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2020 *** 图书畅销榜单查询(2020 *** 图书畅销榜单下载)



How Beautiful We Were

《我们曾经多么美丽》(How Beautiful We Were)

By Imbolo Mbue


Following her 2016 debut, “Behold the Dreamers,” Mbue’s sweeping and quietly devastating second novel begins in 1980 in the fictional African village of Kosawa, where representatives from an American oil company have come to meet with the locals, whose children are dying because of the environmental havoc (fallow fields, poisoned water) wreaked by its drilling and pipelines. This decades-spanning fable of power and corruption turns out to be something much less clear-cut than the familiar David-and-Goliath tale of a sociopathic corporation and the lives it steamrolls. Through the eyes of Kosawa’s citizens young and old, Mbue constructs a nuanced exploration of self-interest, of what it means to want in the age of capitali *** and coloniali *** — these machines of malicious, insatiable wanting.

继2016年的处女作《看啊,追梦者》(Behold the Dreamers)之后,马布气势磅礴而又令人隐隐悲伤的第二部小说始于1980年的虚构非洲村庄科萨瓦,一家美国石油公司的代表来到这里会见当地人,由于钻井和管道造成的环境破坏(休耕地、毒水),村里的孩子正在死去。这个关于权力与 *** 的寓言故事跨度长达数十年,最终并不是我们熟悉的那种反社会大公司和被其掠夺的生命的大卫与歌利亚式故事。通过科萨瓦老少的眼睛,马布构建了一种细致入微的探索,关于利己主义,也关于在资本主义和殖民主义——这些恶毒的、无法满足的欲望机器——的时代,拥有渴望意味着什么。

Random House. $28.




By Katie Kitamura


In Kitamura’s fourth novel, an unnamed court translator in The Hague is tasked with intimately vanishing into the voices and stories of war criminals whom she alone can communicate with; falling meanwhile into a tumultuous entanglement with a man whose marriage may or may not be over for good. Kitamura’s sleek and spare prose elegantly breaks grammatical convention, mirroring the book’s concern with the bleeding lines between intimacies — especially between the sincere and the coercive. Like her previous novel, “A Separation,” “Intimacies” scrutinizes the knowability of those around us, not as an end in itself but as a lens on grand social issues from gentrification to coloniali *** to femini *** . The path a life cuts through the world, this book seems to say, has its greatest significance in the effect it has on others.

在北村的第四部小说中,主角是一位未透露姓名的海牙法庭翻译,她的任务是密切关注战犯的声音和故事,只有她才能与他们交流;与此同时,她陷入了与一个男人的动荡纠葛之中,他的婚姻可能彻底结束,也可能不会结束。北村流畅、简洁的散文优雅地打破了语法惯例,反映了这本书对亲密关系之间痛苦边界的关注——尤其是真诚与强迫之间的边界。与她的上一部小说《分离》(A Separation)一样,《亲密》审视了身边人的可知性,这本身并不是目的,而是作为一个镜头,去观察从中产阶级化到殖民主义到女权主义等重大社会问题。这本书似乎在说,一个人的生命穿过这个世界的道路,其最大的意义在于对他人的影响。

Riverhead Books. $26.


The Love Songs of W.E.B. Du Bois

《W·E·B·杜·波依斯的情歌》(The Love Songs of W.E.B. Du Bois)

By Honorée Fanonne Jeffers


“The Love Songs of W.E.B. Du Bois,” the first novel by Jeffers, a celebrated poet, is many things at once: a moving coming-of-age saga, an examination of race and an excavation of American history. It cuts back and forth between the tale of Ailey Pearl Garfield, a Black girl growing up at the end of the 20th century, and the “songs” of her ancestors, Native Americans and enslaved African Americans who lived through the formation of the United States. As their stories converge, “Love Songs” creates an unforgettable portrait of Black life that reveals how the past still reverberates today.

备受赞誉的诗人杰弗斯的第一部小说《W·E·B·杜·波依斯的情歌》(The Love Songs of W.E.B. Du Bois)同时包含了许多内容:一个动人的成长传奇,对种族的审视,以及对美国历史的挖掘。它在20世纪末成长的黑人女孩艾莉·珀尔·加菲尔德的故事和她的祖先——生活在美国成型时期的原住民和被奴役的非裔美国人的“歌曲”之间来回切换。随着她们的故事交汇在一起,《情歌》(Love Songs)创造了一幅令人难忘的黑人生活画卷,揭示了过去的种种依然在今天回响。

Harper/HarperCollins. $28.99.


No One Is Talking About This

《没有人聊起这个》(No One Is Talking About This)

By Patricia Lockwood


Lockwood first found acclaim as a poet on the internet, with gloriously inventive and ribald verse — sexts elevated to virtuosity. In “Priestdaddy,” her indelible 2017 memoir about growing up in rectories across the Midwest presided over by her gun-loving, guitar-playing father, a Catholic priest, she called tweeting “an art form, like sculpture, or honking the national anthem under your armpit.” Here, in her first novel, she distills the pleasures and deprivations of life split between online and flesh-and-blood interactions, transfiguring the dissonance into art. The result is a book that reads like a prose poem, at once sublime, profane, intimate, philosophical, hilarious and, eventually, deeply moving.


