Entered service: 1992


Diving depth: ~ 400 m


Torpedo tubes: 4 x 650 mm, 4 x 533 mm

鱼雷发射管规格:4 x 650 mm,4 x 533 mm

Weapons: Torpedoes, SS-N-15 Starfish or SS-N-16 Stallion anti-submarine missiles, SS-N-21 Samson cruise missiles

武器装备:鱼雷、SS-N-15“海星”或 SS-N-16“种马”反潜导弹,SS-N-21“大力士”巡航导弹。

The Russian expensive Sierra I and Sierra II class boats succeeded the ill-fated Alfa class.


These boats have two light and strong titanium hulls. These submarines can operate at great depths and provided reduced radiated noise levels as well as increased resistance to damage of torpedo attacks.


Soviet titanium technology was far in advance of the West, requiring fewer passes to achieve a successful weld, but the cost of the hulls limited the numbers built, despite advantages in depth and underwater speed.


The Russian Navy maintains these advanced submarines despite their high operating costs.