Riverhead Books. $25.


When We Cease to Understand the World


By Benjamín Labatut. Translated by Adrian Nathan West.


Labatut expertly stitches together the stories of the 20th century’s greatest thinkers to explore both the ecstasy and agony of scientific breakthroughs: their immense gains for society as well as their steep human costs. His journey to the outermost edges of knowledge — guided by the mathematician Alexander Grothendieck, the physicist Werner Heisenberg and the chemist Fritz Haber, among others — offers glimpses of a universe with limitless potential underlying the observable world, a “dark nucleus at the heart of things” that some of its witnesses decide is better left alone. This extraordinary hybrid of fiction and nonfiction also provokes the frisson of an extended true-or-false test: The further we read, the blurrier the line gets between fact and fabuli *** .


New York Review Books. Paper, $17.95.




The Copenhagen Trilogy: Childhood; Youth; Dependency

《哥本哈根三部曲——童年;青春;依赖》(The Copenhagen Trilogy: Childhood; Youth; Dependency)

By Tove Ditlevsen. Translated by Tiina Nunnally and Michael Favala Goldman.


Ditlevsen’s gorgeous memoirs, first published in Denmark in the 1960s and ’70s and collected here in a single volume, detail her hardscrabble upbringing, career path and merciless addictions: a powerful account of the struggle to reconcile art and life. She joined the working ranks at 14, became a renowned poet by her early 20s, and found herself, after two failed marriages, wedded to a psychopathic doctor and hopelessly dependent on opioids by her 30s. Yet for all the dramatic twists of her life, these books together project a stunning clarity, humor and candidness, casting light not just on the world’s harsh realities but on the inexplicable impulses of our secret selves.


Farrar, Straus & Giroux. $30.


How the Word Is Passed: A Reckoning With the History of Slavery Across America

《词语的传承——对美国奴隶制历史的反思》(How the Word Is Passed: A Reckoning With the History of Slavery Across America)

By Clint Smith


For this timely and thought-provoking book, Smith, a poet and journalist, toured sites key to the history of slavery and its present-day legacy, including Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello; Angola, the Louisiana State Penitentiary; and a Confederate cemetery. Interspersing interviews with the tourists, guides, activists and local historians he meets along the way with close readings of scholarship and poignant personal reflection, Smith holds up a mirror to America’s fraught relationship with its past, capturing a potent mixture of good intentions, earnest corrective, willful ignorance and blatant distortion.


Little, Brown & Company. $29.


Invisible Child: Poverty, Survival and Hope in an American City

《看不见的孩子——美国城市中的贫困、生存与希望》(Invisible Child: Poverty, Survival and Hope in an American City)

By Andrea Elliott


To expand on her acclaimed 2013 series for The Times about Dasani Coates, a homeless New York schoolgirl, and her family, Elliott spent years following her subjects in their daily lives, through shelters, schools, courtrooms and welfare offices. The book she has produced — intimately reported, elegantly written and suffused with the fierce love and savvy observations of Dasani and her mother — is a searing account of one family’s struggle with poverty, homelessness and addiction in a city and country that have failed to address these issues with efficacy or compassion.


Random House. $30.


On Juneteenth

《关于解放黑奴纪念日》 (On Juneteenth)

By Annette Gordon-Reed


This book weaves together history and memoir into a short volume that is insightful, touching and courageous. Exploring the racial and social complexities of Texas, her home state, Gordon-Reed asks readers to step back from the current heated debates and take a more nuanced look at history and the surprises it can offer. Such a perspective comes easy to her because she was a part of history — the first Black child to integrate her East Texas school. On several occasions, she found herself shunned by whites and Blacks alike, learning at an early age that breaking the color line can be threatening to both races.

这本书将历史和回忆录交织在一起,成为一本具有洞察力、感动和勇气的短篇作品。戈登-里德在她的家乡得克萨斯州探索种族和社会的复杂性,她要求读者从当前激烈的辩论中退后一步,以更微妙的眼光看待历史和它可能带来的惊喜。这样的视角对她来说很容易,因为她也是历史的一部分——她是第一个进入东得克萨斯学校的黑人孩子。有几次,她发现白人和黑人都回避她,所以她从小就认识到,打破肤 *** 限会对两个种族都造成威胁。

Liveright Publishing. $15.95.


Red Comet: The Short Life and Blazing Art of Sylvia Plath

《红色彗星——西尔维娅·普拉斯短暂的一生与炽热的艺术》(Red Comet: The Short Life and Blazing Art of Sylvia Plath)

By Heather Clark


It’s daring to undertake a new biography of Plath, whose life, and death by *** at 30 in 1963, have been thoroughly picked over by scholars. Yet this meticulously researched and, at more than 1,000 pages, unexpectedly riveting portrait is a monumental achievement. Determined to rescue the poet from posthumous caricature as a doomed madwoman and “reposition her as one of the most important American writers of the 20th century,” Clark, a professor of poetry in England, delivers a transporting account of a rare literary talent and the familial and intellectual milieu that both thwarted and encouraged her, enlivened throughout by quotations from Plath’s letters, diaries, poetry and prose.


Alfred A. Knopf. $40.



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